Friday, 30 August 2013

Voltairine De Cleyre - A Mere Process Of Packing

' of the plans of John Brown was to....send secret emissaries amongst the slaves inciting them to flee to these camps.....That this plan failed was due to the weakness of the desire for liberty amongst the slaves themselves, more than anything else.' 

'And yet history has not failed to understand John Brown. Mankind knows that though he was a violent man, with human blood upon his hands, who was guilty of high treason and hanged for it, yet his soul was a great, strong, unselfish, soul, unable to bear the frightful crime which kept 4,000,000 people like dumb beasts, and thought that making war against it was a sacred, God-called duty, (for John Brown was a very religious man - a Presbyterian).'

'Political actionists tell us it will be only by means of working class party action at the polls; by voting themselves into possession of the sources of life and the tools; by voting that those who now command forests, mines, ranches, waterways, mills and factories, and likewise command military power to defend them, shall hand over their dominion to the people.'

'But the evil of pinning faith to indirect action is far greater than any such minor results. The main evil is that it destroys initiative, quenches the individual rebellious spirit, teaches people to rely on someone else to do for them what they should do for themselves; finally renders organic the anomalous idea that by massing supineness together until a majority is acquired, then through the peculiar magic of that majority, this supineness is to be transformed into energy. That is, people who have lost the habit of striking for themselves as individuals, who have submitted to every injustice while waiting for the majority to grow, are going to become metamorphosed  into human high-explosives by a mere process of packing!'   

Thursday, 29 August 2013

They Believe In Equality

Mary Malone writes:
When a person says they believe that men and women are equal, you can be sure they believe women to be inferior to men. The assumption is that women were once inferior and that now that we have adopted male characteristics we are all equal. Now that we have discarded the gift economy, turned inward on ourselves and only give in exchange, now that we have traded our autonomy for a wage and the humiliation of paid work under a boss, we are supposed to be equal.
Such good people will often say that black people are equal too, all the while implying inferiority and victimhood, all the while believing that African achievements are few and European achievements are many.
Men and women are, of course, equal but different, sometimes at each other's throats, but for the most part complementary.
In the past, particularly in Christian and Jewish societies, it was tacitly agreed that women are more important than men. These quasi matriarchal societies put women in the lifeboats first because they knew who really counted - the women.
Men could die by the score, yet so long as one or two men were left the tribe would not die out. But every womb counted, and even the older women had their uses and their knowledge.
Relatively speaking, men had little to offer, particularly as their strength diminished.
But in order to gain total power the Patriarchy has to destroy the notion of Woman.
It implies, in every lie that comes from its bullying mouth, that a woman's life is inferior to that of a man.
Only by constantly pounding on with this message that woman is at best a second rate man  - though equal of course - can they convince people to hate themselves.
The last fifty years has seen an all out onslaught on Woman. Her very existence as more than a worker drone with a pussy is under threat.
Be sure, when they tell you how much they love equality, how we much they love George and not Anne, you know they hate Woman.     

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Centralization Of Aspirations

An ordinary person is bombarded with propaganda morning noon and night, from the media, from advertising, from schools. In a Society of the Spectacle, where the inner dreams of the individual are colonized by the central Authority, people lose the habit of independent thought.
Instead of analysing a situation they pick their thoughts off the peg like they might pick a garment off the peg at a shop. They have no more made the thought than they have made the garment. It is simply a thought that fits them well, they believe, and will make them look similar to those in their particular gang.
This is a peculiar phenomenon because in the work place, within certain permitted criteria, people still exercise independent thought.
One aspect of thought that is most colonized is people's aspirations. The schools and the media constantly push certain patterns of behaviour, such as festivals of consumption where people get dressed up and get drunk for no apparent reason. They are simply approved regulated fun times.
People are encouraged to think only about themselves, to resent others, to feel wronged by others, to cling to the embrace of Big Mother and turn their backs on their fellows.
What we believe we want are wishes that are handed down from above. Once upon a time, all humanity shared the same aspiration, for love, home and family.
Then with the patriarchal system and its warrior hierarchy an alternative set of subservient values reared its ugly head. Amongst the rich and the powerful, the aspiration was to achieve a high rank in the army of bullies and sycophants, and a corresponding amount of wealth expropriated from the poor.
In the meantime the poor and the powerless were still blessed with the true aspirations of love, home and family.
Yet today, the poor are being ruthlessly assimilated and colonized, till every activity is graded and all people are urged to reach for success.
Yes, people aspire to a rung on the ladder, but despite all the propaganda, most people do not really care what their fellows have or do not have. Only the perverts of the overseer class resent the wealth and scorn the poverty of others.
The poor, as ever, aspire only to be left alone to love their homes and families.  

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Body Of Caesar

Very often Christians seem to view the State as the Body of Christ, the earthly emanation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
They are such enthusiastic supporters of Caesar that they campaign to fill his coffers with ever more power expropriated through ever more taxation. With its great wealth, the State will provide more 'services', they say. They claim that Caesar will provide more 'Aid' to the destitute, the sick and the lame, though the 'Aid' usually flows through the hands of Caesar's friends, often sticking to the palms of their hands on the way.
Yes, Christians lobby for Caesar to give more 'Aid', and to be given more 'aid' from the taxpayer.
For them the State is a good thing despite its history of war and violence, mass murder, torture. Yet the British state does not even pretend to be Christian any more, openly working for the destruction of the family, society and the gift economy, marginalizing Christians at every turn.
More tax means more bombs, more wars, more weapons contracts and so on. The British State openly supports those who are wiping out Christians in Iraq and Syria.
Indeed, as I write, the British state is planning to wage war upon Syria's Christians.
The evidence that the State is the work of the Devil is so obvious, then so why are Christians so keen on the State?
When tempted Jesus was offered earthly power, the kingdoms of this world, by the Devil, so why do Christians support political power?
Is it that many of them don't really worship Christ at all, but rather, they really worship authority? Are they semi Muslims, yearning for a Christian umma?
At best the state is a necessary evil. But today's 'New Testament Christians' are merely bureaucrats with slightly higher standards than others.
Christians see autonomy as 'greed', initiative as 'unfair'. They approve of the division of society between the official carers (CRB checked) and the uncaring. They support the separation of the powerful from the powerless. They want to be Caesar's special policemen.   

Monday, 26 August 2013

Abolishing The Ghetto

In 1797 Napoleon Bonaparte, on behalf of the French Republic abolished the Jewish Ghetto in Venice.
From now on Jews were to be equal.
Of course, some Jews wanted to be equal, but what was to be the price? Was it the mass murder of the Jews? Was it the abolition of European Jewry?
Would the nations state demand total assimilation?
Would it demand total obeisance to its demands and its ideology?
When people set themselves free they tend to remain free, but when the State liberates people they tend to lose whatever it means to be who they are.
For instance, the Feminism of the State often means that women have difficulty in leading the lives that their grandmothers took for granted, even if they have gained for themselves freedoms that were previously denied them.
Similarly, gay liberation, as defined by the state, guts the radical questioning gay culture of the recent past and replaces it with a conformist orthodoxy that diminishes and patronizes gays.
From the moment the leading soldier of the totalitarian state opened the gates of the Ghetto, Jews were in danger.
The religion of the majority was conscripted into the ideology of the new totalitarian state, but what of the minorities, those who lived separate autonomous existences, most notably the Jews and the Gypsies?
In every Nation State minorities were picked on and persecuted, and the process continues apace in the Arab countries. There are Arabs in Israel, but there are no Jews in Palestine. And within Arab countries, non Moslem or non Arab minorities are persecuted, such as Berbers, Bedouin, Druze, Christians, Copts and so on.
As far as the new totalitarian state is concerned you are either for it or against it. It demands Submission.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Out Of Darkness

E Tenebris by Oscar Wilde

Come down, O Christ, and help me! reach Thy hand,
For I am drowning in a stormier sea
Than Simon on thy lake of Galilee:
The wine of life is spilt upon the sand,
My heart is as some famine-murdered land
Whence all good things have perished utterly,
And well I know my soul in Hell must lie
If I this night before God's throne should stand.
'He sleeps perchance or rideth to the chase,
Like Baal, when his prophets howled that name
From morn to noon on Carmel's smitten height.'
Nay, peace, I shall behold, before the night,
The feet of brass, the robe more white than flame,
The wounded hands, the weary human face.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

John's Gospel Chapter 6, The Bread Of Heaven

'They said therefore unto him, what sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
Then Jesus answered said unto them, verily, verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread  from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world.'

John Ball writes:
With his characteristic humour Jesus points out that there are two kinds of bread from heaven.
When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness God did indeed provide them with manna. This bodily sustenance was indeed 'bread from heaven' without which God's people would have indeed starved.
But the bread of heaven that is Jesus is bread of a different kind, for the manna in the wilderness might keep our bodies functioning like the beasts of the field, but the bread that is Jesus gives us life everlasting.
When we eat the bread that is Jesus, what it is to be human, what it is to be made in the image of God, is fed. In Christ we create, we love, we give, we live in faith and hope, we raise our faces to the heavens, unlike the ruminating cattle who stare at terra firma.
The bread of Moses may keep our bodies together, but the bread which is Christ keeps us alive in the love of God. It is the bread of Christ that gives us God's eternal love. 
Today it is the Prophets of Baal who dominate the Church, the vine grafted onto the vine of Israel. The bread they talk about is of this world. These prophets know nothing of the poor, the powerless, the meek. They are not poor themselves. They do not love the poor. Indeed they would make poverty history if they only could.
Elijah is in hiding, but one day he will return, and Israel will once again taste the bread of heaven.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Emma Goldman - Conformity, Misery and Abortion

'The strongest bulwark of authority is uniformity; the least divergence from it is the greatest crime. The wholesale mechanisation of modern life has increased uniformity a thousandfold. It is everywhere present, in habits, tastes, dress, thought and ideas. Its most concentrated dullness is 'public opinion'. Few have the courage to stand out against it. He who refuses to submit is at once labelled as 'queer', 'different', and decried as a disturbing element in the comfortable stagnancy of modern life.'

'Perhaps, even more than constituted authority, it is social uniformity and sameness that harass the individual most. His very 'uniqueness', 'separateness' and  'differentiation' make him an alien, not only in his native place, but even in his own home. Often more so than the foreign born who generally falls in with the established.'  

'Consciously or unconsciously, most theists see in gods and devils, heaven and hell, reward and punishment, a whip to lash the people into obedience, meekness and contentment.'

'No one is lazy. they grow up hopeless from misery of their present existence, and give up. Under our order of things, every man would do the work he liked, and would have as much as his neighbour, so could not be unhappy and discouraged.'

'The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation.'

'Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, of ecstasy; love, the defier of all laws, of all conventions; love, the freest, the most powerful moulder of human destiny; how can such an all compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State and Church-begotten weed, marriage?'

'The custom of procuring abortions has reached such appalling proportions in America as to be beyond belief.... So great is the misery of the working classes that seventeen abortions are committed in every one hundred pregnancies.'

'The reward in heaven is the perpetual bait, a bait that has caught man in an iron net, a strait-jacket which does not let him expand or grow. All pioneers of truth have been, and still are, reviled; they have been and still are persecuted. But did they ask humanity to pay the price? Did they seek to bribe mankind to accept their ideas? They knew too well that he who accepts a truth because of the bribe, will soon barter it away to a higher bidder....
proud and self-reliant characters prefer hatred to such sickening artificial love. Not because of any reward does a free spirit take his stand for a great truth, nor has such a one ever been deterred because of fear of punishment.'

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Successful Women

Mary Malone writes;
I don't know who invented the term Successful Woman. It might have been the sister of the woman who invented the term Intelligent Woman.
Invariably the women who use these terms, usually about themselves, are smug, conformist, dull, fellow travellers of Patriarchy, Vichy Feminists lauded by the Vichy press.
These are the girls who liked to please teacher.
You never hear a man define himself as 'successful' or 'intelligent'.
A 'successful man' is likely to show off his 'success' with status symbols, most likely a car, but for him success is just part of a game. Most 'successful' men would swap all their success for  one appearance for the England football team.
But the 'successful' women are ultra patriarchal. They define themselves by their social power. They regard themselves as superior to ordinary women, those who have jobs, not careers, those who love their children, not their egos, whose priorities are not the psychopathic need for acceptance.
And when they have dealings with a poor man, who for all his masculine power, has no weapons to deal with the Successful Woman, she is merciless. She pulls rank in a way no man would do. She is almost invariably vicious and sadistic.
I have yet to meet a Successful Woman or an Intelligent Woman who can think for herself. Debased and degraded, devoid of human feeling they murder the feminine in them.
An example;
One high flying lawyer at a Manchester law firm went into the office when she went into labour, to finish off work for an 'important' client. This fact was boasted of by her firm in their quarterly newsletter!
What sort of liberation is this?
If this is what equality means give me back the old fashioned slavery. It's got to be better.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Centralization Of Food - Beggary And Dependency

Governments and big business promote large scale agriculture and it is undoubtedly true that since the Second World War the people of large parts of the planet have enjoyed a food security unheard of in the history of mankind.
In Spain, in the years following the Civil War many people went hungry. Large parts of Spain were dotted with villages and farms, largely unmechanized, using the same techniques that had been used for centuries. 
In areas such as Galicia over half the population worked the land less than fifty years ago.
But since that time, villages have been abandoned and people have emigrated to the great cities on the coast, or to the centres of capital abroad.
The emigrants were looking for a better lifestyle  -  fitted kitchens, indoor bathrooms, running water, shops, bars, a social life instead of rural isolation.
Today Spain has mass unemployment and the politics of resentment, hate and blame are rearing their ugly head again - in a society that has never known doctrines of the gift economy, merely the moral prostitution of the Roman Church and the moral destitution of the atheists.
Yet the Spanish are not poor, not in a material sense. They have full bellies and they are well dressed, if rather dowdily, in my opinion.
But they are far removed from the sources of their wealth.
They are pursued by their uselessness, haunted by their powerlessness, as everything is handed to them on a plate.
Concepts of work and achievement slip away, as the connection between effort and material success is lost somewhere on the superhighways where the lorries run that provide their necessities and their treats.
But at the end of the day, not only in Spain, but in America, Africa and Asia too, we are all surplus to requirements, beggars, dependants at the administrative whim of Central Authority, the inevitable consequence of the numbering of all things, the extortion of the hierarchy, the Imperative of Power that drives the Hierarch ever onwards to the widening and the deepening of his Empire.          

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Hunted

The modern state with its demand for total submission is the direct heir of the Roman Church of the Middle Ages.
Indeed, institutionalized Christianity has always had the role of  teaching people the importance of Submission to the hierarchical authority, whether it be Methodism and Anglicanism in the UK, or Catholicism in such places as Spain or Chile. It is not for nothing that Anarchists have rejected God (ni Dios, ni Amo), when he has been presented to them as the God of Hierarchy.
And so, in modern times, as the Bureaucracy becomes post Christian, in an age of universal compulsory education and the viewing of the ubiquitous screen, Hierarchy no longer needs institutional Christianity.
This is an opportunity for the Church to set itself free.
But also it represents a time of confusion for many Christians.
Christians normally go their way quietly. They usually believe in the Benevolent State, and, in that the State has provided security and social services, Christians have found value in serving the State, which is often mistaken for the body of Christ.
The Roman Church in the Middle Ages saw itself as a theocracy, as a European wide body of Christ.
As its power grew the Roman Church demanded power not only in matters of finance and high politics, but in the everyday actions and beliefs of ordinary people. Dissidents, Jews and heretics were destroyed, notably in such massacres as that of Beziers in Albigensian Crusade.
The Inquisition was set up and non conformers were persecuted throughout Roman Catholic Europe.
Those who defied Hierarchy were destroyed.
Christians are confused, the Roman Church has been superseded, the Conformity of Hierarchy intensifies, but now Christians are no longer the hunters but the hunted.          

Monday, 19 August 2013

A Poor Man

Who or what is a poor man? Or a poor woman for that matter?
There are two social classes in this country - those who have power and those who have none.
Those without power are the poor. They learn obedience at school, and they are advised, organized and punished throughout their lives.
Yet it is the rich, those who are powerful who claim all the virtue. It is the rich who claim the right to judge the poor.
When Our Lord walked the earth he came as a poor man.
He worked as a carpenter. He had no power over other people. He did not order anybody about and he did not manage anybody.
The only authority a poor person has is the authority nature and God gives them within their families and their communities.
A poor person does not take the power of another person because to do so diminishes both themselves and the person from whom the power is taken.
The rich person degrades both themselves and their victims.
A soldier surrenders his humanity to the extent that he is regimented. A schoolchild is diminished as she puts on her uniform and crushes her individuality as she enters the school gates.
It doesn't have to be this way!
It hasn't always been this way!
God damn the rich and the powerful, who steal the humanity of others and damn their souls for all eternity.
God bless the poor! May they be with us forever!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Robert Graves - A Dead Boche

To you who'd read my songs of War
And only hear of blood and fame.
I'll say (you've heard it said before)
"War's Hell!" and if you doubt the same
Today I found in Mametz Wood
A certain cure for lust of blood:

Where propped against a shattered trunk,
In a great mess of things unclean,
Sat a dead Boche; he scowled and stunk
With clothes and face a sodden green,
Big bellied, spectacled, crop-haired,
Dribbling black blood from nose and beard.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

John's Gospel Chapter 6 - The Work Of God

'Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you. Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
Jesus answered and said unto them. This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.'

John Ball writes:
The miracles are impressive, and indeed the miracles were a sign of His great power, that He, the Son of God, the sustainer of Creation could perform extraordinary deeds. But what marked Jesus from other apparent miracle workers was the specific miracle that he had come to perform, that of giving you and I the bread of eternal life, 'meat which endureth unto everlasting life.'
For through his death and resurrection, the sacrificial Lamb of God, the first to be raised to Glory, raised us up with Him. For it is He who is the miracle, He who is the bread of life.
And what do we have to do to work the work of God? What price do we have to pay to get on board the train to heaven?
None whatsoever!
What do we have to do to show our thanks to the Lord?
Just believe! Eat the manna of heaven and the rest will follow as surely as day follows night.  

Friday, 16 August 2013

Oscar Wilde - Charity

From The Soul of Man under Socialism:
'We are often told that the poor are grateful for charity. Some of them are, no doubt, but the best amongst the poor are never grateful for charity. They are ungrateful, discontented, disobedient and rebellious. They are quite right to be so. Charity they feel to be a ridiculously inadequate mode of partial restitution, or a sentimental dole, usually accompanied by some impertinent attempt on the part of the sentimentalist to tyrannise over their private lives. Why should they be grateful for the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table? They should be seated at the board, and are beginning to know it. As for being discontented, a man who would not be discontented with such surroundings and such a low mode of life would be a perfect brute. Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. For a town or country labourer to practice thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal. He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing. As for begging, it is safer to beg than to take, but it is finer to take than to beg. No: a poor man who is ungrateful, unthrifty, discontented and rebellious is probably a real personality, and has much in him. He is at any rate a healthy protest. As for the virtuous poor, one can pity them, of course, but one cannot possibly admire them. They have made private terms with the enemy, and sold their birthright for a very bad pottage. They must also be extraordinarily stupid.'

'It is clear, then, that no Authoritarian Socialism will do. For while under the present system a very large number of people can lead lives of a certain amount of freedom and expression and happiness, under an industrial - barrack system, or a system of economic tyranny nobody would be able to have any such freedom at all. It is to be regretted that a portion of our community should be practically in slavery, but to propose to solve the problem by enslaving the entire community is childish.'

'But I confess that many of the socialistic views that I have come across seem to be tainted with ideas of authority, if not of actual compulsion. Of course authority and compulsion are out of the question. All association must be quite voluntary. It is only in voluntary associations that man is fine.'   

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The Centralization Of Food

Mary Malone writes:
One of the consequences of the Denial Of Woman and the destruction of the Feminine has been the centralization of food. As Woman's worth and her independence have been trashed by the hierarchical gang, so has she been stripped of her essential functions. Not only has motherhood, the central function of humanity, been relegated to a 'lifestyle' choice (graduates and other educated Vichy Women do not breed), but her whole existence as home maker, as the educator of children, as medicine woman, as gardener and cook, have been removed from her, and there is little more left to her that is feminine other than her genitals.
Not so long ago, food was grown, prepared and cooked with love and eaten with thanks. The media tells us about the 'obesity' crisis. Obviously people who snack are going to get fat. The answer is for the women to stay at home and cook the meals. Regular meal times is the answer to 'obesity' and to many other problems.
But a society that disparages women, that sees Woman as a fake second class man, is doomed. People may flatter themselves that they love cooking because sometimes they 'do' an Italian or a Chinese, but in reality they are clueless as to the taste and worth of food. These days nearly all food is grown, prepared and packaged by the Hierarchy.
Patriarchal gangs control the earth, destroying trees and habitats, poisoning the ground with their chemicals, and now controlling the seeds in the ground, destroying the plants that reproduce naturally and replacing them with GM crops, sterile artificial plants under the control of the patriarchal gang.
So the earth becomes like a woman who has had her eggs removed only to have one of them put back by the kind permission of a man.     

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Fat Dog Show Trial

Now, I always thought you needed intent to commit a crime, the mind of a criminal, mens rea, but in show trials, whether it concerns causing offence, or breaking animal care regulations this is not the case. Here is a case that was notorious in the locality a few years ago, one of the RSPCA's fundraising persecutions.
A jobless loser had a pet dog. The dog was not neglected. On the contrary the dog was given food by the owner. In fact, he was given too much food. Clearly the dog did not know when he was full up. Apparently the poor dog weighed ten stone, four stone overweight.
Yet, the RSPCA Inquisitor declared (as they often do) 'No food or water was left out'. Then how come the dog was so fat?!
If food had been left out by the owner, the dog would have been even fatter.
'A reasonable and humane person would not allow their dog to become obese.'
The poor jobless loser. Damned as unreasonable and inhumane for sharing his meals with his best friend, his dog!
Fortunately, for once, the RSPCA did not shoot the dog, but put it on a diet.
The loser was banned from owning a dog for ten years, fined £780 and ordered to do 200 hours community service.
It would have been nice if they had helped the guy, but, of course they weren't really interested in him, nor the dog for that matter.
They hunted down their quarry and they tormented him.
Poor guy.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Tipping Point

There comes a point when a society ceases to be dynamic, when its direction is downwards towards poverty, destruction and death. Like the city of Detroit, things stop being made, things stop being sold, people begin to rely on the state's dole in all its myriad forms.
Such a society, like ours in the United Kingdom, slowly dies, eaten away by the cancer of the state. Artificial measures such as mass immigration may disguise the symptoms of a society that is weary of itself.
The signs of decay are everywhere: the atheism, the selfishness, the morality of the doomed and the damned, the inversion of all values, as sick becomes healthy, the unwillingness of our young to reproduce, particularly those who are supposedly educated and therefore deeply committed to the political system.
It is a society where women are valued more for their work behind a desk than their work rearing their children - traditionally the most important job of humanity - where the young are regarded as accessories to a lifestyle choice.
And it is a society where people become rich not through hard work and wealth creation, but by working the system. As interest in politics declines there are more and more political jobs, applying the rules and regulations that have been created as obstacles, like toll booths upon the path of our daily lives.
Money is charged, the economy grows, but no wealth is created. Positions are created in local government, autonomous government, national and European government. The House of Lords, only half reformed with the abolition of the hereditary peers has become something much worse, the House of Patronage, the House of Troughers. Corruption is institutionalized.
Everybody is aboard the gravy train.
All these parasites, looking to exploit another's weakness, like charity workers and social workers and managers throughout the land, build their empires, not by pleasing customers, but by creating victims.
Like a body gone cancerous, there was a day some years ago, a tipping point, when the cells began to attack their own body.    

Monday, 12 August 2013

More Government, More Regulation, More Corruption

There are plenty of people out there who think that a problem is solved by creating more rules and regulations. There are millions of people who worship at the altar of government.
Somehow, because we occasionally choose between censored candidates on the basis of censored information, we supposedly give our assent to all sorts of rules that tie up our day to day business.
But whichever government is 'elected', it means more government, more regulations, more bureaucracy, more control, more corruption.
By nature Bureaucracy is dishonest.
A bureaucrat works in a pyramid structured hierarchy.
The definition of success within a hierarchy is to get as near to the top as possible. In order to be successful you have to get lots of smiley faces from those above you on the ladder. Sometimes while licking the arse of the person above you, you have to shit on the person below.
The last person you need to please is the customer. If there is nothing to gain and no boxes to be ticked, the work is not done.  
By nature a bureaucrat is self-serving. She can be no other. She must fight for her gang, whosoever they may destroy in the process.
There is no honesty in a bureaucrat. Their only creed is what they can get away with.
Where there were few bureaucrats, as in times long gone by, the intrinsic dishonesty may have been tempered by an ethos of public service. But where there are packs of time servers prowling together like hungry dogs, carving out their empires to justify their existence, any pride in service simply collapses.
There is a saying, 'exchange is no robbery.'
The bureaucrat does not exchange.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

A Xusticia Pola Man - Rosalia de Castro

Aqués que tés fama d'honrados na vila
roubĂ¡ronme tanta brancura qu'eu tiña;
botĂ¡ronme estrume nas galas dun dĂ­a,
a roupa de cote puñéronma en tiras.
Nin pedras deixaron en dond'eu vivira;
sin lar, sin abrigo, morei nas curtiñas;
Ă³ raso cas lebres dormĂ­n nas campĂ­as;
meus fillos....¡meus anxos! ....que tant'eu querĂ­a,
¡morreron, morreron ca fame que tiñan!
Quedei deshonrada, muchĂ¡ronm' a vida,
fixéronm' un leito de toxos e silvas;
i en tanto, os paposos de sangue maldita,
tranquilos nun leito de rosas dormĂ­an.

- SalvĂ¡deme ¡ouh, xueces! berrei.....¡TolerĂ­a!
De min se mofaron, vendeum'a xusticia.
- Bon Dios, axudaime, berrei, berrei inda....
tan alto qu'estaba, bon Dios non m'oira.
Estonces, cal loba doente ou ferida,
dun salto con rabia pillei a fouciña,
rondei paseniño....(ne' as herbas sentían)
i a lĂºa escondĂ­ase, i a fera dormĂ­a
cos seus compañeiros en cama mullida.

Mireinos con calma, i as mans estendidas,
dun golpe ¡dun soio! deixeinos sin vida.
I Ă³ lado, contenta, senteime das vĂ­timas,
tranquila, esperando pola alba do dĂ­a.

I estonces....estonces cumpreuse a xusticia:
eu, neles; i as leises, na man qu'os ferira.     

First Hand Justice

Those who are known in the village to be respectable
Robbed me of all the linen I possessed,
They covered my finery with manure,
They tore up my best clothes
They didn't even leave the stones of my house.
Without hearth nor shelter I lived in the vegetable plot.
Like the hare I slept in the fields;
My angels! that I loved so much!
My children died from the hunger they suffered!
Scorned, despised, they withered my life
They made me a bed of gorse and twigs.
All the while, pampered, the cursed ones lay
Peacefully, sleeping in beds of roses. 

Save me, O you Judges, I cried......Folly!
They mocked me, they sold my justice.
Good God! Help me! I cried, I cried again.
So high up you are Good God that you do not hear me!
Then, like a wounded, sick she-wolf
I grabbed hold of my scythe
I crept softly so not even the grass could hear me
And the moon hid me, to where the beasts slept
Holding each other in their soft beds.

I looked at them calmly, and stretched out my hands,
And with one blow, just one blow, I left them lifeless.
Happy, I sat next to my victims,
Calmly waiting for the dawn of the day.

And then......then, justice was done to them by me,
The law in the hands of she who had been wounded.   

Saturday, 10 August 2013

I Forgot To Say Thanks

The  Gospel According To John, Chapter 6:
"And Jesus took the loaves: and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down."
John Ball writes:
Sorry to have to go back a few lines, but I forgot to say thanks, as I frequently do. In fact I tend to take everything for granted these days. I just assume that the food will be on the table, that there will be clothes on my back and that I will be warm and fat.
I know that in some other places there are wars and some people go hungry, but that's because they're not as advanced as we are and that everything will be all right if they would be kinder to gays, dogs and children.
No, seriously though, I do forget to say thanks an awful lot. Food and clothing are so incredibly cheap and are just so instant.
It really is hard to view the world with a sense of gratitude in a capitalist commodity consumer society, where the whole aim to life seems to be to trough responsibly, to ethically trough, to trough with a full cup of self righteousness.
I just get swept along myself. I can't think stop thinking about what I want next. Even though I'm bloated and my appetite is jaded I want some new entertainment.
It's kind of hard to be thankful, it really is, especially at those times when I've forgotten what it's all about.
Ah, but yes, I remember now. Jesus took me out of the trough of despair, the trough of selfishness, the trough of hate, and gave me life eternal.
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord!

Friday, 9 August 2013

Emma Goldman - The Logic Of Patriotism

'But what about human nature? Can it be changed? And if not, will it endure under Anarchism?
Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name! Every fool, from king to policeman, from the flat headed parson to the visionless dabbler in science, presumes to speak authoritatively of human nature. The greater the mental charlatan, the more definite his insistence on the wickedness and weaknesses of human nature. Yet, how can anyone speak of it today, with every soul in a prison, with every heart fettered, wounded, and maimed?
John Burroughs has stated that experimental study of animals in captivity is absolutely useless. Their character, their habits, their appetites undergo a complete transformation when torn from their soil in field and forest. With human nature caged in a narrow space, whipped daily into submission, how can we speak of its potentialities?
Freedom, expansion, opportunity, and above all peace and repose, alone can teach us the real dominant factors of human nature and all its wonderful possibilities.
Anarchism, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes and inclinations.
This is not a wild fancy or an aberration of the mind. It is the conclusion arrived at by hosts of intellectual men and women the world over; a conclusion resulting from the close and studious observation of the tendencies of modern society: individual liberty and economic equality, the twin forces for the birth of what is fine and true in man.'

'Civilization has been a continuous struggle of the individual or of groups of individuals against the State and even against 'society', that is, against the majority subdued and hypnotized by the State and State worship.'

'We American claim to be a peace loving people. We hate bloodshed; we are opposed to violence. yet we go into spasms of joy over the possibility of projecting dynamite bombs from flying machines upon helpless citizens. We are ready to hang, electrocute, or lynch anyone, who, from economic necessity, will risk his own life in the attempt upon that of some industrial magnate. Yet our hearts swell with pride at the thought that America is becoming the most powerful nation on earth, and that she will eventually plant her iron foot on the necks of other nations.
Such is the logic of patriotism.'

Thursday, 8 August 2013

He Couldn't Be A Girl, Silly

From Men and Matriarchy, Mary Malone writes;
Frequently, people ask me the question:  if Christianity was a matriarchal reaction against the Roman military and its hierarchy, and against the general spread of Patriarchy which in the previous five hundred years had become so suffocating, then why is it that the Christian God is always referred to as 'He' and not 'She'?
For our foremothers the answer would have been obvious, but modern women have been so bombarded by the propaganda of the Vichy Feminists and their Victim Ideology, that they no longer see clearly.
The Christian God was crucified on a cross. Yes, he was put to death, sacrificed, tortured and killed. Only in this way could the sin of Patriarchy be paid for and a return to the values of Matriarchy be achieved.
Obviously a woman would not be put to death to pay for the sins of Patriarchy. It had to be the Perfect Man. Sin is, frankly, something that mainly concerns men, with their obedient and servile dog-like nature.
Not only would the sacrifice of a woman be unnecessary, indeed, plain silly, but such a sacrifice would be abhorrent.
Until these modern days of the collaborationist Vichy Feminists, Woman's superiority was an unspoken truth acknowledged by all in the Christian world.
A woman is far too important to be sacrificed. Woman, by nature, is more valuable than Man.
To sacrifice a woman, to make her suffer and die for us would be not just an offence, but an abomination.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Centralization Of Imagination

Along with our capacity for thought comes our capacity to imagine. Children in particular have always interpreted the world very imaginatively. I myself remember seeing the Man in the Moon, and Santa and his reindeer when I was little. My own children created narratives full of imaginary characters and at bed time we would create stories based around themselves, transformed into magical super heroes.
In the past, the traditional world of the countryside was peopled by elves and spirits and ferocious creatures, pixies and genies.
But these days the little ones play very few imagination games. This was noticeable when my children went to school. Nearly all the other children had a television in the house. Consequently they did not imagine. Their dreams were laid on for them.
In addition, the children were very much prisoners in school and home. On account of the traffic few children play out, unlike 50 years ago when children would be kicked outdoors only to reappear at bedtime and mealtimes. Children don't even walk to and from school independently.
Hence the decline in imagination and the consequent decline in the intelligence of modern people.
If children's liberty and their independence and their imagination were a priority of the State they would be safeguarded.
However, the priority of the State and the hierarchical institutions that glower over us, is the lockdown of society, the control of every aspect of life.
Hence wall to wall screens, in pubs and bars as well as the dentists, and constant music and noise to block out the reality of life outside the artificial bubble.
So, gone are those happy medieval days when giants and dwarves, heroes and saints walked the earth, when the happy childhood of humanity when the world was filled with awe and wonder.
The imperative of power demands the centralization of power. Imagination is as essential to the existence of autonomous societies as families and networks of friends, and if Hierarchy cannot destroy the imagination totally, it will at least seek to direct it. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Abolition Of Marriage

What is marriage? It is the union of a man and a woman. In the normal scheme of things the couple are young and likely to have children. A man and a woman get together to form a family. The institution is there to ensure that the children are looked after.
In a civil society, a free society, the social expectation is that the couple stay together through thick and thin, till death do them part.
This is for the benefit of the children and the protection of the woman.
Should one parent die, the other will frequently re-marry. If the children are left orphans there is a back-up network of family and godparents.
But in a society which has been eaten away by the State there is no marriage. The State first allows divorce, and then encourages it by offering extra benefits to single mothers. It creates a narrative of abuse, and damns good husbands and fathers as abusers.
In such a way is society destroyed.
In some ways the whole argument about gay marriage is bogus. Gay marriage is simply the coup de grĂ¢ce. Marriage has already been destroyed along with autonomous society.
Marriage has long since been defined as two people who like to hang around together till boredom do them part.
Most women want children, a husband and a family. They may want sex, but most of all they want a family.
But what young woman, except a brave young woman, or a woman who belongs to a religious group, would have a child, knowing that the father will not be around for long?
Certainly, the government will pick up the tab and pay the bills, but what a sad lonesome existence!
And what young man would work his socks off for wife and family, in the knowledge that at a whim, he could lose it all, indeed that Authority spins the Narrative that his wife is a fool to stick with him.
So the young remain childless, their 'friends' are their families, the cancer of the State spreads, eating the heart of life itself.
The abolition of marriage is the triumph of the hierarchical state. It is the triumph of death.          

Monday, 5 August 2013

Corrupted By A Smiley Face

In a hierarchical society Competition is god. Each person is the enemy of the next as they kick and pull their way up the pyramid.
Yet, at the same time children in state schools are told that competition is bad. Although the children check each others test results, awards are frequently handed out on the subjective preferment of the teacher, supposedly for effort, rather than for achievement.
The lower orders are supposed to be kept at arms length from achievement.
The lesson they learn is that pleasing Authority (a nice smiley face) and dishonesty are more valuable than achievement.
Competition continues, but not as a healthy competition in which each one person sharpens their skills by pitting their skills against another. This natural competition leads to joy and laughter and great pride, as well as increased skill.
It is replaced by the competition for a smiley face. Children are taught that arse licking is the skill they need to learn if they want favours, that their achievements are of no account. If the hierarchy wishes them to be sick, that only by feigning sickness can they get the approval they wish for, that the world has been turned upside down, then they must be 'sick'.
Competition, as natural to Humanity as breathing, has been corrupted, perverted, twisted, polluted like the air we breathe.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sonnet To Liberty - Oscar Wilde

'Not that I love thy children, whose dull eyes
See nothing save their own unlovely woe,
Whose minds know nothing, nothing care to know, -
But that the roar of thy Democracies,
Thy reigns of Terror, thy great Anarchies,
Mirror my wildest passions like the sea
And give my rage a brother -! Liberty!
For this sake only do thy dissonant cries
Delight my discreet soul, else might all kings
By bloody knout or treacherous cannonades
Rob nations of their rights inviolate
And I remain unmoved - and yet, and yet,
These Christs that die upon the barricades,
God knows it  I am with them, in some things.'

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The Attribute Of Love Is Absent From Allah

In his 1932 book, The Reformed Doctrine Of Predestination, Loraine Boettner makes remarks about the nature of Islam, which show us why the Political Class are happy to promote Islam, the next best thing to Atheism, as a replacement religion for Christianity.

'The Koran and orthodox traditions have practically nothing to say about the concepts of sin and moral responsibility, and the morality of the Mohammedan system is notoriously defective. In Islam it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that God is the author of sin. The origin of sin and its character are wholly different concepts in Islam and in Christianity.
In Islam there is no doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and no purpose of redemption to soften the doctrine of the decrees. God is represented as having arbitrarily created one group of people for paradise and another group for hell, and the events of every person's life are so ordered that little place is left for moral responsibility and guilt. They deny that there has been any election in Christ to grace and glory, and that Christ died a sacrificial death for his people. They have nothing to say about the efficacy of saving grace or about perseverance, and even in regard to the predestination of temporal events the ideas are often gross and confused. The attribute of love is absent from Allah. The ideas that God should love us or that we should love God are strange ideas to Islam, and the Koran hardly hints at this subject of which the Bible is so full.'   

Friday, 2 August 2013

Lawyers And Repression

From the preface of Brooks Adams' book, the Emancipation of Massachusetts, we read with regard to fourteenth century England:

'Now the courts may say what they will in support of the vested interests, for to support vested interests is what lawyers are paid for. Only, unhappily, in the process of argument courts and lawyers have caused blood to flow copiously, for in spite of all that can be said to the contrary, men have practically proved that they do own all the property they can defend, all the courts in Christendom notwithstanding.....'

'Thus the law declined to recognise rights in property existing in fact, with the inevitable result of the peasant rising in 1381, known as Wat Tyler's Rebellion. Popular rage perfectly logically ran highest against the monks and the lawyers. Both the Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon of Sudbury, the Lord Chancellor and the Chief Justice were killed, and the insurgents wished to kill, as Capgrave has related, "all the men that had learned any law."  Finally the rebellion was suppressed, chiefly by the duplicity of Richard II. Richard promised the people, by written charters, a permanent tenure as freemen at reasonable rents, and so induced them to go home with his charters in their hands; but they were no sooner gone than the vengeance began. Though Richard had been at the peasants' mercy, who might have killed him had they wished, punitive expeditions were sent in various directions. One was led by Richard himself, who travelled with Tresilian, the new Chief Justice, the man who afterwards was himself hanged at Tyburn. Tresilian worked so well that he is said to have strung up a dozen villeins to a single beam in Chelmsford because he had no time to have them executed regularly. Stubbs has estimated that seven thousand victims hardly satisfied the landlords' sense of outraged justice. What concerns us chiefly is that this repression, however savage, failed altogether to bring tranquillity.'    

Thursday, 1 August 2013

The Century Of Rape

Mary Malone writes:
Until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the vast majority of humanity had always lived in autonomous communities. Granted that taxes had to be collected for monarch and priest, the soldier and the magician, nevertheless, people were mostly left alone to organize their work, their farming, and their society. There was little crime, and very little rape. People lived as part of the great outdoors, not as refugees from the world. Their senses were as not yet centralized in the small area between their legs.
In their day to day lives men and women did not suffer the brutality of patriarchy in their social relations.
In such primitive societies, where sensual power had not merged into genital imperialism, people were not always thinking about sex. Sex relations was still primarily a means of producing the next generation.
But, in Europe and Russia, with the rise of the nation state, property relations, and the expulsion of the peasantry from their land, came the brutality of life in a capitalist state. And this brutality was exported to China and India too.
Peasants were deprived of their land, and women were reduced to objects of the patriarchy. Women had no role in the armed gang, in its subjugation and exploitation of the peasantry. Indeed, the patriarchal state used rape as a method to subjugate the populace.
The Western soldiers, supported by missionaries, raped many many thousands of Chinese women during the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. The Japanese were horrified. They had brought along their own mobile brothels. But the Japanese learnt their lesson well. In the thirties and forties they perpetrated terrorism by rape on a vast scale.
The destruction of women by the degraded foot soldiers of patriarchy was a major war aim. Stalin thought as much, sending the Red Army onwards to victory, raping the women of Eastern Europe in their millions.
And so it continued, in each and every conflict in that most militarized of centuries, the twentieth century, the century of rape.
Wars in Africa produced the same result, as nations were created and the resources of the peasants were expropriated, their societies crushed.
In Asia, in Bangladesh, the Pakistani Army systematically raped the rebel women.
Indeed, in each and every war, wherever there is a soldier there is patriarchy, and wherever there is patriarchy there is hatred and fear of women, its object is the degradation of women and its weapon is rape.