Wednesday 26 July 2017

Man and Woman

I have been reading a book on gender violence in the Middle East and North Africa, often abreviated to MENA. Perhaps it should be NAME. Do North Africans mind coming second?
The book brought up the issue of the English generic term 'Man' to signify humanity, as opposed to 'Woman'.
Apparently this is sexist, but I have always thought otherwise.
It is true to say that I am a 'man' and it would be fair to say that my wife is a 'man', but she is also more than a man. She is a man with a womb, WO(MB)+ MAN.
I am merely a man, just a man, but she is more than a man, she is a woman.
So, it is fair to say that we are both 'Man', but only one of us is a 'Woman'.
My wife is more than me. The English language shows that the female is greater than the male.

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