Monday 1 April 2013

Vertical Nutters

Back in the fourteenth century the nutters and psychopaths were in the army, somebody’s army, somewhere.
These furious men were the foot soldiers of the robber barons. Instead of doing anything productive they preferred  to spend their days burning and looting.
These days wars are fought with high technology weapons that enable the nutters to massacre people in relative safety.
There are certain situations that breed psychopaths and the vertical society of the hierarchs with its regimentation and its reward and punishment is breeding ground number one for murder, rape and torture.
For the last three hundred years western civilization has been destroyed by the intensification of the principle of expropriated power.
Factory discipline and compulsory ‘education’ made the First World War possible.
The Second World War was grimly inevitable in a world of degraded beings who only knew how to goosestep in time.
Break a child like you break a dog, they used to say.
It’s different now, not so brutal, more drugs, less dogs, more fun, less pain, more carrot, less stick.
But if anything, society is more regimented than ever. Very few people work independently. Nearly everyone has a boss. Many, many people are direct dependants of the state.
In a vertical society we have social relations based on domination. We have a boss, we obey. We are managers, we are obeyed. In a vertical society we are in conflict with our neighbour, we compete with our neighbour, we do our neighbour down. We see a neighbour and we see what small advantage we can gain.
Perhaps our gain is just a small thing. Perhaps they simply amuse us. But there is little that binds us except mutual exploitation.
In a vertical society there is only the ‘I’, standing all alone.
In a society with horizontal social relations we co-operate with our neighbour, we are able to have friends.
But in a world of obedience people become things, commodities who consume and are consumed. Like the soldier we only relate to the puppeteer who pulls our strings. Friendship is well nigh impossible.
Non aggression pacts are the best we can hope for.
Even marriage is redefined by the government as two people who enjoy each others company in a sexual way, that’s all. Jerking each other off is about all that remains of marriage.
Isotoped and atomic, isolated and atomized, emptiness inside and out, the children of the hierarchs, seven billion of us, going mad in our loneliness with people all around us.
The nutters, the depraved, the degenerate, the damned were in the army once. Now they are all around us, everywhere. Drugged up and psychotic, unable to relate to each other, we are all nutters now. 

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