Thursday, 31 October 2013

Modern Men Don't Do Sacrifice

From 'Men and Matriarchy', Mary Malone writes,
Christianity is at heart a matriarchal ideology. Christ is represented in Scripture as the 'bridegroom', his Church as the 'bride'. The bridegroom lays down his life to save the bride. In so doing, his sacrificial love gives value to his life.
Until the rise of military bureaucratic states in the eighteenth century, all men viewed their role as to serve and protect women. Then, with men 'educated' in schools and conscripted into the army, loyalty to the bureaucratic motherland superceded loyalty to women, at least for the overseer class. The law of the Liberal status relegated women to a role of legal inferiors.
Until that time, when hierarchy spread out from the elite surrounding the monarchy and the established Church into many areas of daily existence, Christianity had made absolute sense to men.
Men could worship Christ as Lord, because they knew that their destiny was one of sacrificial love too.
If men avoid Christ these days it is nothing to do with the Church. In an age of self-indulgence, gratification, of bosses and conformity, how can self-obsesssed modern man understand the sacrifice of Jesus, or that of their own forefathers for that matter?

Whatever Happened To The Age Of Leisure?

Forty or fifty years ago people believed that Progress could not be stopped. So long as we did not destroy ourselves in a nuclear war,a rosy future of material well-being and leisure lay just around the corner. And indeed, as necessities such as food and clothing  are so cheap, why is it that we do not dedicate our time to flower arranging and maj-jong, or whatever takes our fancy?
Here in the year 2013 we are busier than ever, earning the money to buy our leisure, as our independent activities are increasingly turned into commodities.
In the United Kingdom more people than ever are in paid work. Women have been dragged out of the home, their infants either aborted or abandoned in day nurseries, and millions of immigrants have been brought in to provide cheap labour.
The treadmill turns ever faster.
Nearly all these newly created jobs are in the service industries, either in unnecessary bureaucracy, or in finance, or in servicing some need, real or imagined.
The economy just has to keep growing, because money is power. More aid work means more taxation, which means more taxation, which means more hierarchy, which means more centralised power.
A strong economy does not make us any better off than before, or better off than people in other countries. Our quality of life may be better or worse than others, depending on a number of factors, such as security, a clean environment, a vibrant society, which have nothing to do with the economy.
We have to keep working so our masters keep their power. When they tell us that 'we' are one of the biggest economies in the world, what they mean is that they are one of he world's most powerful bureaucracies, whose reach extends into every corner of the globe, and every detail of our lives.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Equality, Envy And Digestion

In 1872 Dostoyevsky published his novel, 'The Devils', in which he summed up the ideology of the Progressives of his time as, 'equality, envy and.........digestion.' These Progressives were Socialists, Liberals, Utilitarians and Nihilists, whose dogmas are the orthodoxy of today, to which self-styled Christians, proud of their ignorance, ever glad to conform to earthly masters, are glad to adhere to.
Yet, to a conservative Christian like Dostoyevsky, Liberalism and Socialism both denied God. They were pure Atheism. The Atheists lacked God, and therefore lacked love. They only worshipped 'equality, envy and......digestion.'
Like many of our modern Christians, the Atheists were Utilitarians. They were servants of the belly, and for them, all values must bow before the belly, all freedom must be crushed in its cause.
These Utilitarians were Progressives, for the belly has no past, no poetry, no myths.
All must be erased in order to worship the belly.
All must be erased because Progressives are Nihilists, the lovers of nothing. Ultimately, those who love equality, envy and digestion, love death more than we love life.
In their Nihilism they want everyone to be the same, to be equal. Anyone who achieves a little individuality is hated and envied in equal measure. No mountains nor valleys are permitted.
Anyone whose concerns rise above his digestion must be expelled, or given a pill. Such is the modern world. By such teachings are the priests of Baal known.

Democracy Unchecked

The Majority is the concept that legitimizes democratic rule. In turn Democracy legitimizes hierarchic rule.
Very few voters really care about the government so long as they are free to go about their business unhindered by hoodlums, foreign invasion or the government itself.
At the moment there is Democratic confusion in England. The institutions of Parliament were designed to keep the monarchy in check, but have now been transformed into the instruments of Democratic rule.
Now that Democracy has replaced Monarchy it is unchecked. The last remaining defence, English Common Law, is fast being replaced by regulations and European Law. Case law, handed down through the generations, an expression of English civilisation and values, is being replaced by rules issued from on high.
Far from allowing people to go about their business unhindered, the government and the police now tell people what they can say. The schools, instead of teaching, propagandize the young, corrupt and degrade them, weaken them with self-pity and grievance. Christianity is ghettoized. If a Christian should oppose Atheist practice they are sacked, persecuted and made unemployable.
At the same time corruption is institutionalised. Theft by the authorities is all around us, whether it be the large salaries the bureaucrats award each other, the financial and expenses scams, the low interest rates and the promotion of indebtedness in order to transfer wealth from the poor to the powerful.
Democracy rules, and there appears to be no way of putting matters right.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Adelaide Anne Procter - Judge Not

Judge not the workings of his brain
And of his heart thou canst not see;
What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,
In God's pure light may only be
A scar, brought from some well-won field,
Where thou wouldst only faint and yield.

The look, the air, that frets thy sight,
May be a token that below
The soul has closed in deadly fight
With some infernal fiery foe,
Whose glance would scorch thy smiling grace
And cast thee shuddering on the face!

The fall thou darest to despise, -
May be the angel's slackened hand
Has suffered it, that he may rise
And take a firmer, surer stand;
Or, trusting less to earthly things,
May henceforth learn to use his wings.

And judge not lost; but wait and see,
With hopeful pity, not disdain,
The depth of the abyss may be
The measure of the height of pain
And love and glory may raise
This soul to God in after days!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

The Attributes Of God - Graciousness

John Ball writes:
God is gracious. He fills the world with his grace.
Grace is God's unmerited, unearned love and favour towards undeserving, selfish mankind.
Though we deserve the worst because we are such dreadful creatures, never in a million years being able to approach God's perfection, yet, fortunately for us, being totally kind and loving, total graciousness is one of God's attributes.
Though we deserve to live for eternity without God, in our own private hell, he sent our Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to pay for our sin.
I would call that very gracious indeed, especially since Jesus is God's only begotten Son.
God's grace is ever present in our lives, touching even those who do not believe. Even the worst heathen can enjoy love and beauty, the joy of creativity, fellowship with others, food, drink and shelter.
God's graciousness is overflowing. It is God's nature to give. It is God's nature to love. God is gracious to all his creatures, to all mankind, and particularly to us, his people, who believe in Him, who know his love, who are called to love Him forever.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Alexis De Tocqueville - Enslaved Souls And Centralization

'........but such is the course adopted by tyranny in democratic republics: there the body is left free, and the soul is enslaved. The sovereign can no longer say, "You are free to think differently from me, and to retain your life, your property, and all you possess; but if such be your determination, you are henceforth an alien amongst your people. You may retain your civil rights, but they will be useless to you, for you will never be chosen by your fellow citizens if you solicit their suffrages, and they will effect to scorn you if you solicit their esteem. You will remain amongst men, but you will be deprived of the rights of mankind. Your fellow creatures will shun you like an impure being, and those who are most persuaded of your innocence will abandon you too, lest they should be shunned in their turn.'

'Not only is a democratic people led by its own taste to centralize its government, but the passions of all the men by whom it is governed constantly urge it in the same direction. It may be easily foreseen that almost all the able and ambitious members of a democratic community will labour unceasingly to extend the powers of government, because they all hope at some time or other to wield those powers themselves.'

Thursday, 24 October 2013

State Feminism And Mealtimes

Before women were dragged into the world of waged work, families used to sit down together to eat meals. There was no snacking allowed between meals. The meals had a semi sacred nature. Depending upon which country you were in, thanks was given either before or after the meal.
Eating food was not simply a matter of appetite and digestion, but was one of the great ceremonies of life.
The most sacred rite of the Christian church is eating and drinking together.
It was the women who prepared the food. It was they who served the food they had prepared. Before women worked as repetitive drones for some manager somewhere, their place of work was the home, looking after their man and the children which, God willing, they raised together.
Consequently, reflecting the reality of civilised life, girls were educated accordingly, taught by their mothers to sew and mend, to heal and to grow vegetables, to cook and to look after children. This work was not a burden. It was what it meant to be a woman. It was the nature of woman to want such things. It was a man's duty to ensure that a woman had the wherewithal to fulfil her destiny as a woman. It was man who served woman.
Careers, so called equality, might make sense to rich women who had servants - other women - to cook for them, but for ordinary folk the division of labour, and its corresponding trust and mutual support between man and woman, was the essence of living.
We often wonder how old folk stay together for so many years while younger people get divorced. It was mutual service that glued them together. But in today's world of snacks and salaries, there is not really much point is sticking together.
At school the boys learnt the technical skills of the industrial age and the girls learnt domestic science.
Their future lives were to be happy lives, filled with children, grandchildren, a home, and the breaking of bread together as a family.
But the rich women with servant women must have their way, and young girls dreams must be shattered.
The hearth is where the woman reigns supreme, its food and its warmth the centre of human life.

The Law Is Applied To Some But Not Others

The Director of Public Prosecutions has declared to the Vichy press that in certain cases he would not apply the 2010 Bribery Act. Dozens of journalists from newspapers that are read by working people have been arrested for paying for their information. Journalists from the managerial newspapers, it seems, are exempt, as their revelations are 'in the public interest'.
'In the public interest' is the phrase used to protect the interests of the powerful, of the vested interests of the bureaucracy.
The regulating of the press has come about since the Telegraph revealed the expenses scandal where nearly all the Members of Parliament  were routinely falsifying their expenses, something that would have you or I sacked on the spot for sure, and most likely arrested.
The same sort of stealing is routine in the civil service and in all government bodies. Yet it is not 'in the public interest' to prosecute.
The police has been politicised, so now they consider the race  and religion and the influence of an alleged victim before pursuing enquiries. With no ethos of public service, they will do nothing if they can. Their aim is not to apply the law but to keep the population quiescent.
For many years it was not 'in the public interest' to prosecute the Moslem rape gangs because it did not fit in with the official Narrative that immigrants are good and the indigenous working class is bad. So powerless young girls were drugged and raped by hundreds, if not thousands of Moslems, few of whom were ever brought to justice, with the connivence of the police and the social services.
In the meantime, aging celebrities from the free working class decade, the 1970s, are being put on trial, the police trawling for evidence, as the bureaucracy rewrites the Narrative of the past.
Ironically, while they are arresting journalists for paying for stories, the police are paying for accusations through criminal compensation schemes.
I met Jimmy Savile once and..................£££££

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Ideologies Of The Slave Society

A number of times I have read commentators  who remarked that Islam is not suited to twenty-first century society. It demands submission, is often enforced with savage violence, and produces only stagnant servile societies.
At the same time the Politically Correct media such as the Guardian and the BBC never tire of singing Islam's praises.
And in the past twenty years the richest 1% have gone from owning 8% of England's wealth to 20%.
Over the last five hundred years Protestantism has been the ideology of the independent middle class - merchants, industrialists, adventurers - and much of the working class too. The freedom to work out one's own salvation, the trust in God as a loving Father, a trait shared with that other dynamic religion, Judaism, has led to England and its offshoots being the most successful and bloody minded society in history.
But today the state and the large corporations dominate the economy. Few people create wealth any more. Money is skimmed off and replaced with debt. A vigorous independent middle class no longer exists. The so-called middle class are state functionaries or corporate middle managers.
Regulation has replaced law, servility has replaced liberty. Political Correctness and Islam are two sides of the same ideology of micro managed regulatory society. Both say, 'do what we say, say what we say, think what we say, otherwise you will be punished.'
Overseers and slaves are required.
The future lies in Arabia, where Islam is used to keep the people submissive, while the powerful enjoy the fruits of their wealth.
These are unproductive, dead societies, which only show a half life when persecuting Christians and Jews, those who love freedom.

The House Of Patronage

Whenever you read or hear about such and such a member of the House of Lords you can be sure they are causing trouble, or sitting on a committee, in some way justifying the position of their snouts deep in the trough.
Their Lordships are at once the pinnacle and a microcosm of a society dedicated to working the system.
The important thing to becoming a Lord is to be well connected, to be able to sit on endles committees for endless hours, and to be greedy. You can rise through the system without ever being elected by peasantry. Elections are just so distasteful.
It is much easier to be a friend of a friend of a friend.
The House of Lords is just part of a network of corruption that is stifling this country.
It needs to be reformed. The political parties talk about reform, but it will never come to pass. It is a convenient place to reward your friends, a golden opportunity to bypass the electorate.
The House of Lords could easily be turned into a revising chamber like the American Senate. Two senators could be chosen from each county.
Finance bills would still have to originate from the Commons, so its primacy would not be undermined.
Such a solution is unlikely to come to pass in a country where the boot is on the bureaucracy's. Committee and quangos, rules and regulations plague the land, all leeching off the poor peasant.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Anne, Countess Of Winchilsea - The Soldier's Death

Trail all your pikes, dispirit every drum,
March in a slow procession from afar,
Ye silent, ye dejected men of war!
Be still the hautboys, and the route be dumb!
Display no more, in vain, the lofty banner;
For see! where on the bier before you lies
The pale, the fall'n, the untimely sacrifice
To your mistaken shrine, to your false idol Honour.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

The Attributes of God - Eternity

John Ball writes:
In the French copy of the Bible that I read now and again, the Lord is usually called the Eternal. I don't know if this is a more accurate or a less accurate translation of the original Hebrew than the more usual 'the Lord', but it certainly distinguishes God from his earthly creation.
Everything here is finite. It has a beginning, a middle and an end.
But God is eternal.
God declares to Moses that his name is 'I am' or 'I am that I am'.
Jesus declares, 'Before Abraham was I Am.'
For us, prisoners of time and space, eternity is a concept that is hard to grasp. Perhaps only when we contemplate the unceasing sea or the distant sky to we get an idea.
Within God are all things. His eternity is not an eternal rest. He is the Living God.
Human language struggles to convey this quality of eternity, something we cannot know.
The Gospel according to John states, 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.'
As near as possible, for our limited understanding, the Evangelist describes God's living Eternity.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Alexis De Tocqueville - Barriers

'I do not say that tyrannical abuses frequently occur in America at the present day, but I maintain that no sure barrier is established against them, and that the causes which mitigate the government are to be found in the circumstances and the manners of the country more than in its laws.'

'In America the majority raises very formidable barriers to the liberty of opinion. Within these barriers an author may write whatever he pleases, but he will repent if he ever step beyond them. Not that he is exposed to the terrors of an auto-da -fe, but he is tormented by the slights and persecutions of daily obloquy. His political career is closed forever, since he has offended the only authority which is able to promote his success. Every sort of compensation , even that of celebrity, is refused to him. Before he published his opinion he imagined that he held them in common with many others: but no sooner has he declared them openly than he is loudly censured by his overbearing opponents, whilst those who think without having courage to speak, like him, abandon him in silence. He yields at length, oppressed by the daily efforts he has been making, and he subsides into silence, as if he was tormented by remorse for having spoken the truth.'

Thursday, 17 October 2013

State Feminism And The Changing Definition Of Equality

The basic premise of State Feminism is that men oppress women - that is all men oppress all women. Men's treatment of women is unfair. When my grandmother stopped paid work upon marriage at the age of 23, she was being oppressed by her husband who continued to work five and a half days a week till the day he died.
Equality has come to mean sameness, and everything becomes a matter for grievance.
But, in the past, equality meant something different. It meant that we were all equal before the law of the land. Yet, oddly enough, State Feminist laws such as the Equality Act in England (or the dreadful Law of Gender Violence in Spain) actively discriminate against a portion of the population, namely men.
Even on their own terms the proponents of modern day 'Equality' are profoundly unequal. They simply want state appointed grievance groups to take up positions in management, lording it over their less than equal underlings amongst the peasantry.
It is impossible to have equality in a hierarchy.
By nature a hierarchy is unequal. The best one can hope for is equality before the law.
The ideology of 'Equality' is a manoeuvre by ruling groups to divide and rule the populace. It pits man against woman, woman against man, and a whole host of victim groups against the indigenous population and against each other.
A house divided falls.
Traditional English thought ran along lines of individuality, responsibility and independence. But now we are categorised, self pitying and servile.
In the past all the English, whether rich or poor, counted themselves as free. And this freedom, more important than wealth, was based on equality before the law.
In those days nobody expected to be equal in the modern sense. Boys could be boys and girls could be girls, free to be the individuals who they were, to rise or to fall, to sleep or to achieve, to respect and to be respected.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The Thin Veil Of Tyranny

Parliamentary democracy is the nominal assent of the governed to be governed. It is the thin veil of decency that covers the naked power of hierarchy.
There are two basic forms of societal organization: one is autonomous horizontal power, the other is hierarchical vertical power. Sadly, these days there is scarcely anyone left on the planet who understands that most people, for most of history, have lived in autonomous cooperative communities. So deeply entrenched are the habits of passivity and obedience, so brainwashed by schools and uniforms, people believe that blind obedience to authority is the natural lot of mankind. So lost to communal law are they, that the only crime, the only sin they know is to disobey hierarchical authority.
At one time, in autonomous society, the basis of authority was the family and the village elders, male and female.The young and inexperienced would submit to the wisdom and knowledge of their elders.
But in a modern democracy, in tyranny of hierarchy, the family and the elders have no authority.
As a capitalist society, authority is accumulated and centralised. Having being expropriated from the poor, their power is reallocated, flowing downwards through the pyramid of power.
This reallocated power is not based on consent and cooperation, but on reward and punishment.
State authority is founded on violence. The authority of the family and the elders is expropriated at gun point.
Standing behind every caring state functionary there is a policeman, an executioner.
 The atomised individual is left isolated, unable to relate to those around them, with no human point of reference, dependent on vertical power.
Instead of a free society, Democracy uses regulations that micro manage the actions of every individual. We never leave school.
Those who live in the underworld of the tyranny of Democracy have no concept of autonomy. They blame themselves for their unhappiness. They take their pills and every few years they obediently assent to more of the same.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Democratic Authority Against Family Authority

Why should a schoolchild obey their teacher? What authority does a teacher have? Where does a teacher's authority come from?
Indeed, why should any of us obey Authority at all? Why should we obey the countless government regulations?
The answer of course is Democracy.
Democracy takes it for granted that we live in a hierarchy, that we are to be governed from on high. Our sovereignty has been surrendered. We must only choose who we are to obey.
Having dispensed with God and the King, Democracy is the ideology with which the hierarchy justifies its authoritarian domination of every aspect of our lives.
So a schoolchild must obey their teacher because the Democratic State says they must obey.
Once upon a time, it was said, a teacher acted 'in loco parentis', in the place of the parents, with the authority of the parents.
However, in a Democracy the teacher's authority comes from the State, not from the parents.
Parents are allowed to look after 'their' children on sufferance. The servants of the State can remove the children if they wish, in a secret court, for its own purposes, because Democratic Authority trumps the moribund authority of the Family.
Children and parents, subjects of the Crown, must obey.
A child may well wonder why they should obey some semi-educated over qualified teacher. They are too young to know that they live in a Democracy. They assume that their parents, the people who love, nurture, provide and educate them, who provide the structure to their innocent lives, are the people with authority, but they would be wrong.
 In a Democracy parents are merely babysitters - babysitters for Big Mother.

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Law Is Being Replaced By Regulation

Only last week an intelligent educated Labour voter stated to me that Regulation is Law. Unfortunately, this is a confusion all too common in those who are seriously institutionalised. And as the administrative/managerial class, with their hierarchical rule-based mentality continues to grow in power, we will see an incremental increase in arbitrary power and a corresponding decline in the liberties of free born Englishmen.
The move towards Press Regulation by the Vichy political parties, whose Members of Parliament, were caught stealing through fiddling their expenses, by the free press, not so long ago, is a prime example of Law being destroyed and Regulation being used to cover up crime.
For make no mistake, the vast majority of crime in this country is committed by the government and its employees.
Yet, when blogs, such as this are licensed and the Internet is muzzled (to protect us from trolls, you know) you can kiss freedom goodbye.
 At the moment if I, or a newspaper, make a libellous statement, the libelled person may take me to court and sue me, if they think it worth their while. If I reveal some form of government or corporate corruption both myself and those I accuse can slug it out in court.
However, once the press is regulated, soon to be followed by the Internet, by a committee of Vichy policemen and placemen, all they have to do is say 'You can't say that!' And then I will have to remove the 'offensive' post, or I will be shut down.
There will be censorship.
The Law will be replaced by Regulation.
And what may be 'inoffensive' today may be 'offensive' tomorrow.
All manner of crimes will be covered up by the managerial class. Arbitrary power will grow unfettered.
Without free debate there can be no legitimacy for any government.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

John Milton - On The Late Massacre In Piedmont

Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughtered saints, whose bones
Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold,
Even them who kept thy truth so pure of old,
When all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones;

Forget not: in thy book record their groans
Who were thy sheep and in their ancient fold
Slain by the bloody Piedmontese that rolled
Mother with infant down the rocks. Their moans

The vales redoubled to the hills, and they
To Heaven. Their martyred blood and ashes sow
O'er all the Italian fields, where still doth sway

The triple Tyrant; that from these may grow
A hundred- fold, who having learnt thy way,
Early may fly the Babylonian woe.

Saturday, 12 October 2013


John Ball writes;
Aseity is one of the attributes of God. It means that he exists in and of himself.
God was not created. He simply is, was and will be.
It is obvious that we do not create ourselves. We do not will ourselves into existence.
The world was created because God willed it, but no one willed the creation of God.
I know that atheists, believers in Science and residents of the Tower of Babel tell us that there was a 'Big Bang' and the universe just sort of happened one day.
But out of matter, out of chaos came form, harmony, meaning, light, love, justice, beauty. How on earth could a 'Big Bang' create purpose out of nothing? God was in the beginning. God is the Light that shines in the darkness.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Alexis De Tocqueville - Tyranny And Arbitrary Power

A distinction must be drawn between tyranny and arbitrary power. Tyranny may be exercised by means of the law, and in that case it is not arbitrary; arbitrary power may be exercised for the good of the community at large, in which case it is not tyrannical. Tyranny usually employs arbitrary means, but if necessary it can rule without them. long as the majority is undecided, discussion is carried on; but as soon as its decision is irrevocably pronounced, a submissive silence is observed, and the friends, as well as the opponents, of the measure unite in assenting to its propriety. The reason of this is perfectly clear; no monarchy is so absolute as to combine all the powers of society in its own hand, and to conquer all opposition with the energy of a majority which is invested with the right of making and executing the laws.
The authority of a king is purely physical, and it controls the actions of the subject without subduing his private will: but the majority possesses a power which is physical and moral at the same time: it acts upon the will as well as upon the actions of men, and it represses not only all contest but all controversy.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

George Sand - State Feminist

Mary Malone writes;
George Sand, the nineteenth century French writer, who called herself by a man's name, sometimes dressed in men's clothing, and regarded love as some kind of entertainment, was an early example of a State Feminist.
Underlying her work and her life was the assumption that masculinity was better than femininity, and that the lower orders should know their place. She might have sympathy for their plight, but they must not help themselves.
In true bourgeois fashion she saw 'love' as a subjective experience. The Romantic  Movement was part of the ideology of the rising military bureaucratic classes. In the new world of hierarchical obedience there was no need of give and take. It was all a matter of self.
George Sand was one of the nineteenth century's progressive patriots, some kind of safe radical. The working class were just a romantic ideal.
In her account of 'A Winter in Mallorca' she is contemptuous of the locals, wishing upon them some good benevolent French intervention.
In later life, at the time of the Paris Commune, she sided with Thiers and Versailles against the ordinary people.
Unfortunately, like modern day State Feminists she was bound by her class notions. The 'people like us' are those who command. The rest are non people.
For her the masculine was good, because the masculine in those days meant a place in the hierarchy, with its medals and its titles. For her, a woman, autonomous in her work, was sneered at as the servant of others.
Like the State Feminists today who claim to be radical while oppressing the poor, she could never take the truly radical step of being one of the poor and the powerless.
Instead, like now, the aim of the State Feminist was more power.

Contance Garnett

I have been re-reading Constance Garnett's translation of The Devils by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. This remarkable woman, having attained a government scholarship, studied Latin and Greek at Cambridge University. Later on, married and pregnant, she began to learn Russian.
And having learnt Russian she began translating, and thereby introduced the Great Russian Novel to the English speaking world. Through her translations, authors such as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Turgenev, Gogol, and Herzen became known in the Anglosphere.
Of course, she had her critics, and no doubt sometimes the voice of the translator becomes mixed with that of the writer, but, for all that, through her vivid translations, many a young peasant, like myself, has been introduced to the magical world of those crazy Russians.
In all, Constance Garnett translated some 71 volumes of Russian literary words - that is some going!
All these translations were accurate and the quality of the prose was high. She was an explorer into the depths of the Russian soul, revealing to us a New World, a world of visionaries, saints, great egotists, nihilists and criminals, the great of the earth, and the wretched, the desperate and the destitute.
So now I'm going to put the samovar on, make my myself a nice cup of tea, and read a few more pages of sublime prose.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Moralism and The Decline Of Christianity

It is very easy to blame the decline of English Christianity on the so called Permissive Society of the 1960s and since, and the material wealth available to even the poorest amongst us, but in reality the Church has to look a little closer to home if it wants to see the causes of its decline.
From the eighteenth century onwards the Christian faith changed from a means of interpreting the world into a moral code, one that was predominantly set by ruling groups and was therefore seen as yet another source of oppression.
The residual hostility towards the Church today is because it is often viewed as being an establishment organisation. Indeed the mainstream churches are still establishment in their outlook, a sort of Guardian readers prayer group, for the managerial classes only.
Three hundred years ago Congregational churches began their slow transformation into effectively Unitarian churches, denying God's grace, making us work for God's favour. The Methodist Church too, leant heavily in that direction. In a propertied society, governed by new laws handed down from above, God took on the role of supernatural policeman.
He could see everything you did! And he would judge you!
The land was enclosed, the peasantry impoverished, and morality covered the land. The Church became a keen supporter of social order, the magistrate, the government, the hangman, the army.
The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate, was the creed.
The Church supported wars in Europe and further afield. It became the enemy of the poor.
It became an institution the self respecting poor kept at arms length. The parson, the minister - they were the officer class.
And today the remnant of the Church ploughs the same furrow.
They're happy to lecture us on global warming - the consequence of all those peasants getting rich - but scarcely raise a whisper when the government's allies massacre Christians.
It is not only the Church of Rome that has surrendered to the third temptation.

Monday, 7 October 2013

American Raids In Africa

Since the American regime set up its African military command a few years ago, it has been looking for ever more excuses to intervene. It is hoping to counter the soft economic power of China with its hard power of violence.
The intervention in Libya to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi's government was its first major success.
Last week we had the Kenya shopping mall massacre, perpetrated by the U.S. allies known popularly as Al Qaeda. Earlier this year we had the Al Qaeda intervention in Mali designed to induce a NATO intervention. The French regime duly rallied to the cause, invading its former colony to help keep order.
And now after the Kenya massacre, inevitably, we have further U.S. encroachments - a raid in Libya and a raid in Somalia.
Libya, like Pakistan, is supposed to be a nation friendly to the U.S., but that doesn't prevent unilateral American military action.
Precedents are being established.
The American regime can intervene anywhere in Africa, whenever it wants.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Solitude - Mary, Lady Chudleigh

When all alone in some belov'd retreat,
Remote from noise, from bus'ness and from strife,
Those constant curst attendants of the great,
I freely can my own thoughts converse,
And cloath them in ignoble verse,
'Tis then I tast the most-delicious feast of life:
There, uncontroll'd I can my self survey,
And from observers free,
My intellectual pow'rs display,
And all th' opening scenes of beauteous Nature see:
Form bright ideas, and enrich my mind,
Enlarge my knowledge, and each error find;
Inspect each action, ev'ry word dissect,
And on the failure of my life reflect:
Then from my self to books I turn my sight,
And there, with silent wonder and delight,
Gaze on th'instructive venerable dead,
Those that in vertue's school were early bred,
And since by rules of honour always led;
Who its strict laws with nicest care obey'd,
And were by calm unbyass'd reason sway'd:
Their great examples elevate my mind,
And I the force of all their precepts find;
By them inspir'd, above dull earth I soar,
And scorn those trifles which I priz'd before.

John's Gospel Chapter 6 - Nothing Shall Be Lost

'And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again on the last day.'

Again Jesus tells us that faith is the work of God, that those who believe are 'given' to him. Nothing shall be lost, all God's elect shall be saved. Once our eyes are opened it is impossible for the world to blind us again.
On the last day, whenever it will be, we shall be raised again.
How and when this will be we do not know. It is impossible to know God's timetable or indeed his methods, but we know that the house of the Lord has many mansions and that we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Alexis de Tocqueville - The Tyranny Of The Majority

'Unlimited power is in itself a bad and dangerous thing: human beings are not competent to exercise it with discretion, and God alone can be omnipotent because His wisdom and His justice are always equal to his power. But no power on earth is so worthy of honour for itself, or of referential obedience to the rights which it represents, that I would consent to admit its uncontrolled and all-predominant authority. When I see that the right and the means of absolute command are conferred on a people or upon a king, upon an aristocracy or a democracy, a monarchy or a republic, I recognise the germ of tyranny, and I journey onwards to a land of ore hopeful institutions.
In my opinion the main evil of the present democratic institutions of the United States does not arise, as is often asserted in Europe, from their weakness, but from their strength; and I am not so much alarmed at the exercise of liberty which reigns in that country as at the very inadequate securities which exist against tyranny.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

State Feminism And Economic Collapse

England is a country which is experiencing slow motion economic collapse as the very rich get richer and the rest get poorer, suffocating under a mountain of tax, debt and bureaucracy. It is fast becoming a low wage economy, its productivity at levels way below that of other advanced economies.
The only way it increases economic turnover is by cannibalizing itself  - privatisation and crony capitalism, by bringing in ever increasing numbers of immigrants - more people means more transactions - and most of all by dragging women out of the home and into the 'economy', leaving children in the tender care of low paid, low grade nursery assistants.
Equality means to keep on running, forever feeding the furnaces of the commodity consumer capitalist society.
Dragging women into the workplace has not led to an increase in productive labour by women. Equality is very selective, and the old division of labour between the sexes has scarcely changed.
There have always been women workers, particularly in the caring professions such as nursing and teaching. And the increase in women doctors is an improvement.
Yet despite 50 years of state induced feminism there are few women refuse collectors, construction workers, miners, plumbers, electricians and so on. But there has been a vast increase in the number of women accountants, lawyers and bureaucrats. And the ranks of lawyers, accountants and bureaucrats have swollen to accommodate the ladies.
There has been a similar growth in the meddling professions. Social workers are mostly female.
So women have left the home in vast numbers to do non-jobs, parasitical jobs, obstacle jobs. Once upon a time women were the foundation of society. They did the important jobs.They got in the life boats first because they were more important than the boys. Once upon a time they did productive work like tidying, cleaning, beautifying, shopping, sewing, knitting, looking after the young and caring for the elderly, spending time with the weak and the vulnerable.
But now the meals are uncooked, the houses are dirty, the weak and the vulnerable are shunted off to be taken care of by minimum wage losers.
The love and the creativity, the dignity of women have all been sacrificed, and for what? More hurry, more consumption?
No wonder girls starve themselves and self harm.

Pandemonium - The Palace Of Satan

The Kenya massacre was yet another attack on civilians by the powerful of the Earth. Like the bombing and killing in Iraq, Libya and Syria, in Russia and Pakistan, the aim is to cause chaos.
As first sight Kenya seems a peculiar target. And it is more than a little odd that Somalis were supposedly responsible for the attack. There are other reports that, like in Afghanistan, Syria, Mali, Bosnia and so on, there are international terrorists at work.
Samantha Lewthwaite, the British housewife, has been named as a suspect. Samantha seems to have been living in some luxury with another alleged terrorist. And their weapons were quite sophisticated. So perhaps they had some help.
Given that Western support for terrorists in Libya and Syria is now an open secret, where the aim seems to be just to create chaos, it is safe to assume that NATO was behind the Kenya massacre in some degree.
The 'International Community' is trying President Kenyatta for crimes against humanity, while Obama's Moslem supported friend, Odinga, is left alone. Presumably, the Mall attack is only the first atrocity, designed to destabilise Kenya and discredit Kenyatta, and bring Odinga to power, taking Kenya away from any Asian influence, and rooting it in the AFRICOM - Al Qaeda sphere.
 As the West declines it can no longer project its power constructively. The dying animal thrashes about viciously. Its military bureaucratic complex can only shore up its power by creating Pandemonium wherever it feels threatened.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Obedience Is Not Submission

In a legalistic religion such as Islam the relationship between the believer and their god is one of submission. The believer is the slave of the god. If the slave performs well he is rewarded. If he performs badly, the slave is punished. They call it justice, but in reality it is servitude and condemnation.
The Christian, on the other hand, knows his God as Father. A child does not submit to the Father. A child is not a slave. But a child willingly obeys the Father, for he knows that the Father loves him, takes care of him, provides him with the structure (the Law) that he has need of to grow in godliness.
Though on the surface very similar, Christian marriage and Moslem marriage reflect the difference between Islamic submission and Christian obedience.
A Moslem wife submits to her husband. She is his inferior. His domination is based on violence. She is damned as unclean simply for being a woman.
A Christian wife 'obeys' her husband in that she provides the love and comfort a poor male needs. But she it is who rules over the home.
And the husband too, 'obeys' his wife, giving her honour in the home, providing her with money and protection.
 Christian obedience is about honour and service. To serve is both honouring to the server and the served.
Islam, on the other hand, despises service and honours domination. It is the religion of submission, of masters and slaves. It is a desert they call peace. It is an arid place without love or freedom.