Tuesday 1 October 2013

Obedience Is Not Submission

In a legalistic religion such as Islam the relationship between the believer and their god is one of submission. The believer is the slave of the god. If the slave performs well he is rewarded. If he performs badly, the slave is punished. They call it justice, but in reality it is servitude and condemnation.
The Christian, on the other hand, knows his God as Father. A child does not submit to the Father. A child is not a slave. But a child willingly obeys the Father, for he knows that the Father loves him, takes care of him, provides him with the structure (the Law) that he has need of to grow in godliness.
Though on the surface very similar, Christian marriage and Moslem marriage reflect the difference between Islamic submission and Christian obedience.
A Moslem wife submits to her husband. She is his inferior. His domination is based on violence. She is damned as unclean simply for being a woman.
A Christian wife 'obeys' her husband in that she provides the love and comfort a poor male needs. But she it is who rules over the home.
And the husband too, 'obeys' his wife, giving her honour in the home, providing her with money and protection.
 Christian obedience is about honour and service. To serve is both honouring to the server and the served.
Islam, on the other hand, despises service and honours domination. It is the religion of submission, of masters and slaves. It is a desert they call peace. It is an arid place without love or freedom.

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