Friday, 31 January 2014

Cicely Veronica Wedgwood

C.V. Wedgwood was one of the great English historians of the twentieth century. At a time when the study of history was becoming dominated by Marxists and social scientists, Miss Wedgwood saved us all from being bored to death. Her speciality was the early seventeenth century, particularly the English Civil War, a key event not only in the history of these islands but also in the history of the world.
Instead of using pseudo scientific jargon or fitting the events to suit the ideologies of the emerging bureaucratic classes, Miss Wedgwood got into the hearts and minds of historical personalities, both great and small, probing their personal as well as their ideological motives.
Here are some quotes from this great historian:

'Historians should always draw morals.'

'The whole value of the study of history is for me its delightful undermining of certainty, its cumulative insistence on the differences of points of is not lack of prejudice which makes for dull history but lack of passion.'

'The individual - stupendous and beautiful paradox - is at once infinitesimal dust and cause of all things. I prefer this overestimate to the opposite method which treats developments as though they were the massive anonymous waves of an inhuman sea, or pulverises the fallible surviving records into the grey dust of statistics.'

'The stuff of history is by no means coherent. No agreed consensus has yet emerged, nor ever will.'

'Discontent and disorder (are) signs of energy and hope, not of despair.'

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Childless Living Is Easy To Do

Mary Malone writes:
As you know, I'm an old fashioned girl. Five children, a husband who serves me well, fecundation is my second favourite hobby - after baking.
But there aren't many like me left. My pride and joy is my family. Cleaning dirty knees, wiping snotty noses, reading a bed-time story, discussing life's conundrums with the teenagers, snuggling up with my man, mine is a cup of love that overfloweth.
The more you give to your children and your man, the more you get back in return. You love them to bits and they break your heart, you nurture the little darlings specifically so that one day they will grow up and leave you, and form their own families. They appear to give you nothing, but in fact they give you everything.
All too often these days there is an aversion to children. They are an obstacle to consumption, an affront to the egotism of adults who want to remain eternal children.
For millions and millions of adults, children are no longer a part of their everyday lives. At home, at work, there are no children. For the first time in human history, the daily experience of childhood is no longer an integral part of life. These days it is all too easy to go weeks or months without ever speaking to a child.
Children are kept apart in special children zones called nurseries and schools. Regarded as nuisances they are segregated from the adults. Children are condemned to lead a false existence, growing up in their special spaces, with their special activities, even eating their own special food. Children and their parents often seem like two different species, the child in its child zone, the parents working hard at their waged labour, looking at each other like strangers, enemies who are obstacles to each others primary function - consumption.
There is so much consuming to do in the world of adult children, so why saddle yourself with the burden of a child? Why not outsource childbirth to the Third World?
 Such is the unhappiness that I see all around me. You have to send your children to school, and in the era of internet mobile phones, it is impossible to keep the poison of consumer propaganda out of the children's lives.
I sometimes wonder if I am to be end of the line.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Fairness Is Not Justice

A lot of us who have been around for a few years think this country's going to the dogs. People need to stop whining and toughen up a bit. As England approaches collapse (the notion of England scarcely has any meaning now, either as a country or a culture) all around us we can hear the sneers of self-loathing and self-pity. Everybody is part of a victim group, disabled, female, insulted, subjected to racial harassment?
This is a country of children who wail 'It's not fair'.
Once upon a time the people of England loved Justice and Liberty. Now they yearn for Fairness and Equality. They look at others and compare. They are the passive victims, no longer responsible for their actions. They want the government to make the  equal, to make everything fair, to give to them and take away from others - heterosexuals, men, native English, Jews........
There is a desire to trash everything, to destroy what is good and healthy and beautiful, to judge others and to sneer, to turn everything into a desert of dirt.
Being a complete loser becomes a banner of righteousness.
With shoulders slouched, weighed down by the burden of self-loathing, the slaves of Hierarchy  destroy what remains of freedom, autonomy, independence. They walk in chains, damning their own ancestors as racist bigots, misogynist bullies, Neanderthal homophobes - for smoking cigarettes.
 Freedom, responsibility, justice, and representation, underpinned by the Reformed Protestant faith, were once the basis of English politics.
Love, self-sacrifice, service, gentleness, faith, underpinned our social relations.
But the Progressives hate our once Christian civilisation, because it was a civilisation of millions of autonomous people. But a world of regulation only requires the obedience of slaves. In the mirror of Liberty the Progressives see exactly who they are - petty souls squirming in twisted rage. Slaves themselves, they can only hate the freedom of others.
They yearn for the safety of the latest moral code, one that reflects their self hatred and their appetites.
Lacking dignity, knowing no self-respect, they love the Alien. They travel further and  further, seeking out the exotic and bizarre, fleeing who they are, turning their backs on their own tribe, seeking death in morality and depravity.
Anything, absolutely anything is better than the Judaeo Christian culture of their own people. They don't like Liberty and Justice, these Slaves of Democracy. They wander aimlessly around the Desert of Fairness and Equality.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

From Loving One Another To Hating The Other

Despite the best efforts of George Whitfield, the Methodist Church was always an Arminian church, that is, one short on faith and long on morality. Nevertheless, during the English industrial revolution, a time of unprecedented change, when the rural was replaced by the urban, the commons were taken by the powerful, and the poor were subjected to industrial discipline, Methodism was one of the pillars of the new civilisation, turning necessity into a virtue, preventing people from sinking into despair with its strict ethical living. Today, though the buildings still stand, the textile industry of the north of England has vanished and the descendants of the poor sit at home in a comfort unimaginable to their forefathers, and the old Methodist chapels are turned into warehouses or apartments.
But a remnant of the church of the Wesleys lives on, dominated now, like all the old dissenting churches, not by manual workers, but by middle management pen pushers.
The church that was once a refuge of sanity and love amidst death, suffering and unimaginable squalor, that kept alive its adherents through service and mutual aid, has turned from loving one another to hating the Other.
Here is a report from the Jerusalem Post from October 2013:
'The British Methodist Church, with the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions), is distributing a questionaire calling for a boycott of Israel.
This is a significant step against Israel. It extends their 2010 partial boycott of 'settlement' products. Now they are hitting all of Israel.
This institution, professing love, truth and justice, now pursues hate and hypocrisy, while peace talks are being conducted between Israel and the Palestinian leadership. Strange timing. If 'occupation' is the issue, why aren't they boycotting other countries practicing occupation? Turkey displaced 400,000 Cypriots and occupies Northern Cyprus, China occupies Tibet and Morocco occupies Western Sahara. Not a peep from the Methodists. It's only Israel they beat up on, with the Palestinians as their poster child........
More puzzling is members of the Methodist branch of the Christian religion siding with an entity that hates and abuses Christians. Bethlehem, perhaps the most holy place in Christendom, that when Israel was established, the Christian population was in excess of 70%, under Jordanian and Palestinian control their population has fallen to 15%.
Christians have fled both the West Bank and Gaza. They are now less than 1.7% of the total Palestinian population. If you are a Palestinian Christian, you move to Israel. Just ask the Christian population of East Jerusalem if they prefer to be Israeli or Palestinian.'

Monday, 27 January 2014

The Radicalism Of The Aggrieved

Who are the revolutionaries and the radicals of today? By definition a revolutionary wants to overthrow the established power, whilst a radical wishes to radically transform that power. Yet all too often, as history shows, revolutionaries and radicals have reinforced and have enhanced power, to the detriment of ordinary people.
The French Revolution, for example, proclaimed liberty, but strengthened the State, intensifying the suffering of the poor, by making war on its own people and conscripting the men folk for its endless wars.
A similar thing happened some 70 years later when the Bourbons of Naples were overthrown by the revolutionary Garibaldi. Again, the poor paid the price with land seizures, higher taxes and conscription.
Radical politics, although not revolutionary have a similar deleterious effect, increasing the power of the powerful and decreasing the autonomy of the poor. In England, such  examples  include the introduction of Income Tax, which empowers the State to monitor your every economic action, compulsory indoctrination and education in 1870, and the nationalisation and bureaucratisation of the health service in 1948.
Always, radicals like to present themselves as new and anti-system, while all the while strengthening the system of Domination. When the answer to a problem is more government we can be sure of their bad intentions.
In modern times we see radical campaigns against working people by those who know better than us. They are against what we eat, what we drink, what we smoke, what we say, how we love, how we look after our children, how we work. They want to regulate every aspect of our lives. They place their own hatred of the Other upon our heads and call us bigots. For the bureaucrat, the working-class man, with his beer and his laughter, his games and his love of freedom is all too scary. The bureaucrat cannot understand a person whose life does not revolve around introspection and self-righteousness.
So state-sponsored grievance groups are set up to combat sexism, racism, homophobia, domestic violence, child abuse, and goodness knows what else the savages might be up to.
All too often trivial actions, a few 'offensive' remarks are the excuse for a show trial set up by the Vichy Radicals. Teachers, social workers, council officials, employees of state 'charities' seek out Evil as fervently as any Inquisitor ever did, exploiting the poor to build their empires.
In creating a Radicalism of the Aggrieved  the bureaucrats stoke the fires of conflict between us, categorising us, dividing us, creating an atmosphere of distrust and tension, isolating us from one another.
The aim is to find scapegoats, to set us at each others throats, and to set up the State as the arbiter.
The Aggrieved are presented as having a grievance against other people, not as having a grievance against Power. State sponsored pressure groups such as Stonewall, the NSPCC and countless others try to tell us that they represent people who being discriminated against, and they invite you to identify as one of the Aggrieved, a passive victim succoured by the State.
These modern radicals like to claim that they are remodelling society, but in fact, they are simply chipping away at autonomous society.
Radicals, Progressives and their ilk have only ever wanted one thing - more power to the military bureaucratic complex.
Dealings with the state and its radical supporters should be avoided whenever possible.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

John Keats - The Day Is Gone

The day is gone and all sweets are gone!
Sweet voice, sweet lips, soft hand, and softer breast,
Warm breath, light whisper, tender semitone,
Bright eyes, accomplish'd shape, and lang'rous waist!
Faded the flower and all its budded charms,
Faded the sight of beauty from my eyes,
Faded the shape of beauty from my arms,
Faded the voice, warmth, whiteness, paradise -
Vanish'd unseasonably at shut of eve,
When the dusk holiday - or holinight
Of fragrant-curtain'd love begins to weave
The woof of darkness thick, for hid delight,
But as I've read love's missal through today,
He'll let me sleep, seeing I fast and pray.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According To John, chapter 1, verse 6
'There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.'

There was a man sent from God, a man who was truly blessed for he had been chosen by God to do great works. Most of us are chosen by God for more humble, less spectacular tasks, and many of us, despising the value of our existence, seek our own glory, usually with disastrous consequences.
And when given a great task by God, like Jonah, like Elijah, many of us run away.
All things are in God's plan, to give glory to God. God did not send John so that John could work out his troubled childhood, or his problems of low self-esteem. John was sent from God to serve God.
So when you are called to work in the vineyard, remember that God is not there to serve you, but that you are there to serve God, to give him glory.
And if the work seems like hard work, tedious work, a long slog, remember those who are left in darkness, trapped in the prison of the self, never called to do the work of the Lord, and be glad.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Andrea Dworkin

Andrea Dworkin was the child of a schoolteacher with a passion for social justice, so I suppose, it was to be expected that she would have a skewed view of the world, and that she would wish to teach us her loathing for ordinary people, the people she only ever knew as service providers. Looking at these scary active people, so  devoid of the narcissistic morality of the bureaucracy, she could but tar them with the crimes that rightly belong to the hypocritical hierarchy from which she came.
She had a Literature degree and it seems that she never had a proper job. Wanting to identify with the respectably downtrodden she sought victimhood.
Andrea was a crusader against pornography, correctly pointing out the connection between pornography and  hierarchy/patriarchy. Unfortunately, like all Vichy Feminists, she only  wanted to remove the symptom, not the disease, wanting, if anything to reinforce the Patriarchy through increased state violence.
Herself a slave of patriarchy, she seemed unable to distinguish between pornography, which relies on domination, and the tender eroticism that can only be enjoyed by those  who live autonomously outside the structures of power.
Sadly, damned from an early age by idealism, a member of the teaching and managerial class, it was inevitable that she would perceive existence as a struggle for domination, as dirt.
Here are some of Andrea's sayings;

'Sexism is the foundation on which all tyrrany is built. Every social form of hierarchy and abuse is modeled on male over female domination.'

'Intercourse, as an act, often expresses the power man has over woman.'

'Woman is not born: she is made. In the making, her humanity is destroyed. She becomes symbol of this, symbol of that, mother of the earth, slut of the universe; but she never becomes herself because it is forbidden for her to do so.'

'Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.'

'Romantic love, in pornography as in life, is the mythic celebration of female negation. For   a woman, love is defined as her willingness to submit to her own annihilation. The proof of love is that she is willing to be destroyed by the one she loves, for his sake. For the woman, love is always self-sacrifice, the sacrifice of identity, will, and bodily integrity, in order to fulfill and redeem the masculinity of her lover.'

'Institutionalised in sports, the military, acculturated sexuality, the history and mythology of heroism, violence is taught to boys until they become its advocates.'

'Men especially love murder. In art they celebrate it. In life, they commit it.'

'The genius of any slave system is found in the dynamics which isolate slaves from each other.'

'Obscenity laws are also woman hating in their very construction. Their basic assumption is that it's women's bodies that are dirty.'

'Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men's contempt for women.'

'Since the paradigm for sex has been one of conquest, possession, and violation, I think men believe they need an unfair advantage, which at its extreme would be called rape. I do not think they need it.'

'The nature of woman's oppression is unique: women are oppressed as women, regardless of class or race; some women have access to significant wealth, but that wealth does not signify power.'

'A man can be a hero if he is a scientist or a soldier, or a drug addict, or a disc jockey, or a crummy mediocre politician. A man can be a hero because he suffers and despairs; or he thinks logically and analytically; or because he is 'sensitive', or because he is cruel. Wealth establishes a man as a hero and so does poverty. Virtually any circumstance in a man's life
will make him a hero.'

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Segregation Is Power

Mary Malone writes:
The Patriarchal State is a jealous god. A person's face must turn towards the State and nowhere else.
Amongst ordinary people, both villagers and townspeople, from time immemorial till the construction of the totalitarian welfare state, there have been guilds, churches, societies based on affection and mutual aid. People have formed societies, both formal and  informal, to look after each other, to tend to the sick, to educate the young, to help with work and with the harvest.
But since the invention of the Liberal State two hundred years ago, the government has taken over many of these activities that were once done autonomously, so that instead of agreeing with a neighbour we must now apply to a bureaucrat. And what cannot be offered by the State must be purchased on the corporate capitalist market.
By being aware of the inroads already made by the State, and being aware that, strange as it may seem, hierarchy is not the natural order of mankind, we may understand the further deepening of State Power, and its intrusion into the closest human relationships, those of the family and those between lovers.
By dividing us from each other, the bureaucrats prevent us from living together as a community (using the word in its meaningful sense).
Segregation is the path down which the State leads us to its absolute triumph. We are all categorised, labeled, branded, divided from each other, a colonial Apartheid of divide and rule.
The young are separated from the adults. By raising the school leaving age from 14 to 16 and now to 18, through youth culture, television and school our youth are made strangers to us. The young no longer help in the family work, something which would have seemed incredible to every generation of humanity, until the last fifty years.
Older people too are shunted to one side, no one having much time for them, so busy are we consuming and being consumed. Care has become professionalised, another service to be claimed from the bureaucracy or to be bought.
And now the State wants to separate women from men, leaving us all alone and isolated, bereft, irresponsible and driven mad, making us all the easier to subdue and to subject to the institutions of Patriarchal Power.
The Patriarchy of the Liberal State was based upon the family, taking the Peasant man out of his environment, conscripting him in the army, teaching him the mindset of Domination, then returning him to his family as its corporal, his wife's commander in chief.
The modern Patriarchy of the Social Democratic State is based on the creation of an individual who is no longer fully human, who has lost the greater part of their capacity for intimate and affectionate relations between equals, an individual who will take upon herself the fundamental sexist hatred of Vichy Feminism, a hatred that aims at the destruction of the values and positive capabilities that people hold within them, which aims to convert us into lonely self centred beings, unfamiliar with upright or loving behaviour either in our public or private lives, unable to to empathize with real human needs, knowing only how to respond to the Regulations of Power.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

One Safe Place

John Ball writes:
Asterix and Obelix live in a small village on the coast of northern Gaul, the only haven of freedom and autonomy in a region dominated by Roman violence. Similarly, in the Eastern Mediterranean, in a region dominated by Moslem violence and barbarism, there is one small haven of civilisation - Israel. Once, not so long ago, Syria and Lebanon were relatively civilised, tolerant and religiously diverse. Now Syria has been consigned to the flames by the NATO-al Qaeda alliance and only Israel remains as a place where a European, or an Arab Christian, or Politically Correct Homosexuals can express their opinions, and live according to their beliefs, or even just walk down the street, safe and unmolested.
From Pakistan on to Iran, to Iraq, Jordan, Gaza, Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, there is violence and the Christians either have been eliminated, or are in the process of being eliminated, like the Jews before them - chased out, murdered, robbed, harassed at every turn.
In the Palestinian territories the situation is bad. The town of Bethlehem, once an Arab Christian town, is now predominantly Moslem. The Christians there are under siege from their neighbours - the Moslems, that is, not the Jews.
Yet, farcically, the mainstream churches in England, institutional Protestant Christianity, whether Baptist, Methodist or Anglican, are possessed with a hatred of Israel, the last refuge of Arab Christianity.
Instead of supporting their co-religionists, the Vichy Christians support those who kill their fellow Christians, ignoring the plight of God's people in their anti-semitic lust.
Typical of many such Jew haters is the Vichy Feminist vicar of St. James in Piccadilly, Lucy Winkett. Keen on women bishops, she writes for the New Statesman, supports antisemitic NGOs such as the Amos Trust and War on Want, a supporter of United Nations policies to break up families in places such as South Africa and India in the guise of women's rights. A typical Guardianista, she loves to cast stones, mistaking her self-righteousness for Christianity.
 Over Christmas, this Progressive vicar had an 'Apartheid Wall' put up outside her church (by wife-beating lower class men, no doubt), to remind onlookers of the wickedness of the Jews in protecting themselves from murdering Moslem fanatics, allowing Christians to live in Israel in peace.
All over the world the Jews have to protect themselves with security. Apart from St. Peter's, the only place of worship in Rome to have serious security is the synagogue, where a child was murdered by the righteous ones back in 1981.
The last wedding I attended was a Jewish wedding. Here in England, such is the extent of the savagery in our midst, there was a need for private security.
Rather than attacking the Jews, Lucy Winkett and her fellow pseudo Christians should concentrate on using their influence to protect real Christians, many of whom are dying at the hands of Lucy's friends.
There are Christians in Gaza and Ramallah who live in fear, subject to cruelty, assault and murder. Millions of Christian people throughout the region live under threat, while Lucy Winkett and her friends spread hatred and prejudice.
Whereas in 1950 Jordan's Christian population was  20% of the total population, the figure is now 6%. The situation is the same in all the nearby countries, where the Moslem  majority are purging the Christians as they once purged the Jews.
But one small country in the region bucks the trend - Israel.
In Israel, in 1949, there were 34,000 Christians. Today, in Israel, there are 168,000 Christians.
Israel is the only Middle Eastern country where Christians can thrive.
Thank God for Israel, and may the Lord have mercy on the likes of Lucy Winkett.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

A Yellow Equality

There are 650 Members of Parliament in the United Kingdom, of whom 143 are women, less than a quarter.
Thirty-five yeas ago, after the 1979 election that saw Mrs Thatcher become the United Kingdom's first and only woman Prime Minister, there were a mere 19 women MPs.
So in the past 35 years there has been a considerable increase in the number of women MPs.
Yet back in the 1970s the percentage of the national wealth owned by the top 1% was much lower than it is now, as was the disparity in earnings between the highest and the lowest paid (we are back to 1918 levels now). In the 1970s we were more equal than ever before, they couldn't hang you anymore, you could be as offensive as you liked, slap and tickle was everywhere, and you could go swimming without wearing wellies.
In 1979, 98 of the 635 MPs were former manual workers, whereas in 2014, a mere 25 out of 650 MPs were once horny handed sons or daughters of toil.
So what does equality mean, when there is ever more inequality in terms of wealth and power?
Everyday we are told that the State is introducing increasing equality, - for gays, for women, for blacks, for  badgers, for the whole gamut of persecuted and aggrieved. Yet, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer, and the powerful are getting stronger and the powerless are getting weaker.
Poor women, it seems, are to identify with other women of greater social and material standing. The maid is to celebrate her mistress's achievements.
She is to be glad that she is now equal with her husband, that he no longer earns a 'living wage', a wage that can support a family, and that he, like she, now earns only pin money.
The Vichy Feminists want the poor woman to cheer on her betters, while sneering at her lover, her brother, her husband, her father, her son, who shares in her misery.
Vichy Feminists ask the poor woman to identify with vertical power structures while treating men of her own class as her enemy.
In 2014, of 650 MPs, only 25 have ever been manual workers.
Yet I have heard no calls for all manual worker shortlists of election candidates, nor calls for a 50% of MPs to be manual workers.
Now that really would be revolutionary, which is why the Feminists aren't interested.

Monday, 20 January 2014

The Saviour State

There was a time, back in the 1990s, when I used to listen to Any Questions most weeks. On a regular basis the presenter would ask the audience for a show of hands on whether there should be 'a law against it', and without fail the audience would raise their hands 'yes'.
Now they have their wishes come true. There is a law against pretty much anything and everything.
This morning I switched on the radio, and caught the end of an interview with a doctor who was saying that the sale of something (I don't know what) should be banned to those under the age of sixteen. Someone commented that children should be policed by their parents, not by the government. It seems that at least one person is tired of there being 'a law against it'.
Due to the constant bombardment by the media and the education system it is hard not to think that we are surrounded by dangers and enemies. And, indeed, as society collapses, and each person lives alone and irresponsibly, dangerous and abusive individuals become more common, not just socially, but in business dealings and dealings with the self-serving bureaucracy.
Having created an atomised, fearful and mistrustful individual the State then presents itself as her Saviour. For, let us be honest, it is women who are much more susceptible to this pressure, women who have had to put up with the relentless propaganda that fills a woman with fear and self-loathing.
The servants of the State like to imagine us peasants as beasts and birds of prey, and it is only the State and its worshippers who can save us from tearing each other apart. The Saviour State cannot save us from our sin, but it can save us from the feral strangers who surround us. We are not redeemed by the idol's love, but by its overwhelming Power, by its organisation of institutionalised violence.
The social ties which once linked people together have now been broken, replaced by our submission to the hierarchy. The police are now the guarantors of our civilisation, deciding who to punish and who to protect, deeming some worthy and others not. Laws are invented, regulating social interaction, laws designed to destroy society, creating a social reality of consumption, conflict and violence. Sexual affection, family bonds, deep and meaningful friendships are twisted and broken, creating relationships that are merely relationships of mutual consumption, ever strengthening the apparatus of domination.
A united structured society, rich in culture and the capacity to live together, choosing goals and apirations together, using resources together, is the enemy of the State, and has been the bottom line target of all the wars of the past three hundred years, from the destruction of the political autonomy of Catalonia in 1714, onwards.
Conscription, armed conflict, world wars are all ploys used by the bureaucracy in its real war - the war on you.
The Imperative of Power demands that the military bureaucratic complex continues to expand its control, till it destroys all independent life on this planet.
Having wreaked its destruction, physically, mentally and morally, having left us cold and hungry in the desert it has created, the State comes to us, our Saviour.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

William Wordsworth - Sonnet To Thomas Clarkson

Sonnet to Thomas Clarkson, on the final passing of the Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, March 1807:

'Clarkson! it was an obstinate Hill to climb:
How toilsome, nay how dire it was, by Thee
Is known, - by none, perhaps so feeling;
But Thou, who, starting in thy fervent prime,
Didst first lead forth this pilgrimage sublime
Hast heard the constant Voice its charge repeat,
Which, out of thy young heart's oracular seat,
First roused thee - O true yoke - fellow of Time
With unabating effort, see, the palm
Is won, and by all Nations shall be worn!
The bloody Writing is forever torn,
And thou henceforth will have a good Man's calm,
A great Man's happiness; thy zeal shall find
Repose at length, firm Friend of human kind!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According To John, chapter 1, verse 5

'And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.'

Outside of Life, outside of God is darkness. We all know atheists and pagans and moralists who flounder in darkness, worshipping their careers, their wives, their Koran or Kapital or Kampf.
 Often they appear to be nice people and their ideals (or idols) make them appear worthy and good. Their concern for such things as Climate Change, Equality, Democracy, the sexual oppression of women, is all too often a mask that falls away all too easily. Then we can see their true face - the face of Hate. We see their hatred for other people, indeed for life itself. Idealists and idolaters give the appearance of light, like Lucifer, but they are darkness, always hoping to draw you down to their pit of death.
There is only one true God, the Living God, the God that is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
It is towards the true God that we must focus our thoughts and our prayers. Only the Living God is the Light who guides our way.
But it may be a lonely walk. Friends, acquaintances, family members, even members of our particular congregation may not be with us. It is sad, very sad, but you will meet others along the way, fellow pilgrims following the Light.
But others will be left behind, for darkness is unable to comprehend light.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Quotes From The SCUM Manifesto

The basic premise of discriminatory laws with regard to gender violence, the current show trials in England of aging entertainers, and many civil hearings where the man is assumed to be the villain and the woman the victim, is that men are innately, biologically violent, that is, of course, unless they supposedly have an innate predisposition to sodomy.
And so the world is turned on its head.
Such hyper sexist stereotyping is basically Nazi, taking its cue from the psychological pseudo science of the nineteenth century and the racist doctrines of the the twentieth century.
One document in particular shows this link between modern feminism, that claims that I am innately violent, and that Revoltina and the little Revoltettes are victims, and the most vile genocidal politics of the past, is the SCUM manifesto. It is rare to see so much hate in one short diatribe.
Here are some quotes. I have changed the words 'man' or 'men' to others, which I hope will illustrate my point.

'To be black is to be deficient, emotionally limited: blackness is a deficiency disease and blacks are emotional cripples.'
'The Jew is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection or tenderness.'
'The Irishman is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes.'
'Although completely physical the Pakistani is unfit even for stud service.'
Every black man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit, overwhelmed by a sense of animalism and deeply ashamed of it.'

RP says: That's enough vomit. If you want to read the rest of it you'll have to do a course in Gender Studies.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Brutality In The Society Of Equals

Mary Malone writes:
The politically correct orthodoxy, aping the Nazis and Progressives of the past, and using the biological imperative, maintains that men are predisposed to violence and women have a tendency to passivity and victimhood. The collective psychosis of the means of indoctrination and mental manipulation that Vichy Feminists have managed to create with their argument of gender violence ignores the fact that there are many other sorts of violence in the Society of Equals.
Indeed there has been a terrifying growth in violence and conflict in this world where no-one has any responsibility except to themselves, a world where people only have rights and no duties.
Not only do we have the institutional violence of the State and the regimented workplace, but even within the home the love and respect which was the strength of the family is fast disappearing.
Parents, mothers in particular, suffer abuse from adolescents (both male and female), egocentric offspring venting their grievance on egocentric parents.
Older people are abandoned, left to the mercy of strangers, vulnerable to physical and mental aggression.
Innumerable little boys and girls suffer a lack of love from mothers and fathers who neither understand them, nor love them, adults who are too preoccupied in fulfilling their own destinies as consumers and objects of consumption to bother looking after, or teaching or nurturing their children.
Women themselves, both in public and in private, are hugely more violent than not so very long ago.
The creation of a mindset of conflict is one of the chief aims of the neo-Patriarchal State, which uses a sort of social terrorism to dominate by wreaking destruction on normal societal relations. The promotion of gay marriage and such notions as rape culture are examples of the State laying waste to autonomous society. Through the culture industry - the cinema, television, books, magazines and, of course, the education system we are taught to suspect and fear those we love, to question their motives, their sincerity and their actions.
Antagonism, not harmony is the aim of the modern State, the State of Pandemonium.
Society can only exist through agreement between equals, through mutual collaboration and understanding. The State thrives through the destruction of Society.
Make no mistake, the State is a cancer on the body of Society. Either it is removed or it will kill us all.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Feminist Factory Fodder

There are many NGOs such as Action Aid and Christian Aid who send out their missionaries to preach 'women's rights', to destroy traditional communities, to wrench a woman from hearth and husband like a baby from the womb.
These liberated women often work in conditions reminiscent of the early factory system in England, after enclosures had excluded common people from the lands and they were herded like cattle into the towns, a vast pool of cheap labour.
Here is an International Press Service report from Cambodia about the lucky young women who have taken up careers in the garment industry.

Phnom Penh: 9.1.2014
'Cambodian garment workers have two handcuffs and one weapon (against them). One handcuff is a short term contract (10 hours, six days a week). Even if they get sick, if they get pregnant, they feel they have to get an abortion so they don't lose their jobs.
'The second handcuff is the low wage, ' Tola Moeun, head of the Community Legal Education Centre, which advocates for workers' rights, told IPS from the organisation's headquarters on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. 'The weapon used against them is violence, both mental and physical.'
About 90% of garment workers are young women, mostly in their teens and their twenties. His words, which came just days before mass protests broke out in the Cambodian capital, proved prophetic, as garment workers took to the streets Dec.24 until their demonstrations were brutally quashed by Prime Minister Hun Sen's private military the first weekend in January, resulting in five fatalities and over 30 serious injuries. In the days leading up to the protest, the Labour Ministry had approved an increase in the minimum wage for garment workers  from 80 to 95 dollars a month. But trade unions and workers protested, saying it was not enough to live on, and demanded a monthly minimum wage of 160 dollars..........
(Tola said) 'The minimum is for eight hours, so most work 10 hours to get a higher income to have just enough to sleep in a shared room. Most workers are in debt, borrowing about 50 dollars each month. Workers struggle to send money home to their families in the countryside.'

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Victim Ideology

Mary Malone writes:
Victim ideology is a central plank of our post-Fascist State. All fascist regimes depend on self-pity and resentment of the Other. To feed the self-pity the Other must be dehumanised and demonized. Then we can have unity in our grievances, in our hate.
Today, victims are everywhere. To be positive, outgoing, extrovert, is to commit a crime in the State of the Victims. To celebrate the achievements of our ancestors is almost taboo. To mull over centuries old grievances is encouraged. The dynamism of the Anglo Saxons and the Jews is hated with bureaucratic fury.
You only have to go into a bookshop to see the shelves of victim porn, 'survivors' tales of masochism and revenge. And of course only the State can rescue the feeble (woman?) from the Other, from the English, the Jews, men, child molesters and so on.
The relentless promotion of victim propaganda in schools, magazines, news bulletins etc. leads to women to see themselves as weak and powerless, incapable of asserive action, the passive recipient of other people's crimes, inciting the most bitter hate and resentment towards men, men who are perceived to be autonomous and independent.
Indeed, the bureaucratic class hate no one more than those who go and get it for themselves, not waiting to ask for permission from a 'superior'.
 Women who identify themselves as weak and  powerless, except when allied with the strength of government, foster an irrational aversion to men, an aversion that obliterates any rational thought.
By establishing the special vulnerability of Woman, and her special need for protection, the Patriarchal State reveals its extreme male chauvinism. In the nineteenth century the  Liberal State placed Woman under the tutelage of her husband. In the 'equal' feminist neo Patriarchal State she is under the tutelage of the State and its servants, which grant her special privileges and advantages, assisting and protecting her, creating dependency and domination, on condition that the woman obeys the State and protects its interests as a dutiful wife.

Monday, 13 January 2014

The Hate Of The Bureaucrat

Where does it come from, all this hate, the hate that leads to murder and genocide? What sort of self loathing leads a person to be a Nazi or a Feminist or a Bolshevik or a Nationalist, a person who wants to exclude and destroy the Other?
Those who hate the most are those who read the Progressive press. Their hatred is not naked. Often it mascarades as love, always it is dressed with morality. Yet, behind their 'love' and their 'righteousness' lies the seething resentment of the person truncated by obedience and passivity and hierarchy, not just in their actions, but internalised within their very souls, like a cancer that poisons their innards to the very core.
These people, - teachers, bureaucrats, soldiers, police, careerists -  are the people who are most debased and degraded, those whose life is within the system, those who have abrogated their responsibility to others, those who have learnt to love the whip.
The People, reluctant recruits, are less violent, though it may not seem so as their violence is not outsourced. It is the military bureaucrats, utilising the police apparatus of the State, who brutalize and kill the most.
Power debases and power corrupts, and the bureaucrat lives in a web of power, both receiving orders and dishing out orders on a daily basis.
These bureaucrats claim authority, but what they have is power. Authority is legitimate, coming from the agreement of equals, the submission of the the younger to the elder, the child to the parent, the less skilled to the highly skilled. But power is illegitimate. Power comes from violence. Behind Power stands the threat of the policeman, and ultimately his sanctions are backed with violence.
Every time a person gives a command based on Power, he not only diminishes his victim, but himself too, doing violence to the free agency and responsibility which is the essence of being human. Those who seek Power, (success) are expressing a weakness that is already within themselves for Violence is weakness not strength. Only the weak resort to violence.
The strong have no need. It is the weak who form the ranks of the military bureaucratic complex, who systematize their violence with morality. Their own power has already been expropriated by the boss, and hungrily they look to expropriate the power of others.
They no longer know how to act of their own volition. The rules and regulations are internalised in the form of Morality. They have an enemy - those who are free from their morality.
A bureaucrat wakes up in the morning in chains. In his mind he thinks what he should do. Dimly aware of his wretchedness, his powerlessness, the enslavement of his will, he lashes out at those he perceives to be more free.
Feminists, nearly all of them university graduates, believe in their own sterility, and hate the fecund woman, and hate the men who might impregnate them, men they perceive to be free of the very femininity that they hate but claim to love.
Nazis hate the Jews, the Gypsies, those who live in groups that are autonomous of the State, those who do not or cannot conform.
The Bolshevik hates the worker, the peasant, the kulak, the small independent individual or group, any expression of life beyond his rules and regulations. He sees the worker laughing and smiling and dancing. But the bureaucrat can only watch, grim and stoney faced, whilst those who are not chained by Morality, those who are not isolated in the hierarchy, whose will is taken, but not surrendered, who are chained during working hours only, laugh and love.
The bureaucrat puts on his regulation back pack, ties up his hiking boots and takes to the hills, hoping for release from his madness, from his hate.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

James Freeman Clarke - Cana

Dear Friend! whose presence in the house,
Whose gracious word benign,
Could once at Cana's wedding feast,
Change water into wine;

Come visit us! and when dull work
Grows weary, line on line,
Revive our souls, and let us see,
Life's water turned to wine

Gay mirth shall deepen into joy,
Earth's hopes grow half divine,
When Jesus visits us to make
Life's water glow as wine.

The social talk, the evening fire,
The homely household shrine,
Grow bright with angel visits, when
The Lord pours out the wine.

For when self-seeking turns to love,
Not knowing mine nor thine,
The miracle again is wrought,
And water turned to wine.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According To John, chapter 1, verse 4;

'In him was life; and the life was the light of men.'

Life itself was in him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Life itself resides in God. He is the Living God.
In our Lord Jesus Christ is all life, and by him and from was everything created - the planets, the trees, the world, the animals, the peoples of the earth, the ants on the ground. And it is this life which is the light of men, for we know that Life is good, and that Death is evil. For death is darkness, nothingness, the antithesis of Life. Life is that light that guides us, a lantern, a torch, a star.
It is he that is the light that guides us, our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Phil Robertson - A Born Tosser?

Phil Robertson is an American television reality star. Recently some Righteous Ones tried to get him sacked for making comments that went against their orthodoxy. Like the boxer Evander Holyfield, and your humble Peasant, he sees masterbation as a lifestyle choice. It may be offensive to say so, but in our opinion people are not born tossers, but chose to be tossers.
My friend Bertie, who is openly Solo, profoundly disagrees. When Bertie first came out from under the blanket, he was called Bent Bertie, 'bent' being the opposite of 'straight. But Bertie was offended by this name, so we called him Curvey Bertie, which was fine until Dick pointed out that 'curvey' rhymes with 'pervy'. So we call Bertie just Plain Bertie. We villagers do not define a person by what they do with their genitals.
Plain Bertie has a message for Phil. - 'Phil, sweetie, come to terms with what you are! You are a born tosser!'
Here are some quotes from Mr. Robertson:

'It seems to me, a vagina - as a man - would be more desirable than a man's hand! That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on dudes! You know what I'm saying. But hey, sin: it's not logical, my man. It's just not logical.'

'Everything is blurred by what's right and what's wrong........sin becomes fine. Start with masturbatory behaviour and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and those men.'

'If we lose our morality, we lose our country. It will happen.'

'It is the most heinous, pitiful, wicked thing I can think of, to tear fetuses from their mother's wombs and just go on by. Fifty million (abortions).........We're going to have to pay for that, as a nation.'

'America's problem is not financial or educational. Don't let them kid you......America's problem is a spiritual one. You know it and I know it. You say, 'What's happened to Wall Street? It's a bunch of thieving going on - that's what's happened to them. What's wrong with our government? There's a bunch of lying thieves up there that's in control of your country. No doubt about it. They never get enough money. We just keep shovelling it in there, wondering where it's going.'

'I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks because I'm white trash. We're going across the field.........They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person say, 'I tell you what: these doggone white people' - not a word! ...........Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.'

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Self - Loathing Feminists

Mary Malone writes:
Sexism is at the heart of the campaigns against men that are unleashed by the collaborators of the neo-Patriarchal State. Like the Fascists of an earlier era, they profess a crude biological determinism, making out that men are innately violent and aggressive and that women are born victims. This same Progressive Fascism is seen in the orthodoxy surrounding homosexual rights. Whereas 50 years ago it was assumed by pretty much everyone that homosexuality was a lifestyle choice, today it is 'offensive' to say as much. It seems that homosexuals are innately homosexual and that men are innately wife beaters, and women are innately victims.
One the mantle of perennial victim has been donned there is nothing to do, but stew in the hatred of men and disgust for oneself.
It is the same biological determinism that was once used to categorise Africans and Jews and the working class, and no doubt will be used against them once more in the not too distant future.
State Feminist sexism is the same sort of ideology as the racism of the Nazis, which is essentially biological. The Nazis used anti-Jewish sentiment to build its mass base, by inciting irrational hatred, and feeding fanatical emotionalism. The prejudice of man-phobia is used by Power in the same way. The habits and conduct that are created by incessant propaganda and the so-called laws of positive discrimination are leading to a rebirth of the philosophy and organisation of fascism, this time with a smiley feminine face.
A lot of Vichy Feminists like to claim a certain radicalism, that they are sweeping away the injustices of millennia, but actions based on hate and biological prejudice can only result  in fascism. A notorious example of this is SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto which is just a fascist rant, yet, couched in more moderate language, this prejudice about what men supposedly are, innately, biologically, is at the heart of the laws against working class men throughout Europe.
The laws introduced with the blessing of the Vichy Feminists are deeply worrying on account of the police repression introduced into every aspect of our personal lives, but even more worrying on account of the transformation of ideas, personal conduct and cultural norms, breaking the ties that have historically joined women and men.
This transformation is not something that has occurred from below, through the social mechanisms of horizontal autonomous society, but is imposed upon us by the vertical power structures of Hierarchy. State Feminism defines all relations between the sexes in its own Patriarchal image - as relations of power and domination - making out that since time immemorial men have abused women, and made use of aggression against women to occupy a privileged position in society.
Inventing an imaginary historical Narrative, the Vichy Feminists maintain that male  violence towards women is structural - that women are the victims of violence simply because they are women and for no other reason. Power and domination is all they see, turning even the holy act of love into sordid rape.
Men are presented as women's oppressors only when they have emotional and sexual ties with women. And if the men work independently of the bureaucracy, or if they are working class men, manual workers who have no place in the hierarchy except under it, these men are assumed to be violent. They are treated as savages, in the same way as Red Indians, Africans and other aborigines were treated prior to their extermination.
Bureaucratic men, on the other hand, are assumed to enlightened. They know what is and what is not heretical, what they must and must not say and do.
Men are not presented as oppressors when they are government officials, policemen, judges, businessmen, journalists or other men of power. Strangely, it is men who have no power within the system that according to the Narrative, have an almost demonic  power over women.
These laws and campaigns promoted by the Vichy Feminists are wars against the autonomy of working class life, campaigns against the natural institutions of social life, dividing us and ruling us by claiming that one half of us is inherently evil, oppressing the other half of us, which is inherently weak and abused.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Expansion Of State Power

Mary Malone writes:
In the past couple of decades throughout Europe, we have seen a huge expansion of state power at the expense of autonomous authority. In this country we see the bureaucratization of everyday life in the growth of such things as health and safety regulations, Children's Acts that give social workers power to remove our children at  their whim, using secret court proceedings, the farcical criminal records checks that prevent spontaneous acts of kindness and which made David Cameron's 'Big Society' a non starter, the supervision of children in what used to be their playing out time, the Child Support Agency and the benefits system that gives a woman every incentive to realise her grievances, and ditch her husband. Now, a third of English children live without their fathers, indeed they are more likely to have a television in their bedroom than a father in the house. So they learn their values and their priorities from received culture handed down by Power, rather than from their own parents, as is natural.
Such destruction of social life, destruction of the autonomous society that humans have enjoyed since time immemorial, where problems are resolved between people without interference, is the aim of the military bureaucratic complex, a sort of social War on Terror that sows discord and suspicion and fear amongst the population.
The State Feminist agenda is very much part of this social War on Terror, this campaign to destroy society and bring the State into the centre of people's daily lives.
Campaigns and prosecutions under such laws as the Spanish Law of Gender Violence, the ever widening categories of abuse - emotional abuse of the weak and helpless female at the hands of the all powerful male - an ever expanding definition of rape - of not using a condom in Sweden, for example- have only one aim, to sow social terror amongst the population, to make them cry out for Big Mother government.
In an effort to expand the instruments of state violence, denunciations are encouraged. In this way hundreds of thousands of women come into daily contact with the apparatus of repression, continual visits to police stations and social services establishing relations of dependency. Women are encouraged to identify with these institutions. Women are welcomed with sympathy and intimacy and encouraged in their grievances. The apparatus of repression recruits these women, turns them into collaborators and informers. They are indoctrinated into the ideology of the new fascism, one based, again, on the exaltation of the institutions of the State, and on the self-pity and the sense of victimhood and the irrational hatred of the 'aggressor', which now takes shape in the abhorrence of men, but which can be easily substituted by any other social group - bankers, Gypsies, Jews, Christians, - whoever.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Like Some Sort Of NGO

Mary Malone writes:
The Spanish Law of Gender Violence is enforced by special tribunals, outside the normal court system. Not only can they make civil judgements regarding custody and property, but also in criminal matters, where it is assumed that the defendant is guilty of the accusation, and he, (for it is always a he), must prove his innocence. Like many sex crimes trials in this country it is assumed that the woman is telling the truth, even when she has a huge financial incentive to have the man convicted.
Feminism once spoke of women's dignity and freedom. In a patriarchal society, where earning money was lauded and women's free labour derided, Feminism stood up for our worth. But State Feminism wishes to inflict upon us the values of Patriarchy, the lauding of waged labour and the derision of the free gift, a free gift whose value is not registered in the 'Economy'. State Feminism is a false feminism, feminism assimilated by Power, and turned into an instrument of repression.
Vichy Feminists, these women who collaborate with Patriarchy, only value work that is done under duress, under the threat of punishment, degraded work, joyless work, work done within the Hierarchy of Power. To enslave the female, she must be parted from her mate. He must no longer provide for her or protect her. She must be persuaded that his love is slavery, and that working for the boss, eating alone, living in a cold and childless house, is, in fact, liberation.
So a Narrative is invented - women good, gays good, men bad - anal sex good, sterility good, mixing fluids bad. Complaints are invited against heterosexual men, who according to the orthodoxy of biological determinism are born bad.
He is hauled before the court, he is assumed to be guilty, he is stripped of his home and his family and sent to prison, guilty of being a man.
There will always be denunciations. From an early age we are told to tell teacher, to learn that Power is the arbiter in our private relationships. Power - the police, teachers, social workers are ever seeking new business. A virus, a cancer, the Imperative of Power is to grow and to consume all life.
And so, the police have arrived at the heart of the family.
Police numbers grow at around 5% per year. Women are assimilated into the forces of oppression, not just as social workers and teachers but as police too, contributing around 20% of new recruits and around 55% of new recruits at executive grade. Already there are women who are police chiefs in the regions.
The ever increasing assimilation of women into the forces of repression is given a veneer of Progress, allowing the State to present itself not as an institution that brutalises common folk, but as some sort of Charity or NGO, dedicated to saving weak females.

Monday, 6 January 2014

The Law Of Gender Violence

Mary Malone writes:
Over the past few years, both in this country and on the Continent, there have been campaigns against violence that is perpetrated against women by men, particularly what is known as 'domestic violence'. The campaigns work from a premise that there are many women who are attacked by their menfolk on a regular and systematic basis, which is somewhat surprising as culturally, in this country at least, and amongst the indigenous population, men have traditionally repudiated violent men, particularly those who hit women. Amongst indigenous Englishmen, hitting a woman is an absolute taboo.
However, the definition of violence is extended so as to bring in more victims. A woman may verbally abuse a man, and a woman may be 'controlling' but these are not crimes. Only when a man is verbally abusive or controlling is it a crime. The idea behind the campaign is that there are millions of women cowering in fear of brutal husbands, having their individuality crushed out of them.
Just one look around us and we can see what patent rubbish this is.
Yet the campaigns go on. And in Spain, for the past ten years they have had the Law of Gender Violence. This keystone legislation, discriminating against men, was passed by the mostly male Spanish parliament.
It's 'success' can be measured by the fact that by 2010, 13% of the prison population consisted of men punished under this legislation.
The imprisoned men were punished for crimes, which had they been perpetrated by a woman, would have been treated as mere misdemeanors.
During its first five years, one hundred thousand men were convicted under this law. There are one hundred thousand denunciations annually, and according to the government this is only a quarter of 'real' figure, meaning that the 9,000 men currently serving time under this law should rise to 36,000, increasing Spain's prison population by 50%.
Yet the number of women murdered by their partners rises year by year. Either the increase in violence is due to the increase in immigrant communities, and it would be racist to suggest such a thing, or it is caused by a rise in bitterness and hostility between the sexes, caused by this divisive law, the endless harping anti-male propaganda in the media, and the inversion of values in the education system, where girls and boys are taught to sneer at their own gender, and at their own selves.
By pitting women against men, the Capitalist Patriarchal State once again divides in order to rule. By inciting discord between women and men, the military and police apparatus can intrude in to the most intimate recesses of social and family life. Men are kept under surveillance - they must beware lest words and deeds can be misconstrued.
Massive manipulation of the population through re-education walks hand in hand with massive control of the population through police methods. Men, who have always seen themselves as the providers and protectors of women, are now portrayed, and encouraged to be, vain, egotistical and childish.
What was once seen as manly self-sacrifice is now portrayed as selfish oppression. Simply for a man to love his family has become a crime, preventing a woman from taking her place within the hierarchy.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Unquiet Grave

The wind doth blow today, my love,
And a few small drops of rain;
I never had but one true love,
In cold grave was she lain.

I'll do as much for my true love
As any young man may;
I'll sit and mourn at all her grave
For a twelvemonth and a day.

The twelve month and a day being up,
The dead began to speak
'Oh who sits weeping on my grave,
And will not let me sleep?

'Tis I, my love, sits on your grave,
And will not let you sleep,
For I crave one kiss of your clay-cold lips,
And that is all I seek.'

'You crave one kiss of my clay-cold lips,
But my breath smells earthy strong;
If you have one kiss of my clay-cold lips,
Your time will not be long.

'Tis down in yonder garden green,
Love, where we used to walk,
The finest flower, that ere was seen
Is withered to a stalk.

The stalk is withered dry, my love,
So will our hearts decay;
So make yourself content, my love,
Till God calls you away.'

Saturday, 4 January 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel according to John, chapter 1, verse 3.
'All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.'

Jesus Christ is the Word, not just a nice man who hung around Galilee two thousand years ago, but the Word, the creative force of the universe, God Himself, the Son of the Father.
God is the creator of everything. People make idols out of creation - stones, rocks, pools, springs, trees - worshipping creation. In these scientific days we make idols out of the State, our 'Life', Democracy, Equality, and so on, earthly creations, the inventions of the mind of man, that can only lead us to slavery.
But the universe and all that is in it was made by God. God is the creator of all, and it is he that we must worship.
Without the Word, without our Lord Jesus Christ, 'was not any thing made that was made.'

Friday, 3 January 2014

Herbert Spencer - Man Versus The State

'Be it or be it nor true that Man is shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin, it is unquestionably true that Government is begotten of aggression. In small undeveloped societies where for ages complete peace has continued, there exists nothing like what we call Government: no coercive agency, but mere honourary headship, if any headship at all. In these exceptional communities, unaggressive and from special causes, unaggressed  upon, there is little deviation from the virtues of truthfulness, honesty, justice, and generosity, that nothing beyond an occasional expression of public opinion by informally assembled elders is needful. Conversely, we find proofs that, at first recognised but temporarily during leadership of war, the authority of a chief is permanently installed, and grows strong where successful war ends in subjection of neighbouring tribes. And thence onwards, examples furnished by all the races put beyond doubt the truth, that the coercive power of the chief, developing into king, and king of kings (a frequent title in the East), becomes great in proportion as conquest becomes habitual and the union of subdued nations extensive.
Comparisons disclose a further truth which should be ever present to us - the truth that the aggressiveness of the ruling power inside a society increases with its aggressiveness outside the society.
As, to make an efficient army, the soldiers must be subordinate to their commander, so, to make an efficient fighting community must the citizens be subordinate to the extent demanded, and yield up whatever property is required.'

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Memories of Resistance

In 1860, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, whose capital was Naples, was overthrown by a combination of local Liberal revolutionaries and soldiers from the northern kingdom of Piedmont. The local peasants were faced with worsening labour conditions, the theft of common land and its integration into the property of the powerful, increased taxation, and the conscription of nearly all young men, the previous exemptions for fathers and only sons being abolished.
In defiance of the increased oppression and the martial law imposed upon them, many men and women took to the forests and the hills as bandits and brigands.
Central and Southern Italy already had a long tradition of resistance to Power. Its outlaws were famous even amongst the European intelligentsia of the era, many of whom, looking for something a little exotic on their Grand Tours of Italy, would visit the fearless outlaw Gasparone, locked up for forty years in a gaol in Civitavecchia. In the Lazio region, he was a legend, famed for robbing the rich and giving to the poor. Others, such as Stefano Pelloni, the Smuggler, Fra Diavolo, and Domenichino were equally famous. Nowadays their names mean little or nothing, but in their day they were often the protagonists of poems and ballads that sang of their misdemeanors as if they were epic deeds. These ballads were passed down the generations, the collective memory of a community expressed in song and popular verse, stories of the forest and the brigands who lived there.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Centralisation Of Memory

The collective memory of autonomous societies is passed down from generation to generation, and with it the values of that society, and indeed its identity. For good reason did the Irish, in Mediaeval times fear the power of the written word. They feared that memory would be destroyed, that it would be captured by those experts who held the power of the written word.
In autonomous, and often illiterate societies, the people have their own slant, usually at odds with the official Narrative. A modern example is the myth of a united 'Britain' facing the Nazis in 1940, whereas, from what I have heard, most people regarded the war as something conjured up by the officer class, that it was the politicians who wanted the war. Most people simply wanted to survive and get on with their lives.
More rural societies than twentieth century England told their story through myth and legend. One of the most important aims of free compulsory education was to break the power of the peasant memory. People who could read, would read newspapers and novels, the myths that their masters wanted them to see as their own.
The tales of common people all over the world are full of characters such as Robin Hood, outlaws and brigands who fought against Power and the injustices of Power. These heroes fought against central authority, vertical authority imposed on them by violence. They took back what the rich had taken and gave it back to the poor. They were heroes, rebels driven to the woods and the hills by the oppressor.
 But the heroes in the books of the officer class, all too frequently overlooked these outlaws, and made heroes out of soldiers and policemen. The outlaws were cast as criminals, the agents of Power as saints. And when a myth was too powerful to expunge, such as the story of Robin Hood, they gave the story a makeover. In Victorian times, Robin was changed from a simple yeoman, to become Robin of Locksley, a knight who had been unjustly treated by Prince John and who waited for the return of the 'good' king Richard.
Robin became officer material and his men were simply his cannon fodder, an attitude clearly shown in the film Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.
To this day soldiers are treated as saints and heroes, at least by the propagandists of Power. Some thug shoots up peasants in Afghanistan or Iraq, and you'd think he was Mother Teresa.
 And the dissident is a baddie, an extremist. Be he a member of a church, a libertarian, someone who doesn't like being taxed, monitored, crushed by debt, harassed by officialdom, he is treated not as a hero, but as a trouble causer.
It is the man of violence who conforms to Power who is the hero of memory that has been expropriated and transformed. Films, television, books blot out the memories of autonomous life enjoyed by mankind until very recently. Memories of freedom are routinely destroyed. Officially, Hierarchy is the established order, natural and eternal.
But not so long ago, in a world where people made their own decisions, it was the warrior, the policeman, the 'lord' who was the criminal, the one who overturned the natural order, and the good guys were the peasants like Robin Hood who fought the oppressor, brave men and women who only wished to be allowed to live as humans, not beasts of burden.

Thomas Hardy - The Darkling Thrush

I leant upon the coppice gate
When frost was spectre-gray
And winter's dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted high
Had sought their household fires.

The land's sharp features seemed to be
The Year's corpse outleant,
His crypt the cloudy canopy,
The wind his death lament.
The ancient pulse of germ and birth
Was shrunken hard and dry,
And every spirit upon the earth
Seemed fervourless as I.

At once a voice arose among
The bleak twigs overhead
In a full-hearted evensong
Of joy illimited.
An aged thrush, frail, gaunt and small,
In blast-beruffled plume,
Had chosen thus to fling his soul
Upon the growing gloom.

So little cause for carolings
Of such ecstatic sound
Was written on terrestrial things
Afar or night around,
That I could think there trembled through
His happy good-night air
Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew
And I was unaware.