Thursday 12 November 2015

Feminism and Feminazism

What is the difference between Feminism and Feminazism?
Often we hear people claiming to be against feminism whereas they are in fact against feminazism.
I think of myself as a feminist. Why? I am a little sceptical about the alleged pay gap for one thing, and I believe that many, if not most women, are happier in a traditional family structure. Yet still I believe myself to be a Feminist.
A Feminist believes that in capitalist bureaucratic statist society a woman's contribution is devalued and that she is kept in tutelage to men. Her role is to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, a passive victim. Feminists believe that this must change.
Feminazis, on the other hand, believe that this must continue, that a woman must continue to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, and continue in tutelage, not to men, but to the State.
More specifically still, a Feminazi wishes to maintain the existing structures of Patriarchy through an ideology of biological determinism. If identity politics is the hallmark of Fascism, then biological determinism is the very foundation of Nazism.
Feminazis will tell you that men are more agressive, or more violent than women, and that this is due to something in their DNA or some chemical such as testosterone.
Apparently African American men have more testosterone than European American men.
So what conclusion are we to draw?

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