Tuesday 1 January 2013

Anarchy in the UK?

Many self professing anarchists are anything but anarchists, but poseurs protecting the very system they say they want to overthrow.
Unlike Anarchists of earlier times they stick to a rigidly Marxist view of the world. They use a class analysis based on income not power. The true divide is between the overseers, the stooges of the state on the one hand, and the powerless, the overseen on the other.
So called anarchists wish to unite against the cuts. They want the state to grow.
They like to take their income from the state.
They believe in the benevolent state.
Their ‘anarchism’ is limited to fashion and self indulgence.
Strange sort of anarchists!
The answer to ‘the cuts’ is to provide these services ourselves. That is what anarchism means.
Libertarianism is individual self sufficiency.
Anarchy is communal self sufficiency.
Take your pick. What suits one does not always suit another, but both are okay with me.
The state is a hierarchical body. It can never be good.
If big corporations pay very little tax don’t kid yourself that we are paying tax because they don’t! It doesn’t work that way.
Anyone who gets away with paying little or no tax, then good luck to them. I’m sure they can spend the money better than any government, better than the welfare warfare state.

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