Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Demic Kids

One in five children in England are diagnosed as having Special Educational Needs. Throughout the rest of the European Union the average is one in twenty five.
Most of these special needs children will be from working class families at working class schools. A high proportion of working class boys will have been damned as deficient from an early age.
Some years ago, when my own children were growing up, I was forced to admit to myself that the school authorities were trawling for trouble rather than teaching the young.
As a parent governor I had to listen to the head teacher's plans to have a quarter of the reception class seen by child psychologists. For some reason these four and five year olds were not fitting into the system. Obviously, in the eyes of the teaching profession, if a child got restless, due to the stultifying boredom and regimentation of the classroom, they were mentally ill.
When my children went to secondary school, I managed to get them into a school attended by children from managerial backgrounds. Nevertheless, the school needed to have a certain amount of demics for to tick the 'care' box. So, one day I received a letter concerning one of my children, a voracious reader, saying they wished to test her for dyslexia!
A friend of hers, who recently gained a first class honours degree at a good university, was diagnosed as dyspraxic, whatever that is, and allowed extra time in the exams!
Maybe all the modern kids are nutters, weirdoes and retards. Maybe they need the psychologists and drugs.
It can't be in the genes though! No, when foreigners settle here and bring their children or have their children here, their children become demic children too!
Maybe it's something in the air, or maybe it's all in the imagination of the overseer class, or maybe its something to do with the hierarchical imperative of power.      

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Centralization Of Memory

Once upon a time we used to think of the expropriation of power as being related mainly to land ownership or communal autonomy, but  these days we realize that the expropriation of power reaches into the deepest recesses of the individual, expropriating their personhood, laying claim to their very thoughts and emotions.
Within society there have always been claims on our mind, there have always been priests and shamans to direct our thoughts as best they can, but until the rise of the Roman Church, beliefs and  thoughts emerged from within autonomous societies.
Only with the rise of the Roman Church, with its adoration of patriarchal hierarchy, its alliance with the robber barons, was a systematic centralized thought system imposed on the ordinary people.
Once upon a time the myths of a society, and with it a society's religion, were handed down orally from generation to generation. Each generation would memorize its own story and embellish and adapt it with the telling. In such a way were the scriptures of the Hebrews, handed down orally, learned by memory, and passed on for hundreds of years. Likewise the stories of Homer and the Greek myths were passed on from mouth to mouth, as were the epics of the Norse and the Irish and the Welsh and the Germans.
Each individual, within the mental confines of each community created their own memory, bestowing each act, each event, with their own importance.
Then came reading.
Reading and writing was the magic power of the priests for hundreds of years. With the written word the memory was destroyed and knowledge put in the hands of 'experts'. But, with the printing press people began to take back that power.
Ever since, there has been a struggle to take away the press from the people by the vested interests of power, usually by means of censorship, murder and torture.
In the twentieth century the world was interpreted through state controlled newspapers, radio and television, or the media of powerful semi private interests. Shared memories, such as Cup Finals, the careers of pop musicians, the deaths of princesses and presidents, became as important as the major events of our own lives, as we could share them with the anonymous crowd, hollowing out the validity of own humble existences in an abject submission to hierarchy.
But, the age of the herd, the age of the totalitarian memory imposed from on high: is it at its apex, is it about to disintegrate, or is it a movie that's set to run and run?         

Monday, 29 July 2013

The Archbishop Of Vichy

I never liked the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, much to begin with. His sickly saccharine phoney grin makes me want to throw up. His association with the false gospel teachers of Alpha, and his elitist social background makes me deeply suspicious. There is something merciless in his eyes and hard around his mouth.
And indeed, his collaborationist instincts have not taken long to surface.
A couple of weeks ago he was addressing the Methodist conference, remarking on the economic inequalities in society. In others words he was throwing himself behind the bureaucratic vision of society, the vision of spite and envy, instead of preaching the Gospel Of Christ.
The Methodist Church concerns itself greatly with Israel these days. Ignoring the many wicked happenings in this world, the war crimes of our own government, its support for the murderers of Christians in Syria for example, the Methodist Church is increasingly hitching itself to the anti Semitic bandwagon. Not a word of criticism from the Archbishop.
Now Mr. Welby wants choir leaders, bell ringers, and church wardens to have Criminal Records Bureau checks. Not only is he collaborating in the destruction of civil society so that every action is monitored by the bureaucracy, but he is also promoting the enslavement of the church to the state.
How long before people will be banned from church for expressing opinions that the State disapproves of?
Why does the Church not condemn Islam, a religion without the concept of love and freedom, a barbaric religion that promotes murder, the beating of women and the mutilation of girls?
Where is the Church Militant proclaiming the love and freedom of Christ?
Who does Welby serve, Christ or Caesar?
Is he David Cameron in drag?
I think we know the answer. 

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Ary Dos Santos - Canção Do Emigrante

The Song of the Emigrant was a declamation by Ary dos Santos, the great Portuguese 'declamador'. Here are his words, followed by a loose (and unrhyming)  translation into English.

Partiste e quanto levaste
era um pedaço de pão
um braço para um guindaste
a fome do teu irmão
e a tristeza que deixaste
nas raízes do teu chão.
Partiste e quando levaste
era apenas solidão.

E quando à estranja chegaste
chegou-te aquela opressão
de um fruto que não tem haste
de um braço que não tem mão
da noiva que tu deixaste
do teu quintal do teu cão
da vinha que tu plantaste
do gosto a broa do pão
do gado que tu guardaste
nos campos do coraçao.
Porém partindo lutaste
e soubeste dizer não.

Não ao grito que amordaça
a boca de quem tem fome
não aos ventos de desgraça
que varriam o teu nome
não ao patrão que ameaça
ao burguês que te consoma
aos lavradores de má raça
latifundiários da fome
não àquela solidão
de tal maneira explorada
que até que te negava o pão
na tua pátria exilada.

Partiste e então construiste
punho a punho braço a braço
outro país que resiste
nos teus músculos de aço.

Quando travavas lá fora
uma luta desigual
estavas onde a alma mora
construias Portugal.

Voltaste e agora encontraste
a tua Pátria de Portugal
o país que tu sonhaste
já não é o teu redil
a tua casa é só tua
o teu trabalho é só teu
e se a luta continua
é porque o medo morreu.

Voltaste e quanto ganhaste
está ao serviço do povo
a luta que travaste
também faz Portugal novo.

Agora sim emigrante
O medo morreu de vez.
A partir do socialismo
és muito mais Português.

You left and what you took with you
Was a piece of bread and
a strong arm for some labouring,
Your brother's hunger
And your sadness left behind,
Rooted in the ground.
You left and you took with you
Only your loneliness.

And when you got to that foreign land
You were overcome by gloom;
Like a fruit that has no branch,
Like an arm that has no hand, thinking,
Of the girl you left behind,
Of your land and your dog,
Of the vines that you planted
Of the taste of fresh bread
Of the animals that you kept,
in the fields that you love.
But you kept on fighting
You refused to bow.

No to the cry that stifles
The mouths of the hungry,
No to the winds of misfortune
That swept over you.
No to the boss that threatens,
To the mangers who consume you
To the land owners of bad repute,
To the nobility of hunger
No to your lonely life
Exploited by the powerful,
Who even refused you bread in the land
From which you are exiled.

You departed and you built
Another home in another country,
Bit by bit with your muscles of steel
And your determination

When you unleashed out there
The unequal struggle
You were where your soul resides,
You were building Portugal!

You returned and you found,
In your country, your Portugal
the country that you dreamed of.
No longer a prison camp
Your house is your own,
Your work is your own,
And the struggle goes on
And the fear is dead!

You returned and what you won
Is at the service of the People
The struggle you unleashed
Has made Portugal new.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Walking On Water

'And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea,
And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. and it was now dark, and Jesus was not come unto them.
And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.
So when they had rowed about five and twenty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship; and they were afraid.
But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.
Then they willingly received him into the ship; and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.'

John Ball writes:
This is a favourite passage of mine from the gospels - Jesus walking on water, from John's Gospel, chapter 6.
Jesus can walk upon the waves, he does not sink to a watery grave, and with him, I too can walk upon the troubled waters of this life.
Jesus overcomes the laws of nature and overcomes the laws of sinful human nature.
To the amazement of the disciples Jesus walks towards them. They are not expecting him. His appearance does not depend on their faith. They are too busy dealing with the storm going on around them to think about Him.
No, the love of Jesus does not depend on my faith. His love is unconditional and eternal. Like the disciples, I am glad that He has decided to get in the boat with me.    

Friday, 26 July 2013

Kropotkin: Law And Authority

'In existing States a fresh law is looked upon as a remedy for evil. Instead of themselves altering what is bad , people begin by demanding a law to alter it. If the road between two villages is impassable, the peasant says, "There should be a law about parish roads." If a park keeper takes advantage of the want of spirit in those who follow him with servile observance and insults one of them, the insulted man says, "There should be a law to enjoin more politeness upon park keepers." If there is stagnation in agriculture or commerce, the husbandman, cattle -breeder, or corn speculator argues, "it is protective legislation that we require." Down to the old clothesman there is not one who does not demand a law to protect his own little trade. If the employer lowers wages or increases the hours of labour, the politician in embryo exclaims, "We must have a law to put all that to rights." In short, a law everywhere and for everything! A law about fashions, a law about mad dogs, a law about virtue, a law to put a stop to all the vices and all the evils which result from human indolence and cowardice."

'We are so perverted by an education which from infancy seeks to kill in us the spirit of revolt, and to develop that of submission to authority.'

'Moral goodness and the law of the masters are fused into one'

'Servility before the law has become a virtue.'

'Finally they see the jailer..... lose all human feeling, the detective trained as blood-hound, the police spy despising himself, "informing", metamorphosed into a virtue: corruption erected into a system: all the vices, all the evil qualities of mankind countenanced and cultivated to ensure the triumph of law.'

'Law made its appearance under the sanction of the priest, and the warrior's club was placed at its service.'

'Like individual capital, which was born of fraud and violence, and developed under the auspices of authority, law has no title to the respect of men. Born of violence and superstition, must be utterly destroyed on the day when the people desire to break their chains.'

'Finally, consider what corruption, what depravity of mind is kept up among men by the idea of obedience, the very essence of law; of chastisement; of authority having the right to punish, to judge irrespective of our conscience and the esteem of our friends; of the necessity for executioners, jailers and informers -- in a word, by all the attributes of law and authority. '

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Assimilated Women, Isolated Women

Mary Malone writes:
Women in particular are heavily hit by being assimilated into the managerial class. Frequently, they move to a town far away from their family to further their career or, more usually, that of their husbands. When children are born a woman will often work part-time while the man continues to concentrate on work.
Although a woman may make friends amongst her own kind, very likely she will give up the support network of her mother and sisters, female cousins and aunts. At the birth of her children her mother will not be present, but her husband.
The husband not only has to work but also he is forced to provide a level of emotional and practical support which a man is not equipped to give.
Hence, isolation, despair, proscribed drugs, and an unhealthy reliance on bureaucratic structures that provide a shadow of what a woman once received from society.
By marrying and moving far away from her home she has lost the identity she once had, one that was based on family, people, religion and region. She can only relate to new 'friends' through the common attitudes of her class as handed down by the television and the Authority press 
Of course, she has been indoctrinated in right and wrong, and she is aware of her superiority over the peasant women, and the oppressed women of foreign countries, so why isn't she happy?

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Army Recruitment

Last year 44 UK soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and many more were maimed. 21 serving soldiers and 29 veterans committed suicide.
As you know, a peasant can only see the soldier as his enemy, and far from regarding these young men as heroes, I see them as fools, the tools of powerful vested interests.
So, who are these heroic fools, these young warriors whose bodies are the food and drink of the military machine?
The vast majority are working class. Many of them are little more than children when they are recruited and many of them have the lowest educational attainments.
All their lives they have been at the butt end of the hierarchy that sends them off to kill and be killed.
28% of Army recruits are under the age of 18.
That is, over a quarter of recruits are legally children, between the ages of 16 and 17.
The minimum entry level for English and Maths is level entry 2, that is the level of numeracy and literacy expected of an eight year old.
39% of recruits, that is almost two fifths, have the reading level of an eleven year old.
38% have the mathematical skills of an eleven year old.
Oh yes, the vast majority are male. Where it comes to being maimed and killed boys still have all the advantages.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Managing Children With A Chemical Cosh

In the United States 9 percent of schoolchildren have been diagnosed with  ADHD, that is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the condition invented for children who really cannot stand (or sit) all day like battery hens in schools, learning passivity and obedience while their little limbs are telling them to run around outside and explore the big wide world and hone their physical skills.
In the United States these 'sick' children are treated with drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall
In the United Kingdom 3% of children are diagnosed with ADHD.
In France, however, only 0.5 percent of children are labelled with ADHD, and, most of the time, teachers try to get to the bottom of the problem, if the children are restless - not enough exercise, intolerance to food, too much T.V., bereavement, a sense of betrayal - the usual stuff that throws us all off balance, and which healthy unregulated people regard as the stuff and essence of life.
It has been suggested too, that French children enjoy a more structured upbringing, more like the upbringing enjoyed by children here, 50 years ago. There was no eating between meals, a regular bedtime, regular mealtimes, church on Sunday, but children were free to play and wander and roam. Nowadays there is precious little structure, yet at the same time children's lives are micromanaged.
Once these children are habituated to taking drugs as the cure to life's ups and downs there is no hope for them. Another passive zombie, another life long customer for the drugs industry.
Yet these children are taking powerful stimulants, amongst whose side effects are sleeping difficulties, dizziness, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, headaches, numbness, irregular heartbeats, breathlessness, seizures, verbal and motor tics, and depression, weight gain, weight loss and stunted growth and sudden death.      

Monday, 22 July 2013

A Failed Show Trial Soon Forgotten

A week ago, Edie Shah, the former newspaper entrepreneur was found not guilty of  having sex with a minor. Although reported by the press, the story has not been given much prominence, certainly not as much prominence as if he had been found guilty. This time the bonfires of the great Child Abuse Witch Hunt have not been fed.
After his ordeal was over, Mr. Shah said his ordeal was caused by 'cheap policing and cheap prosecution,'
'I was brought to trial with no real evidence at all - all they had was the word of a girl and nothing was actually backed up. Having been through what I have just been through I think they should look at what happens......... there should be some evidence.
I felt embarrassed going out where I live, to the supermarket and chemist. I really do feel everyone looking at you.
I have locked myself away now for 22 months. My business has suffered, it has almost bankrupted us. We have had to sell our golf club, people were not coming to the business. It is really a situation where you have got to pick yourself up over something that had absolutely no evidence at all. It was a fantasy.'
Well, one that got away, at least for the moment. They might be back for him, trawling for accusations, paying people to fabricate their lies.
There's always another day for the Witch Hunters, always another victim.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

A Sane Revolution - D.H. Lawrence

I first read this poem on the reverse side of the cover of Mott The Hoople's classic album 'Mott' some 40 years ago.

'If you make a revolution, make it for fun,
don't make it in ghastly seriousness,
don't do it in deadly earnest,
do it for fun.

Don't do it because you hate people,
do it to spit in their eye.

Don't do it for the money,
do it and be damned to the money.

Don't do it for equality,
do it because we've got too much equality
and it would be fun to upset the apple cart
and see which way the apples should go a-rolling.

Don't do it for the working-classes.
Do it so we can all be little aristocracies on our own
and kick our heels like jolly escaped asses.

Don't do it, anyhow, for international Labour.
Labour is the one thing man has had too much of.
Let's abolish labour, let's have done with labouring!
Work can be fun, and men can enjoy it; then it's not labour.
Let's have it so! Let's make a revolution for fun!'

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Consumer Christianity

'Ellie Mumford told us a little of what she had seen in was obvious that Ellie was just dying to pray for all of us.....then she said, 'Now we'll invite the Holy Spirit to come' and the moment she said that one of the people there was thrown, literally, across the room and was lying on the floor, just howling and laughing....making the most incredible noise.... I experienced the power of the Spirit in a way I hadn't experienced  for years, like massive electricity going through my body...One of the guys was prophesying. He was just lying there prophesying.'

John Ball writes:
Twenty years ago Consumer Christianity was all the rage, and the Toronto Blessing was its outward manifestation.
Its more subtle manifestation was the Christianity-lite Alpha course written by the vicar of a West London Anglican Church. His name is Nicky Gumbel, educated at Eton and Cambridge and it was he who spoke the words above. One of his disciples, Justin Welby, who was also educated at Eton and Cambridge, is now Archbishop of Canterbury.
Alpha subtly alters the Christian faith in order to pervert the love of Christ into the service of the welfare warfare state and the Disintegrated Society. Hence, inward feeling is exalted over outward service, Christ is put to the service of the great commodity, My Life, suffering is reduced to losing a few 'friends' who might think we've gone a bit strange, gifts of the Spirit are reduced to ecstatic feelings, and worst of all it preaches that Christ 'offers' us salvation, putting the emphasis on the isolated all-important 'believer', whose assurance is in their faith or their decision or their commitment.
Thus the individual is trapped firmly on Terra Firma, a docile and obedient drone, uncritical and self-absorbed.
Christ does not offer us salvation, He IS our salvation. God is Love. God is the ultimate giving. God is perfect. God is Truth. And the Holy Spirit is God's breath that breathes upon us, quickening us poor wretches who were dead in sin, quickening us with love, hope, thankfulness, kindness and generosity.
We hear less of the more spectacular Charismatic gifts these days, but that is because the underlying heresy of Consumer Christianity has become mainstream.
Alpha simply isolates, giving the illusion of Redemption, while all the time keeping the victim chained in the prison of the self.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Excerpts From Daniel Somers' Suicide Note

On the 14th July the BBC ran the headline 'Soldier suicides exceed Afghan toll' In 2012, 21 serving soldiers and 29 veterans killed themselves, while 44 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. On the same day the Daily Mail ran the story 'The bloody day Harry was witness to an horrific war crime: Prince was just 220yards away when US Special Forces trooper fired machine gun at Afghan goat herders.'  At least Harry only takes his clothes off in public.

The story is similar in the United States. Daniel Somers was an American soldier, a veteran of the Iraq War. Here are some of his parting words.

'The simple truth is this: during my first deployment, I was made to participate in things, the enormity of which is hard to describe. War crimes, crimes against humanity. Though I did not participate willingly, and made what I thought was my best effort to stop these events, there are some things that a person simply cannot come back from. I take some pride in that, actually, as to move on in life after being part of such a thing would be the mark of a sociopath in my mind. These things go far beyond what most are even aware of.
To force me to do these things and then participate in the ensuing coverup is more than any government has the right to demand...........
Is it any wonder then that the latest figures show 22 veterans killing themselves each day?......all we have to look forward to is constant pain, misery, poverty, and dishonor......Since then, I have tried everything to fill the void. I tried to move into a position of greater power and influence to try and right some of the wrongs. I deployed again, where I put a huge emphasis on saving lives. The fact of the matter, though, is that any new lives saved do not replace those who were murdered. It is an exercise in futility.....The fact is that any kind of ordinary life is an insult to those who died at my hands. How can I possibly go around like everyone else while the widows and the orphans I created continue to struggle?.........
Thus I am left with basically nothing. Too trapped in a war to be at peace, too damaged to be at war. Abandoned by those who would take the easy route, and a liability to those who stick it out - and thus deserve better. So you see, not only am I better off dead, but the world is better off without me in it.
This is what brought me to my final mission. Not suicide, but a mercy killing. I know how to kill, and I know how to do it so there is no pain whatsoever. It was quick, and I did not suffer. And above all, I am now free.'

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Lesbianism And The Rejection Of Patriarchal Violence

Mary Malone writes:
In a Patriarchal society Woman becomes an object, a commodity to be exchanged, to be bought and sold. Her personhood is denied, her autonomy is removed and her history is airbrushed.
Relations between Man and Woman are tainted by authority and subjugation. The male sex organ transforms from the means of Man's gift into the means of Woman's subjection and her humiliation.
It is in this context that women's naturally close relations have often wandered beyond friendship and become romantic or even sexual.
The reality of erotic relations between women has been accepted by many if not most societies. In her quest for personhood and autonomy a woman in a patriarchal society must often reject the company of men. It is in such situations that many women have entered convents or have joined professions that are almost wholly female, such as nursing and teaching.
In the late twentieth century this rejection of the patriarchal perversion of manhood was found in political lesbianism.
But female homosexuality has never been the mirror image of male homosexuality. Female homosexuality has often been a small space outside of relations of domination. In this small sphere tenderness can be shown.
Male homosexuality is often quite otherwise, a matter of domination, not tenderness.
But, it is the act of sodomy that is criminal, not homosexual tenderness. For most societies sodomy is akin to the act of rape. It is an act whose intentions are domination and humiliation.
Hence the early Christians were repulsed by sodomy. This is not because they were bigots but because they viewed themselves as free in Christ, and hence relationships were loving and giving. The Romans, on the other hand, viewed sexual relations as a matter of conquest. It was demeaning simply to be a woman because she was the one who was 'conquered' during the sex act. The Romans were fine about sodomy so long as it was they who did the sodomizing. The 'feminine' person who was sodomized lost status.
And so it is today amongst armies and in prisons throughout the world where the male sexual organ is perceived as an instrument of conquest and subjugation. Is it any wonder that few women can get their rocks off to their own humiliation, when sexual activity becomes an act that destroys their personhood?   

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Definition Of Success

Many years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte scoffed at the English as a 'nation of shopkeepers'. He could not understand how a country whose main activity was commerce, and whose people were not directed by a Pre-Fascist regime like his own, could possibly defy him.
Throughout England there were still many small farmers, plus a myriad of small local traders.
If anything scars England and marks our twenty-first century Post Fascist society, it is the disappearance of these individual traders.
There are still a host of electricians and plumbers, glazers and decorators and mechanics to fill the gaps in the domestic services market, but the vast majority of shops and businesses belong to chains.
Though some of these businesses are owned by rich individuals, many more are owned by pension funds, insurance funds and the like.
Whether it be your food or your car or your clothes or your shoes, the chances are that they are produced by a large company, and that they are not produced in your locality.
Independent producers are an endangered species.
Instead of working independently most of us now work for the company or the government.
All these organizations are hierarchies. All of them contain people at the top of the pyramid and an ever widening base towards the bottom.
To get more money, and to gain prestige, a person has to make their way up the pyramid.
This is the daily reality for countless millions.
They are in competition with their fellows.
Like in the army, their rank is what defines them.
If they have power over others, their arrogance grows.
To have power to dispose of the fortunes and the lives of others is seen as the mark of success.
The whole world is a gang, not a brotherhood. The whole world bows the knee to the master or the mistress.
These psychologically damaged people, who seek power over others, cannot comprehend those who simply wish to enjoy a quiet life and to do a good job.
So inadequate are they, so lost to human feeling, so devoted to selfishness and servility they proclaim their sickness as a virtue.
In a sick society Success is not defined by giving, skill, family, but by our rung on the ladder of the military bureaucratic hierarchy. Our power in controlling others is what gives us prestige. 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Witch - hunted! - Nora Wall

Witch hunts were used by the early modern states between the fifteenth and the seventeenth centuries to destroy autonomous communities. Hence a high proportion of 'witches' were Jews, mountain dwellers and merchants. Of course the witch hunt against the Jews, with their autonomous society which so offends the bureaucracy, continues to this day.
In the past 20 years or so, the modern totalitarian state has produced a further witch hunt, designed to destroy family life, with particular emphasis on disrupting relationships across the generations. For the first time in human history adults are afraid to have contact of any sort with children. No longer does the village bring up the child, but the State demands that right and expropriates that basic human power.
Christianity is a religion whose basis is freedom and love, and hence, moral responsibility, and therefore it must be destroyed if the State is to rule over all.

When Nora Wall was convicted of rape in 1999, she was the first woman in the history of the Irish Republic to be convicted of rape.
She was the first person in the Irish Republic to receive a life sentence for rape.
She was the first person to be convicted on 'repressed memory' evidence. 
At the age of 19 she joined the Sisters of Mercy, to be known as Sister Dominic.
She was accused of participating in the rape of a 12 year old girl on the girl's birthday. When it was shown that this was impossible, she and her co-accused, a confused schizophrenic, were found guilty of another rape of this girl, some undetermined time earlier.
The fact that the woman who had made the allegation had clearly lied in the first place was of no interest to the authorities, a pattern that was to reoccur in many countries, including England.
Fortunately, the phoney victim later gave an interview to the press, claiming to have been raped in Leicester Square, London, and giving the name of a friend as a witness. And equally fortunately, a businessman who had been falsely accused of rape by the friend/witness recognised the name and informed Nora Wall's defence team.
Bizarrely, like turkeys voting for Christmas, the Sisters of Mercy released the statement, 'We are all devastated by the revolting crimes which resulted in these verdicts. Our hearts go out to this young woman, who as a child, was placed in our care. Her courage in coming forward was heroic. We beg anyone who was abused in our care to go to the Gardai.'
The Sisters of Mercy have never retracted this statement, nor apologized to Nora Wall.
Such is the atmosphere of witch hunts and show trials.
Fortunately, Miss Wall and her co-accused, who died in 2002, have now been fully vindicated.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Orange Parades

The Orange Parades in Northern Ireland commemorate the defeat of the Catholic totalitarian king James II by William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne, a pivotal event not only in Irish history, but also in English history, and indeed world history, as William's victory ensured the triumph of the Glorious Revolution. England could then go forth as a free and Protestant nation, a representative nation where the executive was accountable to the people, a dynamic nation whose enterprise created the Industrial Revolution and whose inventions created the modern world.
Unfortunately, in Bureaucratic Britain, the Protestant religion is an enemy of those in power. In the past fifty years the identity of England as free, Protestant and representative has been destroyed by those who love slavery.
The Protestants of Northern Ireland cling on to a culture that the English have turned their backs on.
The ban on the march through the Ardoyne is yet another attack by the Totalitarians on the rights of a free people. Here are a couple of quotes;
Edward Stevenson, grand master of the Orange Lodge said:
'Republicans are engaging in a cultural war to erase all symbols of Britishness. The shameful decision to strip down the Union flag from Belfast City Hall, following on from the outrageous naming of a children's play park in Newry after an IRA terrorist, are just some examples of the 'shared future' envisaged by Sinn Fein'
Nelson McCausland of the Democratic Unionist Party stated that the situation was 'all so predictable and inevitable and we knew it was going to happen'  'It's important that we set ourselves an immediate task. Let's get rid of the Parades Commission. Their decisions are illogical, they're incoherent, they're damaging and they send out a clear message. Last year dissident republicans in Ardoyne shot a police officer. They brought guns on to the streets, they burned vehicles, they threw petrol bombs at the police and they were rewarded. Now that's not good government.'

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Deserter by Boris Vian

Le Deserteur

Messieurs qu'on nomme Grands
Je vous faire une lettre
Que vous lirez peut-être
Si vous avez le temps
Je viens de recevoir
Mes papiers militaires
Pour partir à la guerre
Avant mercredi soir
Messieurs qu'on nomme Grands
Je ne veux pas la faire
Je ne suis pas sur terre
Pour tuer des pauvres gens
C'est pas pour vous fâcher
Il faut que je vous dise
Les guerres sont des bêtises
Le monde en a assez

Depuis que je suis né
J'ai vu mourir des pères
J'ai vu partir des frères
Et pleurer des enfants
Des mères ont tant souffert
Et d'autres se gambergent
Et vivent á leur aise
Malgré la boue de sang
Il y a des prisonniers
On a volé leur âme
On a volé leur femme
Et tout leur cher passé.
Demain de bon matin
Je fermerai ma porte
Au nez des années mortes
J'irai par les chemins

Je vagabonderai
Sur la terre et sur l'onde
Du Vieux au Nouveau Monde
Et je dirai aux gens:
Profitez de la vie
Eloignez la misère
Vous êtes tous des frères
Pauvres de tous les pays
S'il faut verser le sang
Aller verser le vôtre
Messieurs les bon apôtres
Messieurs qu'on nomme Grands
Si vous me poursuivez
Prévenez vos gendarmes
Que je n'aurai pas des armes
Et qu'ils pourront tirer
Et qu'ils pourront tirer.

The Deserter

O you Important Ones,
I am writing you a letter,
That perhaps you will read,
If you have the time.
I have just received
My military papers
Calling me to go to war,
Before Wednesday evening.
O you Important Ones
I do not want to do it.
I was not put on earth
To kill God's poor.
I'm not trying to get you angry,
But I have to say
Wars are stupid,
The world has had enough!

Since the day I was born,
I have seen fathers die,
I've seen brothers depart,
I've seen children cry
And mothers who have suffered so much
While other people prosper
And live in ease,
On the mud and the blood.
There are prisoners
Whose souls are stolen
Whose wives are stolen
Whose loved ones are gone.
Tomorrow morning first thing,
I will shut my door behind me
Upon the years now gone by,
And take to the road.

I will roam the Earth
I will roam the sea.
From the Old World to the New
I will tell everybody;
Make the most of life!
Flee from misery!
All of you are brothers,
The poor of every land!
If you've got to spill blood,
Go spill your own
You apostles of war,
You Important Ones
If you come after me,
Let your policemen know
That I won't be armed
That they can shoot me,
Yes, let them shoot me!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

John's Gospel, Chapter 6 - Leaders

'Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.
When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.'

John Ball writes:
They saw the miracle but they did not understand the miracle. All they saw in Jesus was a great man. They did not see God.
They saw a great man, and in the spirit of idolatrous subservience, they wanted to make him their leader, their king.
They wanted a worldly leader to rule over them in a form of world government.
Like the Politically Correct, like the Islamist Nihilists, they wanted to turn the world into a concentration camp ruled by the Great Regulator, Satan.
They wanted to take him by force, because force is the way of the servile and the worldly, but Jesus's Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Love and Freedom, the Kingdom of God.
No, Jesus did not seek a political solution, enforced by violence and prison, beatings and executions.
So, he withdrew quietly, to a mountain, to be alone.

Voltairine De Cleyre - Direct Action

'Every person who ever thought he had a right to assert, and went boldly and asserted it, himself, or jointly with others that shared his convictions, was a direct actionist. Some thirty years ago I recall that the Salvation Army was vigorously practising direct action in the maintenance of the freedom of its members to speak, assemble, and pray. Over and over they were arrested, fined and imprisoned; but they kept right on singing, praying and marching, till they finally compelled their persecutors to let them alone. The Industrial Workers are now conducting  the same fight, and have in a number of cases, compelled the officials to let them alone by the same direct tactics.'

'Every person who ever had a plan to do anything, and went and did it, or who laid his plan before others, and won their co-operation to do it with him, without going to external authorities to please do the thing for them, was a direct actionist. All co-operative experiments are essentially direct action.'

'For the basis of all political action is coercion; even when the State does good things, it finally rests on a club, a gun, or a prison, for its power to carry them through.'

'The Puritans had accused the Quakers of 'troubling the world by preaching peace to it.' They refused to pay church taxes: they refused to bear arms; they refused to swear allegiance to any government. (In doing so they were direct actionists, what we may call negative direct actionists).'

'George Washington is said to have been the leader of the Virginia planters' non importation league; he would now be 'enjoined', probably by a court, from forming any such league; and if he persisted, he would be fined for contempt.'

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Personhood And The Criminalization of Man

From Men and Matriarchy, Mary Malone writes;
The last thing Patriarchs want is a population of active independent people. What they fear most is the natural co-operation which occurs in a matriarchal and giving society.
To defeat and enslave the Peasants, people must be weakened, and the best way is always divide and rule, to sow distrust, to make people turn their faces to Authority and away from each other.
As society becomes ever more regimented  women are turned away from men. The Narrative constantly warns of the threat of peasant men, and exalts the passive values of homosexuality.
Homosexuals like to view themselves as gentler and more feminine than heterosexual men, but theirs is a parody of the Feminine. Women have never been passive, they have never been victims. Being served and fecundated by a fine man is the complete opposite of being raped and sodomized in the anus by some domineering military bureaucratic sadist.
Since the aim of Authority is make sick their victims, it should come as no surprise that sick is promoted as healthy.
In the inverse world of Patriarchy, where women are belittled and scorned, humiliated and transformed into pseudo-men, the Narrative states that the Real Man is abusive, when in reality, the Real Man is nurturing of his family and supportive of his Women.
Conversely the regimented homoerotic man, whose values consist of domination and submission, reward and punishment, rape and sodomy, is exalted, because he is passive, submissive, and does not serve Woman. The homosexual is regarded as good because he denies his masculinity, masculinity being the service of Woman. Being a Real Man is criminalized in Patriarchal society.
With Real Man a persecuted species, his personhood is denied. To survive in Patriarchy he must assimilate the values of homoerotic sadism.
Women are the widows of the living, and as distrust of men becomes obligatory, woman must do without her mate.
A woman isolated and alone is much easier for Authority to control and enslave than a woman with a man.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Exploding Bloated Toads

In a commodity consumer capitalist society we must all think of ourselves first and foremost. 'Our Life' is our great project. We must be forever measuring and weighing ourselves.
Poverty and unhappiness are seen as the consequences of having too little.
Whereas we all need enough, the real problem is not poverty. There are few people who are destitute in this land that sucks in the capital off the rest of the planet. Having acquired so much, the real problem lies in being unable to give enough.
Without somebody to give to, without somebody to serve, most people lack a purpose and fall back in inertia.
Mental distress can be caused in part from lack of being loved. But, mainly, distress is caused  by a lack of giving, an inability to love somebody else.
Many people who own a pet will vouch for this. The need to care is a basic human instinct.
By taking over the roles of charity and family, the state (and its corporate off-shoots) deprive people of the fulfilment of that most basic of human desires, the desire to give.
Only through active love can a person feel a sense of purpose. Only through giving to they achieve a sense of their own worth.
People can work their way up the ladder of hierarchy, they may look down on others, they can console themselves with thrills and spills and brand new things, but with no one to give to, no one to love, they are isolated, lost, unnecessary.
With no one to give to, they simply consume more and more.
People turn into bloated toads, waiting to psychopathically explode.    

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Hemmed In, Going Crazy

There are many reasons why people slip into mental decline. Sometimes the reasons are to do with the physical and mental make-up of the individual. And sometimes people are labelled mentally ill by empire building professionals.  
That said, there is undoubtedly a growth of mental distress these days, and this has something to do with the nature of the society we live in.
If the basis of mental health is love and freedom, we don't stand a chance.
It is difficult to find love in a world of exchange, of professionalized care, where the gift of giving freely is marginalized.
And freedom is possibly the most abused word in the language. We are told that we are 'free', while 'our' enemies are not. But we are a people who are supervised from the cradle to the grave.
From an early age children are hemmed in. Few children are free to play out, or even free  to walk to school on their own, which was the norm not so many years ago.
Motor cars, and the danger they present to our little ones, are the chief weapons for enforcing the childhood curfew. Free play has been replaced by organized, supervised play, which is often no play at all.
The children lose all sense of independence, either in thought or deed. They are taught to constantly refer to authority figures.
This passivity continues into adult life. Even our entertainments are passive and inwards - drugs, drink, television.
We learn to consume. We work so we can earn money, to help us gain more experiences, more thrills, more fodder for the sacred 'I'.
But in reality, many of us live lives of quiet despair, alone on a rung on the ladder, in competition with all others, relations with our fellows supervised by Authority.
Associations for mutual help, which spring up spontaneously in a free society, are closed down by Authority, and the meaning of friendship, and even love, is lost, till a 'friend' is little more than someone whose company amuses you.
So we fall back in despair, alone, with no structures of social solidarity, no friendship, no love, unable to take the initiative that was knocked out of us long ago, too selfish to breed, too lazy to think.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Some Similarities Between The Politically Correct And The Islamists

 Given that Guardian columnist Victoria Brittain states that Abu Qatada is 'a scholar with wide intellectual and cultural interests' 'no terrorist' and is struck by the man's lack of bitterness, dignity and moral standards, it may be worth noting a few of the similarities and Progressives and Islamists.  Incidentally, the people at the Islam Against Extremism describe Qatada as a 'misguided, bloodthirsty, takfiri'.
So here goes:  

Both Islamists and the Politically Correct believe in morality.
Their leaders are fond of bombs and indiscriminate slaughter.
Their morality is made in their own image.
They have no concept of forgiveness; they only know how to condemn.
They love to punish.
They hate women.
They love buggery.
They hate free speech.
They want everybody to obey.
They have no concept of love.
They have no concept of freedom.
They get up every morning and think about what they SHOULD be doing.
They get up every morning and think about what other people SHOULD NOT be doing.
They mind other people's business.
They want to re-create the world in the image of their own appetites.
They are heavy dudes.
They hate the Jews.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Oscar Wilde - Sonnet On The Massacre Of Christians In Bulgaria

These days the British Government is actively supporting those who are massacring Christians of Syria. Although, as yet, our Government does not directly arm the mercenaries and fanatics who have invaded Syria, it does so indirectly through friendly dictatorships. The British Government and its allies have created a surrogate guerrilla army that moves around Western Asia, Southern Europe and North Africa promoting NATO objectives. One can only wonder when they will be used in England  - that is, if they have not been used already.

'Christ, does thou live indeed? or are thy bones
Still straitened in their rock-hewn sepulchre?
And was thy Rising only dreamed by Her
Whose love of thee for all her sin atones?
For here the air is horrid with men's groans,
The priests who call upon thy name are slain,
Dost thou not hear the bitter wail of pain
From those whose children lie upon the stones?
Come down, O Son of God! incestuous gloom
Curtains the land, and through the starless night
Over thy Cross a crescent moon I see!
If thou in very truth didst burst the tomb
Come Down, O Son of Man! and show thy might,
Lest Mahomet be crowned instead of Thee!'

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Of Pastors And Popes

John Ball writes:
The Roman Church intends to declare that a recent Pope is a 'saint'. They wish to 'venerate' one of their chief bureaucrats, a man who spent his life sucking up to those in authority, whether in Communist Poland, or in the American dominated West, all the while sucking out the autonomy of ordinary people.
Back in the fourteenth century the official church in England was the Roman Church. At the top of the Roman Church was their Pope, and after him were cardinals, archbishops, bishops, archdeacons and priests.
The Roman Church was a pyramid of power.
At the bottom of this pyramid was the poor peasant, who watched and paid.
At the time of the Reformation the Church in England dispensed with the Pope, but managed to keep hold of its bishops. No bishop, no king, said the voice of Authority.
In the Roman Church people are told to call the priest 'Father', but God is my Father, not some heretical slave to the false god of power.
Once the Bible was available for everyone to read, many people wanted to taste the freedom of living in Christ.
They knew, as we Lollards knew before them, that when Adam delved and Eve span there were no gentlemen.
Groups of Dissenters or Nonconformists grew up not just in the towns but in the countryside too.
These independent congregations were usually served by a minister.
A minister is someone who ministers to, that is serves, both the congregation and God.
A minister does not go before the congregation, he is a humble servant. Ministers were sharply different to the Church of England vicars, with their fancy dress vestments and their enormous vicarages and their servants, little gods within their parishes.
Today, most of the Dissenting congregations have withered and died. Only small clusters of the faithful survive.
The growth in the Protestant Churches is in the dynamic Charismatic Consumer Christian sector.
These churches don't have ministers; they have pastors.
But a pastor is a shepherd. Some jumped up performer is not my shepherd. The Lord is my Shepherd!
The people want shepherds to follow, and the pastors want to be leaders. The pastors want followship, but Christians need fellowship.
From an early age people are detained in day prisons called school. There they learn obedience and passivity. In their work they think it natural to be servants.
It never occurs to them to be free, so drenched in slave mentality are they. And so the pastor becomes a boss, a mini Pope.

Friday, 5 July 2013

J. A. Hobson - Imperialism

J.A. Hobson published Imperialism in 1902. In his view, the late nineteenth century phenomenon of Imperialism was caused by many factors, such as special interest groups, the class and power structures of Western society, a deficit of democracy and so on.
It was a classic book over a hundred years ago and is well worth a read now.
Here are some quotes;

'War and commercial tariffs are the crudest and  most wasteful forms of national struggle, testing the lowest forms of national fitness. Let international government put down wars and establish Free Trade, the truly vital struggles of national expression will begin. As in the case of individuals, so now of nations, the competition will be keener upon the higher levels; nations having ceased to compete with guns and tariffs will compete with feelings and ideas.'

With reference to cultural and scientific nationalism, Hobson says;
'Outside conquests of personal genius, the broad streams of national influence and achievement which might have fertilized the wide plains of the intellectual world have been confined within their narrow national channels. Nationalism, as a restrictive and exclusive force, fostering political and industrial enmities and keeping down the competition of nationalities and races to the low level of military strife, has everywhere checked the free intercourse requisite for the higher kinds of competition, the struggle of languages, literatures, scientific theories, religious, political and social institutions, and all the arts and crafts which are the highest and most important expressions of national as of individual life.'

As for China:
'The only important fact upon which there is universal agreement is that the Chinese are of all the 'lower races' most adaptable for the purposes of industrial exploitation, yielding the largest surplus product of labour in proportion  to their cost of keep...... (China) seems so enormous and so expansible  as to open up the possibility of raising the whole white populations of the West to the position of 'independent gentlemen,' living, as do the small white settlements in India or South Africa, upon the manual toil of laborious inferiors......Such an experiment may revolutionize the methods of Imperialism; the pressure of working-class movements in politics and industry in the West can be met by a flood of Chinese goods, so as to keep down wages and compel industry, or, where the power of the imperialist oligarchy is well set, by menaces of yellow workmen or yellow mercenary troops......... all the main arterial industries would have disappeared, the staple foods and manufactures flowing in as tribute from Asia and Africa.......subordinating all movements of domestic reform to the need of maintaining the Empire, and checkmating the forces of democracy by a skilful use of a highly centralised bureaucracy and army.'

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Still Chained

Mary Malone writes:
Many societies recognize that Woman has a greater sex drive than Man, seeking pleasure where he can only seek relief, wishing to express her creativity with the birth of children and the nurturing of the young.
Consequently, in the past, a girl would be married off young and given a husband to provide for her.
Boys, being peripheral to the life of the group, have always been allowed to play out for a bit longer.
But, in the twentieth century, the century of rape, the erotic nature of Woman was denied.
The notion that 'good' girls don't do it, still prevalent in Moslem societies, was alive and well here in England too.
A woman was judged by her sexual activity.
Girls were allowed to think about romance, but not sex.
Man, not Woman, became the active sex partner, his aim being to 'conquer' the woman, one way or another. And if she defied this imprisonment of semi-frigidity, she was deemed worthless.
All this has changed in recent years.
The invention of reliable contraception has released the sexual activity of women. It has enabled Woman to take her place as a sexual consumer, and as a drone within the bureaucratic hierarchy. It has been a factor in the breakdown of the family and the collapse of social solidarity.
Contraception has released women from the worst consequences of living in a Patriarchal society, but it has not changed the nature of that Patriarchal society.
Woman is still chained, she is still denied.
She has been assimilated into Patriarchy, her nature denigrated, made to ape mere men, her value still defined by patriarchal values.
Only by a return to ancient matriarchal values can women free themselves, for freedom is not some nebulous patriarchal idea about career choices, threesomes and piercings, but freedom is about a woman  being who she is.  

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Gay Marriage Is Both Conservative and Homophobic

David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has been much mocked for his comments that he supports the introduction of gay marriage because he is a Conservative. His words are met with incredulity both by conservatives and progressives, yet in this instance he is  both quite correct and quite sincere.
As a conservative, Cameron wishes to integrate and assimilate potentially oppositional groups into the hierarchy.
Originally, people began to identify themselves as homosexual as part of the post war opposition to the identification of masculinity with violence and militarism. Political homosexuality was supposed to be gentler than the hierarchy's portrayal of a real man as being some jerk in a uniform spending his days killing foreigners, and spending his nights conquering some woman with his mighty weapon.
Homosexuality, in those days, was a lifestyle choice. Political homosexuality was an act of freedom, an act of rebellion against the catastrophic patriarchy of the war economies.
Of course, Authority does not like opposition, and all morality is relative. So long as the groups expressing a particular morality are subservient to Authority and its Narrative, then everything is just ducky.
Hence, nowadays, in order to advance assimilation, Vichy Gays insist that we  see homosexuality as a biological predetermined imperative. To express the contrary view, that homosexuality is a cultural phenomenon, is to risk being damned as a bigot.
We must pretend that some people are born 'gay' or face the consequences of professional and possibly legal punishment.
By 'normalizing' homosexuality, one more act of opposition is tamed and assimilated.
Like all state-approved liberations the spirit of the original movement is destroyed by integration.
Instead of being an alternative lifestyle, homosexuals become supporters of the hierarchy, the very patriarchal structures they once opposed. By mimicking straight people with the parody of marriage they insult gays and straights alike.
The Gay Movement becomes so altered that it is destroyed. Through being co-opted by Authority, what was free becomes regulated, the poacher becomes the gamekeeper, the oppressed becomes the oppressor, the rebel becomes the policeman. Free speech and freedom of conscience are subverted.
Assimilation is part of the imperative of power; what cannot be destroyed is subverted and integrated.
Gay marriage is indeed Conservative, and homophobic too.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

White Australia

My little Revoltette is currently in Australia, and she comments that the Australians are 'casually' racist. In her opinion, we are less racist here in England, which shows, if nothing else, that we Poms have better manners than our colonial cousins.
According to the Narrative one of the chief sins of Australian racism was the White Australia policy, yet this policy was not so black and white as it may seem.
Australia was always a more working class society than England. Most European emigrants were people who were tired of living under the jack boot of bureaucrats with titles.
Being strongly working class also meant being strongly unionised.
At the end of the nineteenth centuries, mine owners and plantation owners were importing cheap Chinese and Polynesian labour to undercut the European workers' wages. Indeed, the Polynesian workers were virtual slaves, many of them having been kidnapped and transported to the Australian mainland.
The White Australia policy was instigated by unionised labour and designed to protect both Australian and foreign workers from exploitation.
Of course, racial profiling is rather a blunt instrument, and as Asian economies developed in a European fashion after World War II, a points based immigration policy was introduced in 1973. This was much more civilized and sensible.
When uncontrolled immigration is encouraged by Authority, it is inevitably to the detriment of the native working class. The Third World and Eastern European influx into England, instigated by New Labour at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and continued by the ConDem government, has inevitably led to a massive decrease in working class wages and a worsening of working conditions. 
Immigrant labour is cheap labour. It always has been and it always will be. Immigration is simply a weapon by the managerial classes to keep the servant classes in order. Wages are kept low, unemployment is kept high, and the power structures of hierarchy remain in place.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Lifestyle Choices

Europeans like to congratulate themselves on how society has progressed to the point where we all have great lifestyle choices. We are all kids in the candy shop now. We can do anything, consume what we want, shack up with whoever we want in our few square yards of privacy, oh yah!
At the motorway service station the other day, several bus loads of Asian people pulled up. 
I wondered if they were Muslims, and indeed there was one woman dressed in a tent, so they probably were, but the rest of the women were dressed in the most gorgeous clothes. They all seemed relaxed, smiling and talking to each other.
It reminded me of the times I worked in the East End of London some years ago. The Bengali women would dress like queens, everyone of them. They must be much loved and valued by their men folk, I used to think.
Today, I am told, they are made to cover up by men, bullies with dirty minds.
So it was nice to see these ladies, relaxed and smiling, bedecked in their finery, and most striking of all, surrounded by children.
How lovely it was to see all those children, here in our moribund society of lifestyle choices!
The English are free to be anything at all, but they are not free to be themselves.
But our Asian friends are free to have families as nature intended, the men to love their women and the women to love their men, and the fruit of their love being the happy playful children.
I turned to see the English - drab, fat, frumpy and functional, off to consume just a little bit more.
Yes, England has been invaded by foreigners. It is hardly England at all in some places.
But whose fault is that?
It is our fault.
We have turned our back on life, and chosen the path of egotism and death.
Yes, we are being replaced - replaced by more vigorous and vital races.