Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Tipping Point

There comes a point when a society ceases to be dynamic, when its direction is downwards towards poverty, destruction and death. Like the city of Detroit, things stop being made, things stop being sold, people begin to rely on the state's dole in all its myriad forms.
Such a society, like ours in the United Kingdom, slowly dies, eaten away by the cancer of the state. Artificial measures such as mass immigration may disguise the symptoms of a society that is weary of itself.
The signs of decay are everywhere: the atheism, the selfishness, the morality of the doomed and the damned, the inversion of all values, as sick becomes healthy, the unwillingness of our young to reproduce, particularly those who are supposedly educated and therefore deeply committed to the political system.
It is a society where women are valued more for their work behind a desk than their work rearing their children - traditionally the most important job of humanity - where the young are regarded as accessories to a lifestyle choice.
And it is a society where people become rich not through hard work and wealth creation, but by working the system. As interest in politics declines there are more and more political jobs, applying the rules and regulations that have been created as obstacles, like toll booths upon the path of our daily lives.
Money is charged, the economy grows, but no wealth is created. Positions are created in local government, autonomous government, national and European government. The House of Lords, only half reformed with the abolition of the hereditary peers has become something much worse, the House of Patronage, the House of Troughers. Corruption is institutionalized.
Everybody is aboard the gravy train.
All these parasites, looking to exploit another's weakness, like charity workers and social workers and managers throughout the land, build their empires, not by pleasing customers, but by creating victims.
Like a body gone cancerous, there was a day some years ago, a tipping point, when the cells began to attack their own body.    

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