Friday, 28 February 2014

Herman Chinery-Hesse - No To Aid

'I think that the World Bank and a lot of the donor organisations have an agenda outside the development of our countries. They bully our governments into positions where our governments are not in a position to make the decisions that are required for the rapid development of our countries. And I don't blame them. If the World Bank officers gave us good advice, we'll become a developed country. If we became a developed country, then what happens to them? They are out of a job!'

'The politicians sometimes can be very childish, and they'll cut of their noses to spite their faces. And they can do this, once again, because they are more interested in a smile on the World Bank country director's face than the success of my business, because they really are not depending on me as much as they are depending on the World Bank for their livelihood and their survival.'

'I just don't think the formula that is required for Africa is what they are implementing. They are implementing what will give the best political influence to Western governments, and therefore, to Western companies.  And this has been the formula all along.'

'I have never heard of any country that developed on Aid.....the track is leads nowhere....Only Africans can develop Africa. I don't know of any country in the world where a bunch of foreigners came and developed the country. I don't know one. Japan? Korea? No! No country did that. The U.S was not developed by Nigerians.
We have to sink or swim ourselves.'

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Bulls - A Matriarchal Perspective

Mary Malone writes:
There are famous depictions from Ancient Crete of Minoan women running bulls.
In these modern sterile times, bull fighting, like many animal based sports, is frowned upon by the hyper-Patriarchs, and the ancient cult of the bull is viewed with puzzlement.
Long ago the Bull was everywhere, a symbol of strength and fertility. Even the Israelites, in their sins, would represent Jehovah as a bull.
Because the bull is a male animal it is often assumed that the Sacred Bull was a symbol of Patriarchy. But this is to see the past through the eyes of the present.
Queen Pasiphae of the Cretans disguised herself as a cow so that she could be served by the great Cretan Bull, the Taurus Kretaios. In this she was expressing her feminine sexuality.
The Greeks to the north were Patriarchal and warlike. Many of their myths are concerned with the crushing of Matriarchy, autonomous societies based on service, societies that had no concept of adultery, because they had no concept of ownership.
The Greeks sent their 'hero' Heracles to kill the Cretan Bull, an animal that served the women of the island. The bull represented the male sexual function, which was to serve  the women.
With the death of the Bull, the Greeks introduced a new concept with regard to male sexuality. Greek military society demanded that the male sexual act was no longer an act of service, but one of domination.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Harriet Harman - Social Nihilist

Harriet Harman, her husband Jack Dromey, and Patricia Hewitt, three Labour Party bigwigs, are being investigated in detail, and with some venom, by the Daily Mail, for their role in the old National Council For Civil Liberties, and its connection with the 'Paedophile Information Bureau.'
It is an old story, yet one that needs to be told, and many of us have to laugh as the Revolution consumes its own.
Dromey comes from a London Irish background, but the two women, both radical feminists - needless to say - come from wealthy and privileged backgrounds.
All three have been caught up in corruption scandals.
Harriet Harman, in particular, is associated with the notorious Equality Act of 2010.
In the past year or so we have seen old male celebrities put on trial for molesting girls many years ago, but the Daily Mail story goes after the real culprits.
There is a real connection between the NCCL's support for paedophilia and the current anti-male, anti-working class paedophilia witch hunt - both are designed to destroy autonomous society, both are instigated by the rich and the powerful, the privileged, those integrated into the military bureaucratic complex, those who know better than us, those who want to destroy us.
Harman and Hewitt, apart from feathering their own nests, have dedicated their lives to destroying society in the service of Power. Ed Milliband, the Labour leader, likes to consider Harman a decent human being, but he is quite wrong. Her entire career has been based on spite, not love, dedeicated to the hatred of anything good. She has never surpassed the stage of spoilt little rich girl and her anger with the servants, who she fears, may have something she does not have.
She has dedicated her life to destroying the values and the families of the poor, to degrading and enslaving their children. Her career has been consistent throughout. The one consistent thread is her hatred of all that is good, all that is love.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Germany, A Land Of Genital Imperialism

John Ball writes:
It is natural enough for men to bring gifts to women. The Feminists may claim that we do this because of indoctrination in childhood, and because women are 'economically disadvantaged', but I think it is more to do with human nature. Life is about love, and love is about giving. And you can only give what you have got.
But somehow, when the gift of love is transformed into commerce, it feels abusive. We are no longer in the realm of free gifts, but of exchange, of reward and punishment.  Prostitution takes the love out of love. Sexual love becomes a performance, and the genitals become the centre of our senses.
In Germany, one of the world's leading arms manufacturers, a country that has taken obedience to power to the point of a fetish, a million men use prostitutes every day! In cities such as Cologne and Stuttgart there are some of the world's biggest brothels. In Berlin, there are over 500 brothels.
There are somewhere between two hundred and four hundred thousand prostitutes in Germany.
All this suggests that prostitution is normal in Germany. Love and sex have been divorced. There are huge amounts of men and women who are so lonely that they have to pay or be paid for intimacy.
At the same time, the birth rate in Germany in 2011, including the more fertile immigrant communities, was a mere 1.36, compared to the UK, 1.98, and France at 2.03.
It seems that sterile, abusive, hierarchical societies and prostitution go together.
In England, at least, men who use prostitutes have always been regarded as losers. In Germany, it appears that postitution is normal and acceptable.
Germany is not alone in being a society hooked on solitary sex, a consumer commodity capitalist hierarchical neo-patriarchal military bureaucratic post Christian society.
So, I tell you, you lost and lonely German men, throw down your condoms and pick up your Bibles, find yourselves women you can love, and go forth and multiply.
You know it makes sense.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Switch It Off And Switch On

Ever since I came to live in modern England, some thirty odd years ago, I have never owned a television. Of course, now with the internet, I can view programmes and news bulletins online, at any time. By not having a television, I am, as my friend Ahmed puts it, 'keeping the Devil out of the door.' Unfortunately, with the internet, I sometimes fear that he has slipped in through an open window.
So why not have a television?
Firstly, it corrupts social values;
On television, the implicit values in relationships between people are those of consumer and consumed. There is little social solidarity. The overwhelming concept of 'love' is romantic love, which is, in essence, a narcissistic self absorbing feeling - no more. Love is degraded.
Secondly, submission to power is presented as the natural and beneficial order of mankind. Natural authority, particularly in family and locality is presented as potentially, and   probably, abusive. Power is almost universally presented as good. Policemen are good. Ordinary folks are frequently stupid and bigoted, clearly in need of punishment or education.
Thirdly, television leads us to a passive and voyeuristic lifestyle. Instead of doing, we watch. It is very easy just to switch on and slob out at the end of a days drudgery, but television has to be seen as a mind bending drug - it may give temporary relief, but eventually it will destroy you.
Television is noisy and intrusive. It is anti social. The old community of family and neighbourhood are destroyed.
With a television in the house, understanding is no longer come to through thought and debate, but passively received, picked off the peg, manufactured by the elite. Values are not passed down through the generations.
By watching television you are allowing yourself to be controlled by the political and bureaucratic elite. You are allowing yourself and your children to be destroyed by slave values, by images of the world as a sordid struggle for domination and consumption, of violence, not strength, of sex, not love, of pleasure, not beauty, of passivity, not full throttle living.
So, switch it off, and switch on!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Bertolt Brecht - Questions From A Worker Who Reads

Who built the seven gates of Thebes?
The books are filled with the names of kings.
Was it kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
And Babylon, so many times destroyed,
Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima's houses,
That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it?
In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished
Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome
Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song,
Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend
The night the sea rushed in,
The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

Young Alexander conquered India.
He alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Was there not even a cook in his army?
Philip of Spain wept as his fleet
Was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War. Who
Triumphed with him?

Each page a victory,
At whose expense the victory ball?
Every ten years a great man,
Who paid the piper?

So many reports.
So many questions.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel according to John, chapter 1, verse 10.
'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.'

Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, who was God, and who was with God in the beginning, created the world, yet the world did not know him. The stones, the trees, the brute creatures cannot know him - though all creation proclaims him. Only man can consciously give glory to him. Only in the meaning of his existence does man give glory to God.
And mankind, made in the image of God is blinded by sin and self. Through our own natural intelligence, our own natural awareness, we are unable to perceive God. Without him revealing himself to us in nature, in Scripture and in Christ we remain in darkness and chaos.
In the dungeon of our egotism we grope blindly in the dark.
The Light of the World was in the world, a world made by him. In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word became flesh.
Yet, the world does not know him. Left to our own devices we would forever stumble around worshipping rocks and stones, and idols made in our own image, hewn from our own vanity.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Peter Hitchens - Dumping Children

Peter Hitchens is a Daily Mail columnist renowned for his forthright views and independent thinking. He also does not like cyclists using footpaths, and quite right too. Not so long ago a lovely lady I know was knocked over by a hit and run cyclist and her jaw broken. Fuelled by eco righteousness cyclists often seem to think that they have no responsibility to others.
In this passage Mr. Hitchens writes about the origins of modern motherhood.

'Nobody ever questions the claim that it is automatically good for mothers to go and be wage-slaves. Once, this idea was widely hated, and every self-respecting man worked as hard as he could to free his wife from the workbench.
Then the feminist revolutionaries began to argue that the home was a prison and marriage was penal servitude, chained to a sink. Most people thought that was nuts - until big business realised that women were cheaper than men, more reliable than men, and much less likely to go on strike or be hungover than men.
What's more, all the really beefy men-only jobs  - mining coal, rolling steel, stoking furnaces had been abolished.
So suddenly the wildest anti-male ravings of the ultras became the standard view of the CBI, the political parties and the agony aunts. And off the women trooped, to their call centres, their offices and their assembly plants, choking back the tears as they crammed their toddlers into subsidised nurseries.
They got tax breaks. Fatherless families got welfare subsidies. So far as the State was concerned, the one arrangement that was discriminated against  was the one where one parent went out to work and the other stayed at home.
A selfish upper crust of female lawyers, professional politicians, bankers and journalists imagined that all women enjoyed work as much as they did - when the truth is that most do it to pay the bills.'

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Denmark - Intolerant Factory Farmed Humanoids

Denmark has banned the ritual slaughter of animals as performed by Jews and Moslems. The Jewish practice, from which the Moslem practice is derived, was formulated three thousand years ago, firstly to prevent the suffering of animals, and secondly to emphasise just how sacred life is. The life is in the blood, says the Jewish Law and life must not be taken lightly, not even the life of an animal.
Animals are not to be treated as humans, for they are not made in the image of God, but they are to be treated compassionately. Non Jews and non Moslems in Europe love their pets like they love people, yet treat most other animals abominably.
Contrast the Jewish and Moslem attitude to the practice of the normal bureaucratic, heathen, self-righteous, regulatory, twenty-first century Dane, someone who respects nothing and nobody except a person's right to self-indulgence and selfish gratification.
Denmark is a country whose prosperity is to some extent based on its repulsive pig farming industry.
Jews and Moslems, by the way, do not eat pigs.
According to the Guardian newspaper, 25,000 piglets die each and every day in Danish factory farms, not from being slaughtered, but from the appalling conditions in which they 'live'.
Every year six million pigs are born in Denmark and six million are slaughtered. They, and the sows that mother them, exist in cramped concrete sheds, scarcely able to move, fattened and tortured for human consumption.
 But the Danes don't like to think of the suffering caused by sentient creatures for their transient pleasures and self satisfied gluttony.
They don't like to think too much while they are feeding at the trough. It is much easier to look away and to hate the Other.
The Jews, who the Bureaucrats love to hate, and the Moslems, who the Bureaucrats love to patronise, are often people with values, people who respect life and living creatures, people who love their families, who hate abortion and infanticide. They are people who strive to be fully human, unlike the factory farmed humanoids who judge them.

Airbrushed From History

John Ball writes;
We live in a hierarchical society, one in which everybody obeys orders, one in which everyone has a boss. The principle of power is instilled at an early age, when children are taken out of the family, with its natural and God given authority, and placed in schools under the power of a boss, the teacher, where they are taught conformity, boredom and obedience.
History is taught as the story of power. When there is no history of power, these times are denigrated as the 'Dark Ages' or 'Prehistory'. Civilisation is equated with blind obedience to power. Those who live outside of power structures are presented as non-people, as savages, as little better than animals, despite the opposite being true, that those who live in horizontally structured societies use their God given agency, whilst those who obey leaders are those whose full humanity is diminished.
 Even when the history of ordinary people is taught, such as the history of the blacks in America, it is still taught through the prism of power. The Afro Americans were the victims of power, but it was still power, still the same coin even if the face showing is tails rather than heads.
The nineteenth and twentieth century saw an unprecedented onslaught on ordinary people by the adherents of the military bureaucratic complex, by those of diminished humanity against those who exercise their full humanity. And as the peoples of the world were defeated by the State their history was obliterated, their culture denied, their memory destroyed, erased as completely as Carthage was by the Romans, its land salted so it would never live again.
The experience of the vast majority of people for nearly all of history has been one of cooperation not domination, yet that history is rewritten from the perspective of the victory of domination, people's experiences are falsified, their own experiences and those of their ancestors interiorised from the perspective of hierarchical power.
Even in highly individualist societies such as England there have always been  communities of producers, whether fishermen, farmers, miners, and so on, where people survive not through competition and domination, but through cooperation. Shared ownership, mutual aid,  'ownership' - to the extent that such a notion exists -  being restricted to home, clothing, tools.
For all human history, until recent years, people have lived in societies. Only recently has society been superseded by the State. Society by definition meant mutual aid, free giving, a lack of power, an absence of reward and punishment.
For many hundreds of years people lived in societies whose truths were reflected in the Christian religion. The sacrificial love of every man, the unconditional love of every woman, were the very stuff and essence of life.
Of course, lurking in the shadows of our fallen world, was power, hierarchy, the men of violence.
As power grew and authority diminished, new religions were created that replaced the old  Christian faith. The Council of Trent created a new Catholic faith, one based on obedience and morality.
For some time the old religion, the old ways of life, survived in part, in rural Europe, in places where the Protestants were strong. But even amongst the Protestants, moralism, the deification of obedience took hold, laying the foundation for the brutalised labour of the industrial revolution and the militarisation of society.
And so society has come to mean the State and religion has come to mean Morality, and the true life of the Peoples has been airbrushed from history.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Uganda And Homosexuality And Aids

Many commentators from the rich West have condemned the continuing persecution of homosexuals in Uganda. They speak from a position of privilege. Here in England, it is very unlikely that you will die from any sexually transmitted disease. In Uganda, since the appearance of Aids some thirty years ago, over a million people have died from Aids. Even now, Aids kills around 50,000 people a year.
 Like it or not, uncomfortable truth though it may be, there is a link between Aids and male homosexual behaviour. Back in the early days the joke was that AIDS stood for Arse Injected Death Syndrome, because it was predominantly a male homosexual disease.
In Africa, millions of people have died of Aids, heterosexual as well as homosexual.
Millions of people have changed their sexual habits, giving up the chance of sexual adventure in order to survive, taking up abstinence and monogamy so their society does not die.
The decadent West with its consumer sexuality likes to sneer, but there were similar developments here a century ago. Until the discovery of penicillin in 1928, venereal  disease was a serious matter, destroying and ending millions of lives. Many English people chose to live chastely and monogamously.
The Ugandans rightly fear sex tourism. They can see the hell holes of Asia, with both male and female child prostitutes, frequented by Western and Japanese perverts.
Or the Ugandans could end up like Haiti? I don't think they want to.
Do you want your children to be whores? Do you want your home to be the world's brothel?
And before you complain that I am revoltingly prejudiced, do some research! See the attitude of such PC luminaries as Harriet Harman and Peter Tatchell,  and ask yourself if the Ugandans are wise to keep the easy liberalism of the West at arm's length.
For them, it is a matter of life and death.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Belgium - Legal Murder

The Belgian parliament has voted to introduce so-called euthanasia for children. Euthanasia is assisted suicide, when someone wants to die, but for some reason is unable to kill themselves without help. Obviously, to make that decision, a person must be responsible, that is an adult. A child does not have the capacity to make responsible decisions, therefore, legal or not, to kill a child is by definition, murder.
Of course, the Belgian law is bound by many provisos, but I think we know from the experience with abortion that they will soon be forgotten.
Soon, all sorts of unviable children, perhaps eventually, those who are psychologically damaging to parents and teachers, will be put down.
In effect, the law legalises infanticide.
You can rest assured that the children who are murdered will be the children of the poor, such as the blacks in North America, girls in certain countries, perhaps the children of the overindoctrinated overseer class.
It is the vulnerable, the defenceless, the non-people, whose children are murdered, no doubt by court order - in the best interests of the child!
All those spina bifida people, Downs folk, all those inconvenient to consumption will be thrown on the pyre, like the children of ancient Carthage.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Robert Service - The Men That Don't Fit In

There's a race of men that don't fit in,
A race that can't stay still,
So they break the hearts of kith and kin,
And they roam the world at will.
They range the field and they rove the flood,
And they climb the mountain's crest;
Theirs is the curse of the gypsy blood,
And they don't know how to rest.

If they just went straight they might go far;
They are strong and brave and true;
But they're always tired of the things that are,
And they want the strange and new.
They say: "Could I find my proper groove,
What a deep mark I would make!"
So they chop and change, and each fresh move
Is only a fresh mistake.

And each forgets, as he strips and runs
With a brilliant, fitful pace,
It's the steady, quiet, plodding ones
Who win the lifelong race.
And each forgets that his youth has fled,
Forgets that his prime is past,
Till he stands one day, with a hope that's dead.
In the glare of the truth at last.

He has failed, he has failed; he has missed his chance;
He has just done things by half.
Life's been a jolly good joke on him,
And now it is time to laugh,
Ha, ha! He is one of Legion's Lost;
He was never meant to win;
He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone;
He's the man who won't fit in.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According to John, chapter 1, verse 9
'That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.'

Jesus Christ, Our Lord, is the Word. The Word is the Light of the world, the Light of meaning in the midst of the darkness of chaos.
Each man that cometh into the world is made in the image of God, not in the image of a monkey. He may be physical, material, and earthly, and these things are good, but the Light of God that shines on Man is the Word, the Word who allows us to be creative, loving, just, faithful, like God Himself.
God the Holy Ghost is the ever companion of those who believe and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Ghost who sanctifies us and guides us and sustains us in our daily lives.
The Light of the world, the Word, is our Lord Jesus Christ, who gives every man dignity, who gives worth to our actions, who raises us above the beasts of the swamp.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Isaac Puente - Libertarian Communism

Isaac Puente was a doctor and an anarchist from Spain, who lived in the first half of the twentieth century. He was an advocate of sex education, eugenics, microbiotic food, and naturism amongst other things. He was shot by the Nationalists in 1936.
Here are some quotes from Mr. Puente, taken from Hugh Thomas's epic history of the Spanish Civil War. I'm not sure if he is describing Heaven on earth, or Hell.

'At the end of the violent stage of the revolution, the following will be declared abolished: private property; the state; the principle of authority; and, in consequence, the classes which divide men into exploited and exploiters, oppressors and oppressed. Once wealth is socialized, the producers, already free, will be charged with the direct administration of production and consumption. After the setting up in each locality of the free commune, we will set the new social mechanism on foot. The producers.......will freely decide the form in which they are to be organised. The free commune will take over the previous property of the bourgeoisie, such as food, clothes, work implements, raw materials etc. These......will pass to the producers so they can administer them directly for the benefit of the community. The communes will first provide the maximum of commodities for each inhabitant, ensuring assistance to the ill and education to the young.....all able-bodied men will seek to carry out their voluntary duty to the community in relation to their strength and skill. All those functions will have no executive or bureaucratic character. Apart from those with technical functions.... the remainder will carry out their duties as producers, meeting in sessions at the end of the day to discuss the questions of detail which do not require the approval of the communal assemblies.'

'On the problems of moral idiosyncracy, which love may bring to the society of libertarian communism, the community and the principle of Liberty leave only two roads open........absence. For many illnesses, a change of air is recommended. For the illness of love......a change of commune is recommended. Religion, that purely subjective manifestation, will be recognised in as much as it stays relegated to the sanctuary of the individual conscience, but in no case will it be permitted as a form of public show, nor a moral and intellectual coercion (all churches thus would be closed).'

Thursday, 13 February 2014

She Walks In Beauty

By Lord Byron:

She walks in beauty like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to the gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwellng place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Child Poverty Action Group - Lobbying For Government

The Child Poverty Action Group was set up by concerned social workers back in 1965. At the time they wrote to the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, explaining 'at least half a million children are in homes where there is hardship due to poverty.' According to the CPAG website there are '3.5 million children in poverty in the UK, 27% of children, more than one in four.'
The problem they say is seven times worse than in 1965! They can't be doing a very good job!
Apparently, during the Blair/Brown years, 1.1 million children were 'lifted' out of poverty by a combination of Feminism in action and Big Government. Many more lone mothers went out to work full time and there were 'real and often significant increases' in benefits.
Unfortunately, this current, rather nasty, government will increase child poverty by 600,000 by 2015. By 2020, they reckon 4.7 million children will be living in poverty.
Amongst CPAG  policies is lobbying for increased higher rate income tax, increased inheritance tax and giving benefits to illegal immigrants.
The CPAG gained huge amounts of state funding during the New Labour years, as the government sought to assimilate the voluntary sector as a branch of government. It receives Lottery funding, of course, and it has had lucrative contracts with HM Revenues and Customs and the Scottish government for 'tax credits publications, advice and training', all of which dwarf the mealy amounts it raises through private donations and legacies.
Basically, whatever its origins, the Child Poverty Action Group is a state funded lobby group calling for higher taxes and greater bureaucracy. For the CPAG, alleviating poverty means more State, which, of course, means more violence against you and me.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

How Things Are

John Ball writes;
There are many blessings that our Lord has granted us in our earthly existence - love, friendship, good food, and not least, glimpses of the Divine - his justice, his truth, his eternal and boundless charity towards we sinners.
But all around us, in all ages, there is selfishness and folly. There are many who claim a certain righteousness or godliness for themselves.
It is a trap that I fear to fall into myself.
In these last days folly is all around, as the Apostle Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy;

'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves; covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambrea withstood Moses, so these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men,.....'

Monday, 10 February 2014

I Am What I Like

It's easy to look down at the people of twenty first century England and its young people,  brainwashed to cheap slavery, debt and self-indulgence, unable to forge an identity as mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, as workers both paid and free, scratting around for purpose as artists, writers, Thespians of endless mediocrity and engineered radicalism, unable to see form, harmony and meaning beyond appetite and the morality of appetite.
But the nightmare world inhabited by these lost souls is one created by their parents, people who were growing up in the 1960s and 1970s.
Whereas the material comfort that the ordinary English peasant enjoyed back in those  days was not only miraculous, but also welcome, the profusion of goodies profoundly changed the way people thought. Instead of 'make do and mend' the young people of those days simply bought 'off the peg'.
A sexual revolution came about with the invention of the Pill and other effective measures of contraception, in the absence of Aids and with venereal disease being easily cured, people could now consume each other, consumer and consumed.
The whole way of thinking changed from duties and responsibilities to self centred feelings and appetites.
When exchanging personal information young people of those days rarely spoke about what they believed or what they did, but of what they liked.
For the first time there was passively received popular music on a massive scale. Most people stopped playing music and singing and just listened. Yes, there was some great music around, but back in my day, in the fourteenth century, everybody - and I mean everybody - could play music, sing, recite verse. But the young people of the 1960s and 1970s could do none of this.
It was the golden age of television. Every evening half the population would watch the television - either BBC or ITV. Nobody could tell a story anymore, nobody could discuss an idea. They simply picked a story from the television or chose an opinion which they liked (though they certainly hadn't investigated the idea or thought about it).
Ready made meals became readily available. People didn't have to make their own entertainment anymore  -they didn't have to make anything.
The nightmare world of childlessness and isolation that we are living in now, a world only made bearable to many by the massive consumption of drugs, both legal and illegal, is the creation of the first consumer generation, those brought up in the 1960s and 1970s, the first generation whose primary experience was not as a Person, but as a Life, a consumer item to be watched and felt.
It was back then that it began forty or fifty years ago, when the young separated from their parents and learnt to think, 'I am what I like.'

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Patrick Kavanagh - In Memory Of My Mother

I do not think of you lying in the wet clay
Of a Monaghan graveyard; I see
You walking down a lane amongst the poplars
On your way to the station, or happily
Going to a second Mass on a summer Sunday -
You meet me and you say:
'Don't forget about the cattle -'
Among your earthiest words the angels stray.
And I think of you walking along a headland
Of green oats in June,
So full of repose, so rich with life -
And I see us meeting at the end of a town
On a fair day by accident, after
The bargains are all made and we can walk
Together through the shop and stalls and markets
Free in the oriental streets of thought.
O you are not lying in the wet clay,
For it is harvest evening now and we
Are piling up the ricks against the moonlight
And you smile up at us - eternally.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According to John, chapter 1, verse 8

'He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness to that Light.'

How easy it is, as I know too well, to start thinking that you yourself are the Light, that somehow you too can do good, that you can save people from their earthly and everlasting perdition, that somehow your kindness, your goodness, can help people, taking for yourself the glory that belongs to God.
Moses made the same mistake on the border of the Promised Land. He began to believe that it was he who had led the Israelites to the land of milk and honey, rather than the Lord.
It is easy to feed our vanity by doing what is righteous in our own eyes, believing we are doing good, taking a misguided course of action, espousing certain political points of view which are in reality the fruit of our prejudices, our vanity and our misunderstanding rather than the will of God.
I am not the Light that shines in the darkness, and neither are you. For all our efforts we can neither help nor save anyone. Jesus Christ is the Light who shines in the darkness. Like John we are to bear witness to the Light, and never forget, as Moses did, that all the glory belongs to God.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Laura Perrins - Toddlers Locked Up In Institutional Care

Laura Perrins of the Mothers At Home Matter group had this to say regarding a recent government survey showed that women really would prefer to spend more time with their children.

'Ministers have placed relentless pressure on mothers to do exactly the opposite by bringing in policies that separate mothers from their young children. They care nothing for the needs of growing children or the desires of mothers who want to love and care for their children at home.
Until now the Government has only looked at measures of how they can lock up the toddlers in institutional care for ever longer hours.
This is not what families want. They want time to care for their children. Instead of expanding childcare, for which families have no desire, we should be moving to a family-friendly taxation system.'

'The Government thinks that the promised land lies in work, but for most families work is a means for supporting their family - a means to an end, not an end in itself.
These (middle-class) families have the option of sacrificing a salary to care at home; it is not going to break them, whereas lower income families, it seems that the choice is being more or less denied to them.'

Thursday, 6 February 2014

The Unbirthing Of The West

Mary Malone writes:
Apart from religious groups, people in Europe and North America appear to have given up on having children. The catastrophically low birthrate is presented as a choice by ordinary people, a good choice too, one brought about by Women's Liberation.
But in fact it is a choice that has been induced by our masters.
Children are corralled into nurseries and schools, out of the way of mainstream consumption, a burden to those who aspire to the 'freedom' of unrestrained wage labour and commodity capitalism.
If children were once the essence of a family, then the family has been torn apart by the state's intervention in the social institution of marriage and its promotion of divorce.
It is a brave woman who hitches herself to a man these days. In five years time he might be down the road, leaving her to deal with her children. Her man might suddenly decide that marriage is not compatible with his vast egotism and his desire for childish pleasures.
It is a brave man who hitches himself to a woman. He might well end up paying for his wife and children and their home while he is excluded, living alone in a draughty flat. Marriage for a man might well mean a lifetime of debt slavery.
In addition we have endless anti-family propaganda in the schools and the media from the Feminist establishment. A girl who aspires to motherhood and a family quickly learns to hate herself and to regard herself as a fool. Children, she soon learns, are a key element in the oppression and exploitation of their mothers. She learns that relationships are dangerous, that men cannot be trusted, that men are only out to exploit her, that fun and casual sex are the only relief in her hopeless self-harming world.
Mothers are presented to her as subjugated and limited, unable to fulfil themselves in the commodity bureaucratic world, deprived of opportunities for consumption and entertainment. Children, she is told, rob a woman of the chance to satisfy her own needs and her own desires.
The rights of Woman and the rights of the Child are presented as mutually incompatible.
The attachment to wage labour and the money it produces, and the toys that can be gained by money is the main factor in the repudiation of motherhood. The more a woman earns the less likely she is to have children. Only the very rich have as many children as the poor.
Forty percent of English women graduates will never have children.
(The only positive note is that it is the managerial classes who are breeding least)
Higher academic achievement not only leads to higher income, but also a deeper immersion in the hierarchical system, an increased passivity, and a higher level of indoctrination, leaving the women of the military bureaucratic complex unable to use the active initiative required to raise a child.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Democracy And Liberty

These days you rarely hear the expression 'the Free World', an expression that was common during the Cold War. The Anglo Saxon powers in particular were proud of their tradition of Common Law and the accountability of governments before the law and to representative assemblies. From the times of Robin Hood the proud boast of the Englishman was that he was free born, and although there have been many exceptions, he was free to say and to do as he pleased.
But these days leading politicians such as the Prime Minister, never refer to the free world. Instead they talk about the democratic world, which is very similar to the democratic socialist world of the Soviet Union.
In reality, most people are not that fussy about democracy, as long as they are free to go about their business unhindered either by hoodlums or the government. Such is the sentiment that has led to the growth of representative institutions and the rule of law - the desire for liberty.
The democratic mindset is entirely different. For the democrat we must all select a leader and then, all together now, do as the leader wishes.
And so, along with democracy we see the growth of patronage and bureaucracy, of ideological conformity, of police deciding who can say and what can be said, of schools teaching propaganda to the young, the thoughts and values of independence mocked and sidelined. State officials, of whom there are millions, may be sacked for displaying the wrong faith or for speaking injudicious words. People languish in jail for saying 'offensive' things. Sticks and stones may break your bones if your words hurt me - so say the Politically Correct.
As thought crime is clamped down upon and the minutiae of daily life is regulated, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, corruption is institutionalised, favours are exchanged, networks of influence are established and dissent is silenced. Theft by those in power is all around us, in the form of salaries for sitting on quangos or fake charities or governmental expense accounts. They leech on us, and to do this they have to remove our freedoms while they use their low interest rates to sink us into debt and transfer our wealth into their bank accounts.
Democracy has no way of putting right the corruption or the freedom deficit, because democracy is the problem. Only through representation and autonomy can we regain our freedoms.
In reality, if we accept government at all, we must regard it as a necessary evil. Unfortunately, democracy sees government as a necessary good, that people cannot live unless directed from above. Democracy means hierarchy, passivity, obedience, theft, the very opposite of freedom.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Fornication And Adultery

John Ball writes:
A lot of people seem to think that adultery is sufficient grounds for divorce, especially if the adulterous spouse is the woman. Indeed, our Lord said that 'whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery.' Most people like to equate fornication with adultery, but they are not the same thing.
It does not matter how many sexual partners a woman may have, the children she conceives are her husband's responsibility.
Such a situation would no doubt cause some friction in some households.
In traditional autonomous society a man married a woman by lying with her. Whoever a woman lay with first was her husband. There was no need for a priest or the state. Copulation led to the birth of children and men needed to be brought into the process, otherwise there would be a situation of irresponsibility and sterility and the tribe would die out.
So, in the Bible we read that a man cannot divorce his wife except for the case of fornication. In other words the wife has already had sex with another man, so her first lover is in reality her husband.
If a woman has sexual relations with other men after she is married, it is indeed, adultery, but it is not grounds for divorce. Her husband must still provide for her and her children.
Marriage is for the benefit of women and children. It is only with the introduction of relations of power and domination that these eminently sensible social arrangements have been twisted. With the growth of institutionalised violence and a hierarchy of priests, women have been reduced to the level of commodities. Thus, the patriarchy of violence introduces measures to control women's sexual activity. In hyper patriarchal Moslem societies we see extreme forms of violence against women such as female genital mutilation, but even in Christian Europe, amongst the military bureaucratic classes, we see women turned into eunuchs, their natural libidinous nature made a crime.
However, in early autonomous societies, societies that were not hyper sexualised, societies in which people were not yet commodities, societies in which the act of love was not yet mere appetite but a holy ceremony, the sensible arrangement was that a woman's first lover was to be her husband. After all, women have children, and children need a father.
By mixing up the concepts of fornication and adultery, the purveyors of power entirely change the equation. It is the laws against adultery that are at the heart of the oppression against women.
Fortunately, we peasants are quite practical about these things. It is hard to find a peasant woman who would trade her freedom for the restrictions suffered by the women of the officer class. It's not surprising that women born into a class that bases its relationships on domination have turned their backs on marriage and children. It's a shame they don't know how to be free, and it's a shame they want to spread their disease.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Work Is Laziness

As I wonder the hills and valleys, I often get to thinking about life back then in the fourteenth century, when we possessed so little, yet had so much, when we worked so little, yet did so much.
Not all our days can be spent cooking and eating. Sometimes we have to do the washing up. Indeed, growing the food can be hard work too, digging, planting, reaping what we sow. (It's important to use you knees or you'll end up with a bad back, like Dick.)
In those days we had so much more time. These days you work from January to May just to pay your taxes. If the sheriff or the bishop had tried that one, they would have soon got a pitchfork where the sun don't shine, if you'll pardon the expression.
And the work you do is so tedious, so passive, so repetitive, so brain wrenching, soul destroyingly boring. And then you come home, to your absolutely amazingly luxurious houses and you carry on as if you were at work, sitting alone, unable to communicate with anyone, filling your minds with rubbish, frightened of time and space. You don't even bother to cook a meal, and for relaxation you watch a screen and listen to other people's stories instead of telling your own.
How different it was back then. I used to make up a story and tell it to my little Revoltettes every night. We used to create a whole magical world. Revoltina used to cook us all a tasty meal every night. She didn't need a cookbook. The things that woman could do with a pot and some oats and barley is truly mind boggling.
And I had a great time 'working'. When I wasn't seeing to the crops, which was most of the time, I was building, whittling, fishing, singing, playing my whistle and my pipes, chilling out drinking the loco mead.
Time wasn't regimented in them there days. The sun was the only clock we knew. But now every moment is marked down and disciplined. Even your down time is spent listening or watching, consuming. Every moment, every action, every emotion is turned into a commodity, to be viewed, and experienced as entertainment. You have exchanged the reality of the Person and replaced yourselves with the spectacle of your Life.
No one seems to have the time just to think. Even thoughts are second hand, somebody else's thoughts, bought off the peg to suit your appetite.
The time to look and listen, to gaze and to stare, is chased away by those desperate to reach tomorrow, afraid of the destruction of today.
Busyness is everywhere. Stupidity reigns supreme. People, who have learnt received culture all their lives just want to be normal, too scared to think, too idle to be lazy, afraid of freedom.
Scarcely human, only physical, consumers and consumed, drudges of a commodity capitalist society, modern people work longer hours and yet are lazier than any other people in history.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Robert Service - Freedom's Fool

To hell with Governments I say;
I'm sick of all the piddling pack.
I'd like to scram, get clean away,
And never, nevermore come back.
With heart of hope I long to go
To some lost island of the sea,
And there get drunk with joy to know
No one on earth is over me.

There will be none to say me nay,
So from my lexicon I can
Obliterate the word 'obey',
And mock the meddling laws of man.
The laws of Nature and of God
Are good enough for guys like me,
Who scorn to kiss the scarlet rod
Of office and authority.

No Stars and Stripes nor Union Jack,
Nor tricolour nor crimson rag
Shall claim my love, I'll turn my back
On every land, on every flag.
My banner shall be stainless white,
An emblem of the Golden Rule,
Yet for its freedom I will fight
And die - like any other fool.

Oh Government's a bitter pill
No force or fear shall forge my fate;
I'll bow to no communal will,
For I myself shall be the State.
Uncurst by man-curb and control,
My Isle shall be emparadised,
And I will re-possess my soul........
Mad Anarchist! - Well, wasn't Christ?

Saturday, 1 February 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel according to John, chapter 1, verse 7

'The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.'

John was sent by God not to perform service for the material benefit of mankind, but to bear witness to the Light. His mission was to get the local people of first century Israel used to the idea that the coming of the Messiah was imminent, that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand, and to proclaim Jesus Christ to be that Messiah, the true and only Son of God.
Jesus is the Light that shines in the darkness and John's role is to bear witness to the Light.
We too are here to bear witness to the Light. Those who struggle in the darkness, blinded by narcissism, cast in the prison of the self, strain to find meaning in their long and troubled days, but for the Christian, the purpose of living is all too clear - to bear witness to the Light. God is Love and it is our pleasure to sing his praises.
John's ministry was not man centred. He did not try to make God the servant of you and me. He did not open social centres or try to reconcile reluctant Jews to Roman rule.
Rather selfishly, we might think, he took himself off to the wilderness.
There are many ways to serve the Lord, but if we want to do it right, we must put God first.