Wednesday 22 May 2013

Learning Passivity

The passivity of the people has ever been the number one priority of Authority. The Military Bureaucrats take our money and claim to protect us, but in fact they guard us.
Their number one enemy is you and me.
How do we know they are at war with us?
Because they are paid more than us!
Yes, it's really that obvious. Those with the most money are not the most useful or the most skilful, but the Managers of Power.
These days the Guards are not just those with guns and uniforms.
Perhaps extreme violence was needed to crush the peasants in Soviet Russia or to exterminate Native Americans, but these days Power is much more likely to be soft. The Guards are increasingly likely to be female; psychologists and teachers, charity workers, nurses.
Big Mother is replacing nasty old Big Brother.
And the battle zone is your mind.
The first thing is to persuade everybody that there is something wrong with them. Children are in special need of care. The problem we are told is the little poppets themselves, not the fact that they are imprisoned all day long at school and home. If they feel restless and disgruntled they are 'sick'.
Autonomous action is strictly prohibited. All activity must be supervised.
By the time they are teenagers they have become accustomed to control and relentless passivity.
School teaches them to wait before Authority gives them permission to act.
They learn that their time is in fact Authority's time to waste.
They learn that the problem is them. If they are obese or unfit the problem is them, not the battery hen conditions they are forced to endure.
If they cry out in their anguish the problem is them, not that their Autonomy has been stolen by Authority, not their existence of relentless passivity.
They are told that they are sick, and referred to the doctor.
They learn that taking drugs is the answer.
Job done!

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