Monday 20 May 2013

Disappearing In Silence

The United Kingdom Home Secretary, Theresa May, has stated in a letter to the police that suspects who have been arrested but not yet charged, should not be named.
Yet already the United Kingdom government has a history of imprisoning people without charge. In 2001 the Post Fascist New Labour government introduced the Anti- Terrorism and Security Act, which enabled certain people to be detained indefinitely without charge.
Mercifully, in 2004 the courts decided that detention without charge was illegal under the Human Rights Act.
Under Mrs. May's proposals these victims of the criminal state would simply have disappeared.
Anybody accused of 'terrorism', that is potentially any political activity, anybody supporting political opponents of the Post Fascist political class, anybody who pries in the wrong place, or reads the wrong stuff, could end up 'disappearing' for up to 28 days, if not longer. There will be nobody to hold the authorities to account, because nobody will know where they have gone.
In 2011 the Guardian reported on Denise McNeil, allegedly an illegal immigrant, locked up in Holloway for nearly a year.
Babar Ahmad was jailed for eight years without charge before being extradited  to the United States.
In an age of show trials, whether it be Nick Griffin or John Terry, Christians who speak out of turn, ageing celebrities, alleged animal abusers, of a vast overbearing bureaucracy, of endemic corruption in government, an unaccountable civil service, a system of patronage where M.Ps and Lords are involved in everything from PFI contracts to wind farms, a financial centre which is the money laundering capital of the world, a political class for whom corruption is institutionalised, don't think that they will never come for you!
In an age of bureaucracy, crime is not an offence against the law, but an offence against the interests of the bureaucrats.
Think of Emma West, the obnoxious and rude young woman whose rant caused 'offence' to the wrong people. Thrown into jail for saying the wrong thing, yet the trial postponed time and again.
Imagine it all done in silence, with no friends or family knowing of your whereabouts, never charged, never put on trial.
Such is the future of Mrs. May's silent Post Fascist police state.
Do you really want to live in a state where there is no freedom of speech and people are detained in secret?

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