Tuesday 15 October 2013

Democratic Authority Against Family Authority

Why should a schoolchild obey their teacher? What authority does a teacher have? Where does a teacher's authority come from?
Indeed, why should any of us obey Authority at all? Why should we obey the countless government regulations?
The answer of course is Democracy.
Democracy takes it for granted that we live in a hierarchy, that we are to be governed from on high. Our sovereignty has been surrendered. We must only choose who we are to obey.
Having dispensed with God and the King, Democracy is the ideology with which the hierarchy justifies its authoritarian domination of every aspect of our lives.
So a schoolchild must obey their teacher because the Democratic State says they must obey.
Once upon a time, it was said, a teacher acted 'in loco parentis', in the place of the parents, with the authority of the parents.
However, in a Democracy the teacher's authority comes from the State, not from the parents.
Parents are allowed to look after 'their' children on sufferance. The servants of the State can remove the children if they wish, in a secret court, for its own purposes, because Democratic Authority trumps the moribund authority of the Family.
Children and parents, subjects of the Crown, must obey.
A child may well wonder why they should obey some semi-educated over qualified teacher. They are too young to know that they live in a Democracy. They assume that their parents, the people who love, nurture, provide and educate them, who provide the structure to their innocent lives, are the people with authority, but they would be wrong.
 In a Democracy parents are merely babysitters - babysitters for Big Mother.

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