Monday 8 April 2013

Escape To Lonely Street

Millions of people take recreational drugs. Millions more take mind bending drugs on prescription from the doctor.
Thousands of children in this country, mostly boys, are given drugs because they don’t like to sit still in the day prison called school where they have been sent to learn obedience. Their healthy young limbs yearn to climb the trees and run in the fields, they yearn to learn the skills of living, but they are condemned to passivity and obedience.
If they don’t fit in with the system, if they fidget too much, they are drugged up, sent to the solitary confinement of their own private hell.
For Authority adults are a potential problem too. Cameras, surveillance, security guards, identity checks, are in place for our own safety. For all that, people sometimes manage to get together for a beer, though it is getting less frequent. Instead we are encouraged to bolt the door and settle down in safety in the company of a screen. Feel safe, be safe, as the local constabulary like to encourage us.
Drinking alone is the modern way.
But drinking alcohol has always been a social activity. Alcohol loosens the inhibitions. You talk too much, you say things you regret, you may end up punching someone, or having sex with someone who you normally wouldn’t look at twice, but at least when you drink you communicate.
On the other hand, drugs are terribly lonely.
Drugs alter your mind, and your trip is entirely private.
Drugs are a one way trip down Lonely Street.
Just switch on the television and see! According to the recent UK census a teenager is more likely to have a television in their bedroom than their own father in the house.
How did we get to be like this?
Children are reared in the values of self-loathing. Families are despised. Children are assumed to be sexually promiscuous. No more lovers, just fuck buddies. There is no ceremony to the sacred act of love.
Parents are just people you may happen to live with. You are educated by the screen and the teacher.
You have no role to play, no work to do.
Love is an appetite, a love affair is just a passing thrill, to be pasted into the scrap book of tired experiences, a sensation based on the lonely self, a pornographic relationship of mutual masturbation.
There is no notion of serving, no idea of giving. The person who gives is ingenuous, the person who trusts is a fool.
‘Above us only sky’. No God and no love and absolutely no meaning.
Just confusion and the grim inevitability of death.
Escapism is the only reality, the ever diminishing return of drugs and pornography.
Trapped in the hell of the self, medicated man goes insane.

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