A century ago Emma Goldman was something of an Anarchist Superstar. These days she would be banned as a 'hate preacher'. Indeed, she was imprisoned and deported at various times, so perhaps nothing much has changed. The only difference is that, unlike the modern 'hate preachers', she wasn't working for the government.
Here are some quotes from her:
'If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on a plus and a minus.'
'Merely external emancipation has made of modern woman an artificial being. Now woman is confronted with the necessity of emancipating herself from emancipation, if she really desires to be free.'
'Only when human sorrows are turned into a toy with glaring colours will baby people become interested - for a while at least. The people are a very fickle baby that must have new toys every day.'
'It requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.'
'Direct action is the logical, consistent method of Anarchism.'
'The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought.'
'The State is the altar of political freedom and, like the religious altar, it is maintained for the purpose of human sacrifice.'
'Since every effort in our educational life seems to be directed toward making of the child a being foreign to itself, it must of necessity produce individuals foreign to one another, and in everlasting antagonism with each other.'
'Morality and its victim, the mother - what a terrible picture! is there indeed anything more terrible, more criminal, than our glorified sacred function of motherhood?'
Friday, 31 May 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Purity and Dualism
From Mary Malone's The Denial Of Woman:
Ever since the rise of Buddhism and Zoroastrianism two and a half thousand years ago, Authority has been based on the Denial of Woman.
These religions advocated a withdrawal from the 'world'. They were the beginnings of the heresy of Dualism, the idea that thee 'good' spiritual world opposes the 'bad' material world. 'Good' is redefined as obedience to Authority and men withdrawing from their obligations to serve women.
Once upon a time, virtue was simply that which was life affirmative, both for the individual and the group. But in an era of consolidation of military bureaucratic complexes throughout the world, a time when the family and the village, the natural sources of authority, have become the enemy of centralized Authority, the ethics of life affirmation are condemned as dangerous for the newly subjected people.
New religions which exalt a priestly caste were created. The priestly caste must be set above the people. The natural yearning for love and life must be condemned as 'evil'
Dualism and the religions of death promote the idea that the world of the spirit is good, and our material world is evil.
Could anything be more sick than to condemn life as 'evil'?
The hierarchy, the priestly caste, separated themselves from the people by their devotion to the ideology of death. Whether they be Buddhas or Brahmins, or Catholic priests or Cathar 'Perfects', virtue came to mean separation from 'the world'.
In essence virtue came to mean the separation of man from woman.
The Patriarchs of the Military Bureaucratic Complexes saw Woman as temptation, flesh, birth, life - and all this was regarded as dirty.
Their Patriarchal power rested on the subjection of woman, for it is man's natural role to serve Woman. Woman is the essential half of humanity, Man, only the support service.
So Woman needed to be mocked, ridiculed, belittled, diminished in her own eyes, and most of all, to keep the men from their natural role as women's servants, damned as unclean.
Woman was condemned by the Dualists. She was dirty by nature. Only perpetual virginity could save her. Only by denying Woman's sacred nature as the priestess of the mysteries of life, was she acceptable in the eyes of the Patriarchs.
By branding her unclean, Woman's greatness was turned against her.
Hence the mockery of the Virgin Mary, the so called Theotokos, whose chief characteristic is her genital mutilation, when we all know the true woman lives on in the Magdalene, neither virgin nor whore, simply Woman.
Ever since the rise of Buddhism and Zoroastrianism two and a half thousand years ago, Authority has been based on the Denial of Woman.
These religions advocated a withdrawal from the 'world'. They were the beginnings of the heresy of Dualism, the idea that thee 'good' spiritual world opposes the 'bad' material world. 'Good' is redefined as obedience to Authority and men withdrawing from their obligations to serve women.
Once upon a time, virtue was simply that which was life affirmative, both for the individual and the group. But in an era of consolidation of military bureaucratic complexes throughout the world, a time when the family and the village, the natural sources of authority, have become the enemy of centralized Authority, the ethics of life affirmation are condemned as dangerous for the newly subjected people.
New religions which exalt a priestly caste were created. The priestly caste must be set above the people. The natural yearning for love and life must be condemned as 'evil'
Dualism and the religions of death promote the idea that the world of the spirit is good, and our material world is evil.
Could anything be more sick than to condemn life as 'evil'?
The hierarchy, the priestly caste, separated themselves from the people by their devotion to the ideology of death. Whether they be Buddhas or Brahmins, or Catholic priests or Cathar 'Perfects', virtue came to mean separation from 'the world'.
In essence virtue came to mean the separation of man from woman.
The Patriarchs of the Military Bureaucratic Complexes saw Woman as temptation, flesh, birth, life - and all this was regarded as dirty.
Their Patriarchal power rested on the subjection of woman, for it is man's natural role to serve Woman. Woman is the essential half of humanity, Man, only the support service.
So Woman needed to be mocked, ridiculed, belittled, diminished in her own eyes, and most of all, to keep the men from their natural role as women's servants, damned as unclean.
Woman was condemned by the Dualists. She was dirty by nature. Only perpetual virginity could save her. Only by denying Woman's sacred nature as the priestess of the mysteries of life, was she acceptable in the eyes of the Patriarchs.
By branding her unclean, Woman's greatness was turned against her.
Hence the mockery of the Virgin Mary, the so called Theotokos, whose chief characteristic is her genital mutilation, when we all know the true woman lives on in the Magdalene, neither virgin nor whore, simply Woman.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Nuclear Power, Centralized Power
Once upon a time people gathered their own fuel. This might be wood and bushes from the nearby forest, or deposits of peat or coal, but the necessary material for making fire was never far away.
By Tudor times in England there was a serious shortage of firewood, and coal began to be mined extensively and commercially.
Perhaps, more than anything, it was this development, the use of coal, and the commercialization of fuel, that was the key moment in England's path towards the Industrial Revolution. For it was King Coal and the existence of a commercial society with independent and engaged producers that sparked the mechanical discoveries that created the modern world.
Fuel production was taken out of the immediate sphere of the individual and the family and the village. From now on fuel needed to be bought.
As time went by, coal mines were less and less profitable, and the miners themselves wanted more money. Miners, being the ones who produced the fuel, also gained a power to paralyse the country with their strikes.
It was unacceptable to Authority that groups of working men should share in their power.
The State will never accept alternative centres of power. Be it trade union power, local power, ecclesiastical power, individual power, it is only tolerated on sufferance till the day it can be destroyed. Destruction of independent life is the aim of the State. The hierarchical imperative requires conquest, demands destruction.
The history of the twentieth century is the history of the destruction of working class power, and the history of fuel in England is no exception to this.
Oil was a godsend to the Hierarchs. After the labour troubles of the Edwardian era, the First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, changed the Royal Navy from coal power to oil.
In the Sixties coal began to be replaced by North Sea Gas in homes.
The production of fuel was kept ever further from the grasp of ordinary people.
At the same time Nuclear Power was introduced.
Nuclear Power is the ultimate totalitarian power. It is so dangerous that it can only be organized by a permanent, unchangeable bureaucracy, and a merciless army.
With Nuclear Power, civil unrest and war become unthinkable. The centralization of power in all its meanings becomes imperative.
The hoovering up of power into one vast desert nuclear state can only have one result.
By Tudor times in England there was a serious shortage of firewood, and coal began to be mined extensively and commercially.
Perhaps, more than anything, it was this development, the use of coal, and the commercialization of fuel, that was the key moment in England's path towards the Industrial Revolution. For it was King Coal and the existence of a commercial society with independent and engaged producers that sparked the mechanical discoveries that created the modern world.
Fuel production was taken out of the immediate sphere of the individual and the family and the village. From now on fuel needed to be bought.
As time went by, coal mines were less and less profitable, and the miners themselves wanted more money. Miners, being the ones who produced the fuel, also gained a power to paralyse the country with their strikes.
It was unacceptable to Authority that groups of working men should share in their power.
The State will never accept alternative centres of power. Be it trade union power, local power, ecclesiastical power, individual power, it is only tolerated on sufferance till the day it can be destroyed. Destruction of independent life is the aim of the State. The hierarchical imperative requires conquest, demands destruction.
The history of the twentieth century is the history of the destruction of working class power, and the history of fuel in England is no exception to this.
Oil was a godsend to the Hierarchs. After the labour troubles of the Edwardian era, the First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, changed the Royal Navy from coal power to oil.
In the Sixties coal began to be replaced by North Sea Gas in homes.
The production of fuel was kept ever further from the grasp of ordinary people.
At the same time Nuclear Power was introduced.
Nuclear Power is the ultimate totalitarian power. It is so dangerous that it can only be organized by a permanent, unchangeable bureaucracy, and a merciless army.
With Nuclear Power, civil unrest and war become unthinkable. The centralization of power in all its meanings becomes imperative.
The hoovering up of power into one vast desert nuclear state can only have one result.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
After years of conformity, regimentation and passivity the child becomes an adult, at least in body. If the term 'adult' means an autonomous responsible being, then few modern people reach adulthood.
Childhood is an age in which we allow the person to be self indulgent, though in autonomous societies the child soon learns to accept certain responsibilities.
Only in modern totalitarian societies are the children given an anti-education, and experience an anti-childhood.
Instead of being allowed to roam and explore they are cooped up and supervised. Their training is in passivity and obedience.
So when the children reach maturity they are not expected to step out into the world of work and responsibility, they are not expected to learn independence, nor to seek a mate and set up their own home.
Instead they are expected to stay at school, on and on, acquiring ever more debt till eventually they take their place in the service economy with a low paid, low grade job.
Somehow, the adults know that this is not how things should be.
Deep inside they know that there is a world outside the battery cage.
In their hearts they want love, family, children, as people have ever done.
But now they are pointed back to themselves. They are to blame, they are told.
Perhaps the fault lies in their body shape.
Perhaps it is because they are bipolar, depressed or something like that.
Through the years of waiting and inertia in school, the regimentation and repetitiveness of the hierarchical workplace, they have forgotten how to be pro active.
So they grab a beer, pop a pill, smoke some dope, and switch on the screen which tells them that they live in the best of all possible worlds, a Democracy, and that if they are not shiny happy people, then it must be their fault, that they must not sit, eat, drink, smoke, poke.
It is they who are sick, they are told, not the world they live in, the world of the self.
Above us only sky, within us only hell.
Childhood is an age in which we allow the person to be self indulgent, though in autonomous societies the child soon learns to accept certain responsibilities.
Only in modern totalitarian societies are the children given an anti-education, and experience an anti-childhood.
Instead of being allowed to roam and explore they are cooped up and supervised. Their training is in passivity and obedience.
So when the children reach maturity they are not expected to step out into the world of work and responsibility, they are not expected to learn independence, nor to seek a mate and set up their own home.
Instead they are expected to stay at school, on and on, acquiring ever more debt till eventually they take their place in the service economy with a low paid, low grade job.
Somehow, the adults know that this is not how things should be.
Deep inside they know that there is a world outside the battery cage.
In their hearts they want love, family, children, as people have ever done.
But now they are pointed back to themselves. They are to blame, they are told.
Perhaps the fault lies in their body shape.
Perhaps it is because they are bipolar, depressed or something like that.
Through the years of waiting and inertia in school, the regimentation and repetitiveness of the hierarchical workplace, they have forgotten how to be pro active.
So they grab a beer, pop a pill, smoke some dope, and switch on the screen which tells them that they live in the best of all possible worlds, a Democracy, and that if they are not shiny happy people, then it must be their fault, that they must not sit, eat, drink, smoke, poke.
It is they who are sick, they are told, not the world they live in, the world of the self.
Above us only sky, within us only hell.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Psychology, The Theology Of Idolatry
In a world without God there is no need for Theology. There is no need to know God in a world from which He has been expelled.
In a world of Humanism, Theology has been replaced by Psychology, Sin by Sickness, Repentance by Therapy, the embodiment of the Holy One in the bread and the wine, by the redemption of the pill, washed down by a glass of water.
In a world of the Self, the Humanist goes mad.
Ever since the beginning of humanity people have gazed around themselves in awe and wonder, conscious of a Being infinitely greater than themselves.
The oldest preoccupation of mankind is to know this Being.
And so, people of old studied the stars, looking as far beyond themselves as they possibly could.
The oldest preoccupation of Mankind is knowing God.
But the oldest preoccupation of Power is to keep people passive, afraid, inward looking, cowering in the shadows.
And so temples, churches, cathedrals, mosques were introduced by the Powerful in an attempt to limit and restrain Mankind's yearning for God. Faith was institutionalized. Faith was replaced by a moral code, drawn up to bolster Power.
For many hundreds of years the thugs and the kings, the priests, the Brahmins, the Buddhas, the imams, have fought the battle for atheism to shield the people from the power of the Almighty.
They see victory in their sights. Who seeks God these days? In churches and mosques worshippers appear more preoccupied with their own conduct than with looking to know God.
It is all about the Self.
I, me, and Myself, the beginning, the middle and the end, the Holy Trinity of the Madman, is the greatest wonder for modern Humanity.
To gaze at our navels in awesome wonder is our greatest thrill.
The preoccupation of regimented humanity is to know Oneself.
Psychology is the science of the Worship of Man, the theology of idolatry.
In a world of Humanism, Theology has been replaced by Psychology, Sin by Sickness, Repentance by Therapy, the embodiment of the Holy One in the bread and the wine, by the redemption of the pill, washed down by a glass of water.
In a world of the Self, the Humanist goes mad.
Ever since the beginning of humanity people have gazed around themselves in awe and wonder, conscious of a Being infinitely greater than themselves.
The oldest preoccupation of mankind is to know this Being.
And so, people of old studied the stars, looking as far beyond themselves as they possibly could.
The oldest preoccupation of Mankind is knowing God.
But the oldest preoccupation of Power is to keep people passive, afraid, inward looking, cowering in the shadows.
And so temples, churches, cathedrals, mosques were introduced by the Powerful in an attempt to limit and restrain Mankind's yearning for God. Faith was institutionalized. Faith was replaced by a moral code, drawn up to bolster Power.
For many hundreds of years the thugs and the kings, the priests, the Brahmins, the Buddhas, the imams, have fought the battle for atheism to shield the people from the power of the Almighty.
They see victory in their sights. Who seeks God these days? In churches and mosques worshippers appear more preoccupied with their own conduct than with looking to know God.
It is all about the Self.
I, me, and Myself, the beginning, the middle and the end, the Holy Trinity of the Madman, is the greatest wonder for modern Humanity.
To gaze at our navels in awesome wonder is our greatest thrill.
The preoccupation of regimented humanity is to know Oneself.
Psychology is the science of the Worship of Man, the theology of idolatry.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
But Were I Loved
RP writes: OK, so I mocked Tennyson and his Charge of the Light Brigade, but I like this one.
'But were I loved, as I desire to be,
What is there in the great sphere of the earth,
And range of evil between death and birth,
That I should fear, - if I were loved by thee?
All the inner, all the outer world of pain
Clear Love would pierce and cleave, if thou wert mine,
As I have heard that, somewhere in the main,
Fresh-water springs come up through bitter brine.
'Twere joy, not fear, clasped hand -in-hand with thee,
To wait for death - mute - careless of all ills,
Apart upon a mountain, tho' the surge
Of some new deluge from a thousand hills
Flung leagues of roaring foam into the gorge
Below us, as far on as eye could see.'
'But were I loved, as I desire to be,
What is there in the great sphere of the earth,
And range of evil between death and birth,
That I should fear, - if I were loved by thee?
All the inner, all the outer world of pain
Clear Love would pierce and cleave, if thou wert mine,
As I have heard that, somewhere in the main,
Fresh-water springs come up through bitter brine.
'Twere joy, not fear, clasped hand -in-hand with thee,
To wait for death - mute - careless of all ills,
Apart upon a mountain, tho' the surge
Of some new deluge from a thousand hills
Flung leagues of roaring foam into the gorge
Below us, as far on as eye could see.'
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Conclusions Of The Lollards - The Pretended Power Of Absolution And The Sin Of War
9. That auricular confession which is said to be so necessary to the salvation of a man, with its pretended power of absolution, exalts the arrogance of priests and gives them opportunity of other secret colloquies which we will not speak of; for both lords and ladies attest that, for fear of their confessors, they dare not speak the truth. and at the time of confession there is a ready occasion for assignation that is for wooing and other secret understandings leading to mortal sins. They themselves say that they are God's representatives to judge every sin, to pardon and cleanse whomsoever they please. They say that they have the keys to heaven and of hell, and can excommunicate and bless, bind and loose, at their will, so much so that for a drink or twelve pence, they will sell the blessing of heaven with charter and close warrant sealed with the common seal.
This conclusion is so notorious that it needs not any proof. It is a corollary that the pope of Rome, who has given himself out as treasurer of the whole Church, having in charge that worthy jewel of Christ's passion together with the merits of all saints in heaven, whereby he grants pretended indulgence from penalty and guilt, is a treasurer almost devoid of charity, in that, he can set free all who are prisoners in hell at his will, and cause that they should never come to that place. But in this any Christian can well see there is much in secret falsehood hidden away in our Church.
10. That manslaughter in war or by pretended law of justice for a temporal cause, without spiritual revelation, is expressly contrary to the New Testament, which indeed is the law of grace and full of mercies. This conclusion is openly proved by the examples of Christ's preaching here on earth, for he specially taught a man to love his enemies, and to show them pity, and not to slay them. The reason is this, that for the most part, when men fight, after the first blow, charity is broken. And whoever dies without charity goes the straight road to hell. And beyond this we know well that no clergyman can by Scripture or lawful reason remit the punishment of death for one mortal sin and not for another; but the law of mercy, which in the New Testament prohibits all manner of manslaughter, for in the Gospel: 'It was said unto them of old time, 'Thou shalt not kill.'
The corollary is that it is indeed robbery of poor folk when lords get indulgences from punishment and guilt: for those who aid their army to kill a Christian people in distant lands for temporal gain, just as we too have seen soldiers who run into heathendom to get them a name for the slaughter of men; much more do they deserve ill thanks from the King of Peace, for by our humility and patience was the faith multiplied, and Jesus Christ hates and threatens men who fight and kill, when He says: 'He who smites with the sword shall perish with the sword.'
This conclusion is so notorious that it needs not any proof. It is a corollary that the pope of Rome, who has given himself out as treasurer of the whole Church, having in charge that worthy jewel of Christ's passion together with the merits of all saints in heaven, whereby he grants pretended indulgence from penalty and guilt, is a treasurer almost devoid of charity, in that, he can set free all who are prisoners in hell at his will, and cause that they should never come to that place. But in this any Christian can well see there is much in secret falsehood hidden away in our Church.
10. That manslaughter in war or by pretended law of justice for a temporal cause, without spiritual revelation, is expressly contrary to the New Testament, which indeed is the law of grace and full of mercies. This conclusion is openly proved by the examples of Christ's preaching here on earth, for he specially taught a man to love his enemies, and to show them pity, and not to slay them. The reason is this, that for the most part, when men fight, after the first blow, charity is broken. And whoever dies without charity goes the straight road to hell. And beyond this we know well that no clergyman can by Scripture or lawful reason remit the punishment of death for one mortal sin and not for another; but the law of mercy, which in the New Testament prohibits all manner of manslaughter, for in the Gospel: 'It was said unto them of old time, 'Thou shalt not kill.'
The corollary is that it is indeed robbery of poor folk when lords get indulgences from punishment and guilt: for those who aid their army to kill a Christian people in distant lands for temporal gain, just as we too have seen soldiers who run into heathendom to get them a name for the slaughter of men; much more do they deserve ill thanks from the King of Peace, for by our humility and patience was the faith multiplied, and Jesus Christ hates and threatens men who fight and kill, when He says: 'He who smites with the sword shall perish with the sword.'
Friday, 24 May 2013
The Air Conditioned Nightmare - The Treadmill
A further passage from Henry Miller's, The Air Conditioned Nightmare.
'The saddest sight of all the is automobiles parked outside the mills and factories. The automobile stands out in my mind as the very symbol of falsity and illusion. There they are, thousands upon thousands of them, in such profusion that it would seem as if no man were too poor to own one. In Europe, Asia, Africa the toiling masses of humanity look with watery eyes towards this Paradise where the worker rides to work in his own car. What a magnificent world of opportunity it must be, they think to themselves. (At least we like to think that they think that way!) they never ask what they must do to have this great boon. They don't realize that when the American worker steps out of his shining tin chariot he delivers himself body and soul to the most stultifying labour a man can perform. They have no idea that it is possible, even when one works under the best possible conditions, to forfeit all rights as a human being. They don't know that the best possible conditions (in American lingo) mean the biggest profits for the boss, the utmost servitude for the worker, the greatest confusion and disillusionment for the public in general. They see a beautiful shining car which purrs like a cat; they see endless concrete roads so smooth and flawless that the driver has difficulty keeping awake: they see cinemas which look like palaces; they see department stores with mannequins dressed like princesses. They see glitter and paint, the baubles, the gadgets, the luxuries; they don't see the bitterness in the heart, the scepticism, the cynicism, the emptiness, the sterility, the despair, the hopelessness which is eating up the American worker. They don't want to see this - they are full of misery themselves. They want a way out; they want the lethal comforts, conveniences, luxuries. And they follow in our footsteps -blindly, heedlessly, recklessly..................
But we look at these bad dreams constantly with eyes open and when someone remarks about it we say, 'yes, that's right, that's how it is!' and we go about our business or we take to dope, the dope which is worse by far than opium or hashish - I mean the newspapers, the radio, the movies. Real dope gives you the freedom to dream your own dreams: the American kind forces you to swallow the perverted dreams of men whose only ambition is to hold their job regardless of what they are bidden to do.
The most terrible thing about America is that there is no escape from the treadmill which we have created.'
'The saddest sight of all the is automobiles parked outside the mills and factories. The automobile stands out in my mind as the very symbol of falsity and illusion. There they are, thousands upon thousands of them, in such profusion that it would seem as if no man were too poor to own one. In Europe, Asia, Africa the toiling masses of humanity look with watery eyes towards this Paradise where the worker rides to work in his own car. What a magnificent world of opportunity it must be, they think to themselves. (At least we like to think that they think that way!) they never ask what they must do to have this great boon. They don't realize that when the American worker steps out of his shining tin chariot he delivers himself body and soul to the most stultifying labour a man can perform. They have no idea that it is possible, even when one works under the best possible conditions, to forfeit all rights as a human being. They don't know that the best possible conditions (in American lingo) mean the biggest profits for the boss, the utmost servitude for the worker, the greatest confusion and disillusionment for the public in general. They see a beautiful shining car which purrs like a cat; they see endless concrete roads so smooth and flawless that the driver has difficulty keeping awake: they see cinemas which look like palaces; they see department stores with mannequins dressed like princesses. They see glitter and paint, the baubles, the gadgets, the luxuries; they don't see the bitterness in the heart, the scepticism, the cynicism, the emptiness, the sterility, the despair, the hopelessness which is eating up the American worker. They don't want to see this - they are full of misery themselves. They want a way out; they want the lethal comforts, conveniences, luxuries. And they follow in our footsteps -blindly, heedlessly, recklessly..................
But we look at these bad dreams constantly with eyes open and when someone remarks about it we say, 'yes, that's right, that's how it is!' and we go about our business or we take to dope, the dope which is worse by far than opium or hashish - I mean the newspapers, the radio, the movies. Real dope gives you the freedom to dream your own dreams: the American kind forces you to swallow the perverted dreams of men whose only ambition is to hold their job regardless of what they are bidden to do.
The most terrible thing about America is that there is no escape from the treadmill which we have created.'
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Vichy Women
Mary Malone writes:
Most modern Feminists are women of the managerial class who have swapped their liberty for hierarchy. They are moral and self-righteous and they serve no one but themselves.
They have swapped service for subservience.
Vichy Women, those who collaborate with patriarchal structures, are the enemies of the gift economy, the enemies of Matriarchy.
Women are placed on earth to give and to give of their abundance.
Matriarchy is Giving.
Each Progressive revolution reinforces Patriarchy. Authority is enhanced, the stranglehold of the Hierarchical Principle tightens, squeezing the life out of all true women.
Women were not born to obey. Women were born to be free.
Women were not born to be crushed by the dead hand of managerial morality.
Women were born for love and life.
The mistress of her domain, having a big strong man to serve her each day and night, is traded for an atomised 'independent' androgynous creature, a boy with a pussy, a pederast's dream, a cog in the machine, a rung on the ladder to be climbed upon, a link in the great chain of command.
This degradation, this selfishness of hierarchy, this morality of obedience the Vichy Women call independence, while all the time acting as the Guards of their Sisters.
Most modern Feminists are women of the managerial class who have swapped their liberty for hierarchy. They are moral and self-righteous and they serve no one but themselves.
They have swapped service for subservience.
Vichy Women, those who collaborate with patriarchal structures, are the enemies of the gift economy, the enemies of Matriarchy.
Women are placed on earth to give and to give of their abundance.
Matriarchy is Giving.
Each Progressive revolution reinforces Patriarchy. Authority is enhanced, the stranglehold of the Hierarchical Principle tightens, squeezing the life out of all true women.
Women were not born to obey. Women were born to be free.
Women were not born to be crushed by the dead hand of managerial morality.
Women were born for love and life.
The mistress of her domain, having a big strong man to serve her each day and night, is traded for an atomised 'independent' androgynous creature, a boy with a pussy, a pederast's dream, a cog in the machine, a rung on the ladder to be climbed upon, a link in the great chain of command.
This degradation, this selfishness of hierarchy, this morality of obedience the Vichy Women call independence, while all the time acting as the Guards of their Sisters.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Learning Passivity
The passivity of the people has ever been the number one priority of Authority. The Military Bureaucrats take our money and claim to protect us, but in fact they guard us.
Their number one enemy is you and me.
How do we know they are at war with us?
Because they are paid more than us!
Yes, it's really that obvious. Those with the most money are not the most useful or the most skilful, but the Managers of Power.
These days the Guards are not just those with guns and uniforms.
Perhaps extreme violence was needed to crush the peasants in Soviet Russia or to exterminate Native Americans, but these days Power is much more likely to be soft. The Guards are increasingly likely to be female; psychologists and teachers, charity workers, nurses.
Big Mother is replacing nasty old Big Brother.
And the battle zone is your mind.
The first thing is to persuade everybody that there is something wrong with them. Children are in special need of care. The problem we are told is the little poppets themselves, not the fact that they are imprisoned all day long at school and home. If they feel restless and disgruntled they are 'sick'.
Autonomous action is strictly prohibited. All activity must be supervised.
By the time they are teenagers they have become accustomed to control and relentless passivity.
School teaches them to wait before Authority gives them permission to act.
They learn that their time is in fact Authority's time to waste.
They learn that the problem is them. If they are obese or unfit the problem is them, not the battery hen conditions they are forced to endure.
If they cry out in their anguish the problem is them, not that their Autonomy has been stolen by Authority, not their existence of relentless passivity.
They are told that they are sick, and referred to the doctor.
They learn that taking drugs is the answer.
Job done!
Their number one enemy is you and me.
How do we know they are at war with us?
Because they are paid more than us!
Yes, it's really that obvious. Those with the most money are not the most useful or the most skilful, but the Managers of Power.
These days the Guards are not just those with guns and uniforms.
Perhaps extreme violence was needed to crush the peasants in Soviet Russia or to exterminate Native Americans, but these days Power is much more likely to be soft. The Guards are increasingly likely to be female; psychologists and teachers, charity workers, nurses.
Big Mother is replacing nasty old Big Brother.
And the battle zone is your mind.
The first thing is to persuade everybody that there is something wrong with them. Children are in special need of care. The problem we are told is the little poppets themselves, not the fact that they are imprisoned all day long at school and home. If they feel restless and disgruntled they are 'sick'.
Autonomous action is strictly prohibited. All activity must be supervised.
By the time they are teenagers they have become accustomed to control and relentless passivity.
School teaches them to wait before Authority gives them permission to act.
They learn that their time is in fact Authority's time to waste.
They learn that the problem is them. If they are obese or unfit the problem is them, not the battery hen conditions they are forced to endure.
If they cry out in their anguish the problem is them, not that their Autonomy has been stolen by Authority, not their existence of relentless passivity.
They are told that they are sick, and referred to the doctor.
They learn that taking drugs is the answer.
Job done!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Three years ago Revoltina and I decided to go on a short Mediterranean cruise. It was something she had wanted to do for years, and sales from the farm had been good that year and Dick had promised to keep things ticking over while we were away.
With it being a Mediterranean cruise I had expected the crew to be from France and Spain, Greece and Turkey, Italy and Algeria, Morocco and Egypt.
Not a bit of it. The overwhelming majority of the staff were from Indonesia and the Philippines.
Once out of sight of land we could have been somewhere in the Far East. The passengers were predominantly indigenous aboriginal English and the dusky servants were from, what in the heyday of Imperialism, were called the 'Lower Races.'
Not much has changed in a hundred years!
I felt excruciatingly embarrassed I can tell you.
The ship was a mess, lilting to one side. Some of the cabins had flooded and a port of call was missed out. So the passengers grumbled.
They didn't grumble about being waited on by pitifully paid Non People.
You see, they say, the wages are good for those countries.
The crew and staff worked extremely long hours. You see, they say, it gives them a chance to earn more than they would back home.
They are months and months away from their husbands and wives and children.
But we are doing them a favour, trading with them, employing them, transferring our wealth to them.
Like I suppose, 'we' are giving employment to Bengali garment workers. Like we give work to Chinese cockle pickers. Like the millions of foreigners now providing cheap foreign labour within the United Kingdom, ready to replace the decadent English who have a Devil's pact with their masters.
What remains of the English people will one day wake up. You cannot maintain your own labour rights, good conditions and good wages, whilst simultaneously exploiting the foreigner.
The Australians have always understood this, keeping out cheap labour firstly with the White Australia policy, and later on with skills and capital based quotas.
But the English aspire to be nothing more than a little lord.
And how better for the humiliated members of a hierarchy to feel better than to go abroad and let Johnny Foreigner wait on you, to tramp around Peru, to cycle round Vietnam, to do some good work in Tanzania, to cruise the Mediterranean, waited on by delightfully servile foreigners, while dispensing our valuable currency to the grateful, childlike, under-developed natives.
With it being a Mediterranean cruise I had expected the crew to be from France and Spain, Greece and Turkey, Italy and Algeria, Morocco and Egypt.
Not a bit of it. The overwhelming majority of the staff were from Indonesia and the Philippines.
Once out of sight of land we could have been somewhere in the Far East. The passengers were predominantly indigenous aboriginal English and the dusky servants were from, what in the heyday of Imperialism, were called the 'Lower Races.'
Not much has changed in a hundred years!
I felt excruciatingly embarrassed I can tell you.
The ship was a mess, lilting to one side. Some of the cabins had flooded and a port of call was missed out. So the passengers grumbled.
They didn't grumble about being waited on by pitifully paid Non People.
You see, they say, the wages are good for those countries.
The crew and staff worked extremely long hours. You see, they say, it gives them a chance to earn more than they would back home.
They are months and months away from their husbands and wives and children.
But we are doing them a favour, trading with them, employing them, transferring our wealth to them.
Like I suppose, 'we' are giving employment to Bengali garment workers. Like we give work to Chinese cockle pickers. Like the millions of foreigners now providing cheap foreign labour within the United Kingdom, ready to replace the decadent English who have a Devil's pact with their masters.
What remains of the English people will one day wake up. You cannot maintain your own labour rights, good conditions and good wages, whilst simultaneously exploiting the foreigner.
The Australians have always understood this, keeping out cheap labour firstly with the White Australia policy, and later on with skills and capital based quotas.
But the English aspire to be nothing more than a little lord.
And how better for the humiliated members of a hierarchy to feel better than to go abroad and let Johnny Foreigner wait on you, to tramp around Peru, to cycle round Vietnam, to do some good work in Tanzania, to cruise the Mediterranean, waited on by delightfully servile foreigners, while dispensing our valuable currency to the grateful, childlike, under-developed natives.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Disappearing In Silence
The United Kingdom Home Secretary, Theresa May, has stated in a letter to the police that suspects who have been arrested but not yet charged, should not be named.
Yet already the United Kingdom government has a history of imprisoning people without charge. In 2001 the Post Fascist New Labour government introduced the Anti- Terrorism and Security Act, which enabled certain people to be detained indefinitely without charge.
Mercifully, in 2004 the courts decided that detention without charge was illegal under the Human Rights Act.
Under Mrs. May's proposals these victims of the criminal state would simply have disappeared.
Anybody accused of 'terrorism', that is potentially any political activity, anybody supporting political opponents of the Post Fascist political class, anybody who pries in the wrong place, or reads the wrong stuff, could end up 'disappearing' for up to 28 days, if not longer. There will be nobody to hold the authorities to account, because nobody will know where they have gone.
In 2011 the Guardian reported on Denise McNeil, allegedly an illegal immigrant, locked up in Holloway for nearly a year.
Babar Ahmad was jailed for eight years without charge before being extradited to the United States.
In an age of show trials, whether it be Nick Griffin or John Terry, Christians who speak out of turn, ageing celebrities, alleged animal abusers, of a vast overbearing bureaucracy, of endemic corruption in government, an unaccountable civil service, a system of patronage where M.Ps and Lords are involved in everything from PFI contracts to wind farms, a financial centre which is the money laundering capital of the world, a political class for whom corruption is institutionalised, don't think that they will never come for you!
In an age of bureaucracy, crime is not an offence against the law, but an offence against the interests of the bureaucrats.
Think of Emma West, the obnoxious and rude young woman whose rant caused 'offence' to the wrong people. Thrown into jail for saying the wrong thing, yet the trial postponed time and again.
Imagine it all done in silence, with no friends or family knowing of your whereabouts, never charged, never put on trial.
Such is the future of Mrs. May's silent Post Fascist police state.
Do you really want to live in a state where there is no freedom of speech and people are detained in secret?
Yet already the United Kingdom government has a history of imprisoning people without charge. In 2001 the Post Fascist New Labour government introduced the Anti- Terrorism and Security Act, which enabled certain people to be detained indefinitely without charge.
Mercifully, in 2004 the courts decided that detention without charge was illegal under the Human Rights Act.
Under Mrs. May's proposals these victims of the criminal state would simply have disappeared.
Anybody accused of 'terrorism', that is potentially any political activity, anybody supporting political opponents of the Post Fascist political class, anybody who pries in the wrong place, or reads the wrong stuff, could end up 'disappearing' for up to 28 days, if not longer. There will be nobody to hold the authorities to account, because nobody will know where they have gone.
In 2011 the Guardian reported on Denise McNeil, allegedly an illegal immigrant, locked up in Holloway for nearly a year.
Babar Ahmad was jailed for eight years without charge before being extradited to the United States.
In an age of show trials, whether it be Nick Griffin or John Terry, Christians who speak out of turn, ageing celebrities, alleged animal abusers, of a vast overbearing bureaucracy, of endemic corruption in government, an unaccountable civil service, a system of patronage where M.Ps and Lords are involved in everything from PFI contracts to wind farms, a financial centre which is the money laundering capital of the world, a political class for whom corruption is institutionalised, don't think that they will never come for you!
In an age of bureaucracy, crime is not an offence against the law, but an offence against the interests of the bureaucrats.
Think of Emma West, the obnoxious and rude young woman whose rant caused 'offence' to the wrong people. Thrown into jail for saying the wrong thing, yet the trial postponed time and again.
Imagine it all done in silence, with no friends or family knowing of your whereabouts, never charged, never put on trial.
Such is the future of Mrs. May's silent Post Fascist police state.
Do you really want to live in a state where there is no freedom of speech and people are detained in secret?
Sunday, 19 May 2013
From the strongly recommended website PoesiAnarquistaLibre, published by Anarkrata.
Eres cómplice cuando callas
A todas las injusticias
A todo lo que pasa.
Te quieren sumiso
Te quieren pasivo.
Te quieren callado
Te quieren destuido
Te quieren asustado
Te quieren arrodillado
Te quieren acabado
Te quieren desorientado
Y esperas el llamado
El llamado de la libertad
Y desesperado
Por la opresion del estado
Empiezas a luchar
Por un mundo mejorado
Donde ya no exista
La palabra gobernar
Y donde amor
Respeto y igualdad
Es aquello de lo que nuestros hijos
Sin parar dejan de hablar
Donde soñar ya no sea ilegal
Y juntos como hermanos caminar
En este largo camino que se llama paz.
You are an accomplice when you keep quiet
About all the injustices,
About all that is going on.
They want you submissive
They want you passive
They want you kept quiet.
They want you destroyed
They want you scared
They want you on your knees.
They want you finished
They want you disoriented
And you wait for the call,
The Call of Liberty.
And in desperation
At the oppression of the State
You begin to struggle
For a better world
Where the word 'govern'
No longer exists
A world where love
And respect and dignity
Is the way our children
Know to act and speak,
A world where to dream
Is no longer against the law
And together as sisters and brothers
We walk the broad path of Peace.
Eres cómplice cuando callas
A todas las injusticias
A todo lo que pasa.
Te quieren sumiso
Te quieren pasivo.
Te quieren callado
Te quieren destuido
Te quieren asustado
Te quieren arrodillado
Te quieren acabado
Te quieren desorientado
Y esperas el llamado
El llamado de la libertad
Y desesperado
Por la opresion del estado
Empiezas a luchar
Por un mundo mejorado
Donde ya no exista
La palabra gobernar
Y donde amor
Respeto y igualdad
Es aquello de lo que nuestros hijos
Sin parar dejan de hablar
Donde soñar ya no sea ilegal
Y juntos como hermanos caminar
En este largo camino que se llama paz.
You are an accomplice when you keep quiet
About all the injustices,
About all that is going on.
They want you submissive
They want you passive
They want you kept quiet.
They want you destroyed
They want you scared
They want you on your knees.
They want you finished
They want you disoriented
And you wait for the call,
The Call of Liberty.
And in desperation
At the oppression of the State
You begin to struggle
For a better world
Where the word 'govern'
No longer exists
A world where love
And respect and dignity
Is the way our children
Know to act and speak,
A world where to dream
Is no longer against the law
And together as sisters and brothers
We walk the broad path of Peace.
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Two More Conclusions Of The Lollards
7.That special prayers for the souls of the dead in our Church, preferring one before another in name, are a false foundation of alms, and for that reason all houses of alms in England have been wrongly founded. This conclusion is proved by two reasons: the one is that meritorious prayer, and of any effect, ought to be a work proceeding from deep charity, and perfect charity leaves out no one, for 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.' And so it is clear to us that the gift of temporal good bestowed on the priesthood and houses of alms is a special incentive to private prayer which is not far from simony. For another reason is that special prayer made for men condemned is very displeasing to God, and though it be doubtful it is probable to faithful Christian people that founders of a house of alms have for their poisonous endowment passed over for the most part to the broad road. The corollary is effectual prayer springing from perfect love would in general embrace all whom God would have saved, and would do away with that well-worn way or merchandise in special prayers made for the possessionary mendicants and other hired priests, who are a people of great burden to the whole realm, kept in idleness, for it has been proved in one book which the king had, that a hundred houses of alms would suffice in all the realm, and from this would rather accrue possible profit to the temporal estate.
8.That pilgrimages, prayers and offerings made to blind crosses or roods, and to dead images of wood and stone, are pretty well akin to idolatry and far from alms, and although these be forbidden and imaginary, a book of error to the lay folk, still the customary image of the Trinity is especially abominable. This conclusion God clearly proves, bidding alms to be given to the needy man because they are the image of God, and more like than wood or stone: for God did not say, "let us make wood or stone in our likeness and image", but man: because the supreme honour which clerks call latria belongs to Divinity only; and the lowest honour which clerks call dulia pertains to man and angel and to inferior creatures. A corollary is that the service of the cross, performed twice in any year in our church is full of idolatry, for if that should, so might the nails and lance be so highly honoured: then would the lips of Judas be relics indeed if any were able to possess them. But we ask you pilgrim to tell us, when you offer to the bones of saints placed in a shrine in any spot, whether you relieve the saint who is in joy, or that almshouse which is so well endowed and for which men have been canonized, God knows how. And to speak more plainly, a faithful Christian supposes that the wounds of that noble man, whom men call St. Thomas, were not a case of martyrdom.
8.That pilgrimages, prayers and offerings made to blind crosses or roods, and to dead images of wood and stone, are pretty well akin to idolatry and far from alms, and although these be forbidden and imaginary, a book of error to the lay folk, still the customary image of the Trinity is especially abominable. This conclusion God clearly proves, bidding alms to be given to the needy man because they are the image of God, and more like than wood or stone: for God did not say, "let us make wood or stone in our likeness and image", but man: because the supreme honour which clerks call latria belongs to Divinity only; and the lowest honour which clerks call dulia pertains to man and angel and to inferior creatures. A corollary is that the service of the cross, performed twice in any year in our church is full of idolatry, for if that should, so might the nails and lance be so highly honoured: then would the lips of Judas be relics indeed if any were able to possess them. But we ask you pilgrim to tell us, when you offer to the bones of saints placed in a shrine in any spot, whether you relieve the saint who is in joy, or that almshouse which is so well endowed and for which men have been canonized, God knows how. And to speak more plainly, a faithful Christian supposes that the wounds of that noble man, whom men call St. Thomas, were not a case of martyrdom.
Friday, 17 May 2013
The Air Conditioned Nightmare
Here is a passage from Henry Miller's book of his travels around America in 1940, entitled The Air Conditioned Nightmare.
'This frenzied activity which has us all, rich and poor, weak and powerful, in its grip - where is it leading us? There are two things in life which it seems to me all men want and very few ever get (because both of them belong to the domain of the spiritual) and they are health and freedom. The druggist, the doctor, the surgeon are all powerless to give health; money, power, security, authority do not give freedom. Education can never provide wisdom, nor churches religion, nor wealth happiness, nor security peace. What is the meaning of our activity then? To what end?
We are not only as ignorant, as superstitious, as vicious in our conduct as the 'ignorant, bloodthirsty savages' whom we dispossessed and annihilated upon arriving here - we are worse than they by far. We have degenerated; we have degraded the life which we sought to establish on this continent. The most productive nation in the world, yet unable to feed, clothe and shelter over a third of its population, vast areas of valuable soil turning to waste land because of neglect, indifference, greed and vandalism.................
Where there is industry there is ugliness, misery, oppression, gloom and despair. The banks which grew rich by piously teaching us to save, in order to swindle us with our own money, now beg us not to bring our savings to them, threatening to wipe out even that ridiculous interest rate they now offer should we disregard their advice. Three quarters of the world's gold lies buried in Kentucky. Inventions which would throw millions more out of work, since by the queer irony of our system every potential boon to the human race is converted into an evil, lie idle on the shelves of the patent office or are bought up and destroyed by the powers that control our destiny. The land, thinly populated, and producing in a wasteful, haphazard way enormous surpluses of every kind, is deemed by its owners, a mere handful of men, unable to accommodate not only the starving millions of Europe, but our own starving hordes. A country which makes itself ridiculous by sending out missionaries to the most remote parts of the globe, asking for pennies of the poor in order to maintain the Christian work of deluded devils who no more represent Christ than I do the Pope, and yet unable through its churches and missions at home to rescue the weak and defeated, the miserable and the oppressed. The hospitals, the insane asylums, the prisons, filled to overflowing. Counties, some of them big as a European country, practically uninhabited, owned by an intangible corporation whose tentacles reach everywhere and whose responsibilities nobody can formulate or clarify.'
'This frenzied activity which has us all, rich and poor, weak and powerful, in its grip - where is it leading us? There are two things in life which it seems to me all men want and very few ever get (because both of them belong to the domain of the spiritual) and they are health and freedom. The druggist, the doctor, the surgeon are all powerless to give health; money, power, security, authority do not give freedom. Education can never provide wisdom, nor churches religion, nor wealth happiness, nor security peace. What is the meaning of our activity then? To what end?
We are not only as ignorant, as superstitious, as vicious in our conduct as the 'ignorant, bloodthirsty savages' whom we dispossessed and annihilated upon arriving here - we are worse than they by far. We have degenerated; we have degraded the life which we sought to establish on this continent. The most productive nation in the world, yet unable to feed, clothe and shelter over a third of its population, vast areas of valuable soil turning to waste land because of neglect, indifference, greed and vandalism.................
Where there is industry there is ugliness, misery, oppression, gloom and despair. The banks which grew rich by piously teaching us to save, in order to swindle us with our own money, now beg us not to bring our savings to them, threatening to wipe out even that ridiculous interest rate they now offer should we disregard their advice. Three quarters of the world's gold lies buried in Kentucky. Inventions which would throw millions more out of work, since by the queer irony of our system every potential boon to the human race is converted into an evil, lie idle on the shelves of the patent office or are bought up and destroyed by the powers that control our destiny. The land, thinly populated, and producing in a wasteful, haphazard way enormous surpluses of every kind, is deemed by its owners, a mere handful of men, unable to accommodate not only the starving millions of Europe, but our own starving hordes. A country which makes itself ridiculous by sending out missionaries to the most remote parts of the globe, asking for pennies of the poor in order to maintain the Christian work of deluded devils who no more represent Christ than I do the Pope, and yet unable through its churches and missions at home to rescue the weak and defeated, the miserable and the oppressed. The hospitals, the insane asylums, the prisons, filled to overflowing. Counties, some of them big as a European country, practically uninhabited, owned by an intangible corporation whose tentacles reach everywhere and whose responsibilities nobody can formulate or clarify.'
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Obliteration Not Liberation
Mary Malone writes:
These days we have an epidemic of mental illness and self harm amongst young women. Supposedly, the feminist battles of the past have been largely won. Women take their place in leadership positions in business and politics, we earn our own living, we can dump a man if he falls short of our requirements. We can take our rightful place in the hierarchy.
Yet at what price? Is the victory more apparent than real.
Forty years ago a woman could have children. It wasn't a matter of choice, it was a matter of right. If a woman wanted to have children, which most women do, once she left school she set about looking for a mate.
By her early twenties a woman was married. With luck she would have married a man willing to work hard and provide for her and her children.
Modern girls leave school at twenty one, an age at which their grandmothers were frequently married and mistresses of their own households. They leave school with huge debts, and frequently cannot afford somewhere to live, so they stay with Mum and Dad. There are few available males to mate with, because they too are hugely in debt. If they have avoided the debt trap, frequently they are working in low skill, low paid jobs.
Even if they are earning good money they are unlikely to want to mate, so ingrained is the culture of consumption. Even if they marry, the marriage will likely end in divorce, leaving the man to pick up the tab for children to whom he is more of a sperm donor than a father, leaving the woman to look after children on her own, whilst holding down a job.
Modern young people drink and smoke and go to this country and that, but it is a dance of despair.
A woman is no longer a woman but an object, a sex machine by night and a human resource by day.
The days when she had value as a mother and a lover are over. No longer do men see her as semi divine.
No longer does the modern woman even respect herself. She starves herself, trying to eliminate all vestiges of womanhood from her appearance. She would rather look androgynous, something like a boy. The sex she indulges in is more akin to the domination games of pederasty than the embracing love of a fruitful woman.
So how did it come to this?
Feminists believed that Patriarchy could be overcome by women becoming Patriarchal. And the merchants of Power were only too happy to oblige.
The last century has produced a world of rape and fear for women, a world of war and violence, unheard of in distant times. The war on Woman intensifies daily. Women are not being liberated, they are being obliterated.
These days we have an epidemic of mental illness and self harm amongst young women. Supposedly, the feminist battles of the past have been largely won. Women take their place in leadership positions in business and politics, we earn our own living, we can dump a man if he falls short of our requirements. We can take our rightful place in the hierarchy.
Yet at what price? Is the victory more apparent than real.
Forty years ago a woman could have children. It wasn't a matter of choice, it was a matter of right. If a woman wanted to have children, which most women do, once she left school she set about looking for a mate.
By her early twenties a woman was married. With luck she would have married a man willing to work hard and provide for her and her children.
Modern girls leave school at twenty one, an age at which their grandmothers were frequently married and mistresses of their own households. They leave school with huge debts, and frequently cannot afford somewhere to live, so they stay with Mum and Dad. There are few available males to mate with, because they too are hugely in debt. If they have avoided the debt trap, frequently they are working in low skill, low paid jobs.
Even if they are earning good money they are unlikely to want to mate, so ingrained is the culture of consumption. Even if they marry, the marriage will likely end in divorce, leaving the man to pick up the tab for children to whom he is more of a sperm donor than a father, leaving the woman to look after children on her own, whilst holding down a job.
Modern young people drink and smoke and go to this country and that, but it is a dance of despair.
A woman is no longer a woman but an object, a sex machine by night and a human resource by day.
The days when she had value as a mother and a lover are over. No longer do men see her as semi divine.
No longer does the modern woman even respect herself. She starves herself, trying to eliminate all vestiges of womanhood from her appearance. She would rather look androgynous, something like a boy. The sex she indulges in is more akin to the domination games of pederasty than the embracing love of a fruitful woman.
So how did it come to this?
Feminists believed that Patriarchy could be overcome by women becoming Patriarchal. And the merchants of Power were only too happy to oblige.
The last century has produced a world of rape and fear for women, a world of war and violence, unheard of in distant times. The war on Woman intensifies daily. Women are not being liberated, they are being obliterated.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
'I'm Sick, I Am.'
One of the phenomena of our time is the study of Psychology in school and at university. Millions are at it!
It is as if they no longer wish to look outwards, afraid of the world that surrounds them, afraid to look beyond themselves to the Other. Like the Adam Madman, the original lunatic, they are convinced they are the centre of creation.
Unlike the people of England some six hundred years ago when I was young, they do not see themselves as an image of their Creator.
They see themselves as all important Apes.
It really is no wonder that there is so much mental illness amongst the young.
Only fifty years ago, children with Special Needs had real physical disabilities. Now they have phoney psychological illnesses such as ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome and Dyslexia and Bipolar Disorder, 'illnesses' that disguise selfishness, laziness and plain bad teaching. A condition is not to be overcome by the Worshippers of Sick, but to be cradled and cherished and nurtured, for in the Sick Society the Pitiful choose to identify themselves through their sickness.
Sickness and victimhood are the religion of today.
People are no longer identified as a Methodist or a Baptist or an Anglican but as someone who is 'suffering' from heart disease or 'fighting' bulimia or cancer.
The great city hospitals are the cathedrals of our time, where the surgeons are the priests who perform while victims lay themselves down on the altars to be operated upon.
Within the sacred precincts of the hospitals there is a hush, a murmuring of respect and awe. Though overwhelmingly funded by Authority there are opportunities to donate to the holy work of the doctors.
Self examination, ever looking inwards the Children of Psychology can look forward to a life time of sickness. Whilst young, with sadly healthy bodies, they have to make do with 'I'm mad, I am' varieties of pseudo illness, but as far as Authority is concerned they are safe, passive, weak, never likely to try to reclaim their expropriated violence.
It is as if they no longer wish to look outwards, afraid of the world that surrounds them, afraid to look beyond themselves to the Other. Like the Adam Madman, the original lunatic, they are convinced they are the centre of creation.
Unlike the people of England some six hundred years ago when I was young, they do not see themselves as an image of their Creator.
They see themselves as all important Apes.
It really is no wonder that there is so much mental illness amongst the young.
Only fifty years ago, children with Special Needs had real physical disabilities. Now they have phoney psychological illnesses such as ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome and Dyslexia and Bipolar Disorder, 'illnesses' that disguise selfishness, laziness and plain bad teaching. A condition is not to be overcome by the Worshippers of Sick, but to be cradled and cherished and nurtured, for in the Sick Society the Pitiful choose to identify themselves through their sickness.
Sickness and victimhood are the religion of today.
People are no longer identified as a Methodist or a Baptist or an Anglican but as someone who is 'suffering' from heart disease or 'fighting' bulimia or cancer.
The great city hospitals are the cathedrals of our time, where the surgeons are the priests who perform while victims lay themselves down on the altars to be operated upon.
Within the sacred precincts of the hospitals there is a hush, a murmuring of respect and awe. Though overwhelmingly funded by Authority there are opportunities to donate to the holy work of the doctors.
Self examination, ever looking inwards the Children of Psychology can look forward to a life time of sickness. Whilst young, with sadly healthy bodies, they have to make do with 'I'm mad, I am' varieties of pseudo illness, but as far as Authority is concerned they are safe, passive, weak, never likely to try to reclaim their expropriated violence.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
The Enemy Of The Peoples
The State is the enemy of the peoples. The State is a cancer on the body of society.
Everywhere it exists the State demands conformity.
In some countries this homogenization sees the physical destruction of minority ethnic groups who are not fully integrated into the State. In early twentieth century Europe we saw the destruction of the Jews and the Gypsies. To the uniformed officials of the military and the bureaucracy, indoctrinated in regimentation and blind obedience, the Jews and the Gypsies seemed less than wholly committed to their Idol.
Since the Second World War we have seen the rise of Islamo Fascist regimes in the Middle East. Throughout this region the Jews have been chased out, once again the not-to-be-trusted minority, and with the exception of the now destroyed Ba'ath regimes of Syria and Iraq, Christians have been encouraged to leave.
As a Palestinian pseudo people is created along with a Palestinian state we see the same 'cleansing', the same uniformity in the pressure on Christians, Berbers and Druze.
Likewise, in southern Yugoslavia we saw not just the expulsion of ethnic Serbs from Kosovo but also small peoples such as Ashkali, Egyptians, Gornai, Roma and Turks.
Linguistic uniformity is often imposed too. With the creation of the Italian state in the 1860s an Italian language had to be created, based on the Tuscan dialect.
In France, the introduction of compulsory education led to the destruction of Provencal, Breton and Corsican, amongst other local languages.
Nowadays the States of the West wish to introduce cheap servile labour from the Third World to replace the expensive and demanding indigenous population, which can be bribed into passivity till it dies out. So the indigenous working class is belittled, portrayed as worthless and bigoted. The foreign is exalted as exotic, the ignorance of the East deemed worthy of respect, the Christianity and the Liberalism of the West portrayed as washed up and irrelevant, its dynamism condemned as criminal.
The modern mantra is Diversity, but the Diversity is only skin deep. Cultural and religious beliefs may be worn as fashion statements, but are not to be allowed to interfere with our role in the Hierarchy.
Like Marriage, the show is to continue, the meaning is removed.
Everywhere it exists the State demands conformity.
In some countries this homogenization sees the physical destruction of minority ethnic groups who are not fully integrated into the State. In early twentieth century Europe we saw the destruction of the Jews and the Gypsies. To the uniformed officials of the military and the bureaucracy, indoctrinated in regimentation and blind obedience, the Jews and the Gypsies seemed less than wholly committed to their Idol.
Since the Second World War we have seen the rise of Islamo Fascist regimes in the Middle East. Throughout this region the Jews have been chased out, once again the not-to-be-trusted minority, and with the exception of the now destroyed Ba'ath regimes of Syria and Iraq, Christians have been encouraged to leave.
As a Palestinian pseudo people is created along with a Palestinian state we see the same 'cleansing', the same uniformity in the pressure on Christians, Berbers and Druze.
Likewise, in southern Yugoslavia we saw not just the expulsion of ethnic Serbs from Kosovo but also small peoples such as Ashkali, Egyptians, Gornai, Roma and Turks.
Linguistic uniformity is often imposed too. With the creation of the Italian state in the 1860s an Italian language had to be created, based on the Tuscan dialect.
In France, the introduction of compulsory education led to the destruction of Provencal, Breton and Corsican, amongst other local languages.
Nowadays the States of the West wish to introduce cheap servile labour from the Third World to replace the expensive and demanding indigenous population, which can be bribed into passivity till it dies out. So the indigenous working class is belittled, portrayed as worthless and bigoted. The foreign is exalted as exotic, the ignorance of the East deemed worthy of respect, the Christianity and the Liberalism of the West portrayed as washed up and irrelevant, its dynamism condemned as criminal.
The modern mantra is Diversity, but the Diversity is only skin deep. Cultural and religious beliefs may be worn as fashion statements, but are not to be allowed to interfere with our role in the Hierarchy.
Like Marriage, the show is to continue, the meaning is removed.
Rats In A Sack
According to the Financial Times of 21st January 2013 retailers reckon that they lost £1,600,000,000 in theft and deliberate damage last year, yet only reported 12% of the crime to the police.
This is an astonishing sum, especially given that supermarkets and chain stores have electronic tagging technology that makes it extremely difficult to ‘lift’ goods.
In a free society people realize that stealing is wrong. If they are short, they can usually ask a neighbour to tide them over. They are not at war with their neighbour.
But in a regulatory society possessions are relative, subject to the whim and regulation of our masters. We are all fighting for our place at the trough.
As passivity and self pity take hold so does the notion that shoplifting is not theft. Most shops are anonymous, owned by companies, not by individuals, so shoplifting does not seem as if it were stealing from a real person, but rather from an anonymous ‘them’.
Increasingly, a person’s income is relative to their relationship with the state rather than to their relationship with an economic activity. Increasingly, income depends on income tax and state allowances that are 'claimed'.
Wealth is divorced from effort and becomes ever more dependent on what you can get out of the 'system'.
Naturally, the notion arises that anybody who is in any degree wealthy has managed to work the system, that it is unfair, that they are thieves.
The Financial Times tells us that only 12% of thefts from retailers were reported to the police. But there is little point referring matters to the police. They don’t want to upset their crime reduction figures by reporting ‘crime’.
So the notion of theft, the notion of working for a living, the notion of honesty itself collapses with the connivance of the state.
It is in the interest of the military bureaucratic complex throughout the world to sow discord, to increase crime, to let us fear our neighbour, to have us retreat into egotism, to fight it out like rats in a sack.
This is an astonishing sum, especially given that supermarkets and chain stores have electronic tagging technology that makes it extremely difficult to ‘lift’ goods.
In a free society people realize that stealing is wrong. If they are short, they can usually ask a neighbour to tide them over. They are not at war with their neighbour.
But in a regulatory society possessions are relative, subject to the whim and regulation of our masters. We are all fighting for our place at the trough.
As passivity and self pity take hold so does the notion that shoplifting is not theft. Most shops are anonymous, owned by companies, not by individuals, so shoplifting does not seem as if it were stealing from a real person, but rather from an anonymous ‘them’.
Increasingly, a person’s income is relative to their relationship with the state rather than to their relationship with an economic activity. Increasingly, income depends on income tax and state allowances that are 'claimed'.
Wealth is divorced from effort and becomes ever more dependent on what you can get out of the 'system'.
Naturally, the notion arises that anybody who is in any degree wealthy has managed to work the system, that it is unfair, that they are thieves.
The Financial Times tells us that only 12% of thefts from retailers were reported to the police. But there is little point referring matters to the police. They don’t want to upset their crime reduction figures by reporting ‘crime’.
So the notion of theft, the notion of working for a living, the notion of honesty itself collapses with the connivance of the state.
It is in the interest of the military bureaucratic complex throughout the world to sow discord, to increase crime, to let us fear our neighbour, to have us retreat into egotism, to fight it out like rats in a sack.
Sunday, 12 May 2013
The Sick Rose
By William Blake:
O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Further Conclusions Of The Lollards
John Ball writes:
The priesthood maintains its power through pretended magical power. In the fourteenth century they were what nowadays are called Experts. And as such they claimed a role in government too.
'4.That the pretended miracle of the sacrament of bread drives all men, but a few, to idolatry, because they think that the Body of Christ, which is never away from heaven, could by power of the priest's word be enclosed essentially in a little bread which they show the people: but God grant that they might be willing to believe.......that the bread of the altar is habitually the Body of Christ, for we take it that in this way any faithful man and woman can by God's law perform the sacrament of that bread without any such miracle. A final corollary is that although the Body of Christ has been granted eternal joy, the service of Corpus Christi, instituted by Brother Thomas, at that time holding with the Pope, would have been willing to perform a miracle with a hen's egg; and we know that any falsehood openly preached turns to the disgrace of Him who is always true and without any defect.
5. That exorcisms and blessings performed over wine, bread, water and oil, salt, wax and incense, the stones of the altar, and church walls, over clothing, mitre, cross, and pilgrims' staves, are the genuine performance of necromancy rather than of sacred theology. This conclusion is proved as follows, because by such exorcisms creatures are honoured as being of higher virtue than they are in their own nature, and we do not see any change in any creature which is so exorcised, save by false faith which is the principle characteristic of the Devil's art. A corollary: that if the book of exorcising holy water, read in church, were entirely trustworthy we think truly that the holy water used in church would be the best medicine for all kinds of illnesses - sores, for instance; whereas we experience the contrary day by day.
6. That king and bishop in one person, prelate and judge in temporal causes, curate and officer in secular office, puts any kingdom beyond good rule. This conclusion is clearly proved because the temporal and spiritual are two halves of the entire Holy Church. And so he who has applied himself to one should not meddle with the other, for no one can serve two masters. It seems that hermaphrodites or ambidextrous would be good names for such men of double estate. A corollary is that we, the procurators of God in this behalf, do petition before Parliament that all curates, as well superior as inferior, be fully excused and should occupy themselves with their own charge and no other.
The priesthood maintains its power through pretended magical power. In the fourteenth century they were what nowadays are called Experts. And as such they claimed a role in government too.
'4.That the pretended miracle of the sacrament of bread drives all men, but a few, to idolatry, because they think that the Body of Christ, which is never away from heaven, could by power of the priest's word be enclosed essentially in a little bread which they show the people: but God grant that they might be willing to believe.......that the bread of the altar is habitually the Body of Christ, for we take it that in this way any faithful man and woman can by God's law perform the sacrament of that bread without any such miracle. A final corollary is that although the Body of Christ has been granted eternal joy, the service of Corpus Christi, instituted by Brother Thomas, at that time holding with the Pope, would have been willing to perform a miracle with a hen's egg; and we know that any falsehood openly preached turns to the disgrace of Him who is always true and without any defect.
5. That exorcisms and blessings performed over wine, bread, water and oil, salt, wax and incense, the stones of the altar, and church walls, over clothing, mitre, cross, and pilgrims' staves, are the genuine performance of necromancy rather than of sacred theology. This conclusion is proved as follows, because by such exorcisms creatures are honoured as being of higher virtue than they are in their own nature, and we do not see any change in any creature which is so exorcised, save by false faith which is the principle characteristic of the Devil's art. A corollary: that if the book of exorcising holy water, read in church, were entirely trustworthy we think truly that the holy water used in church would be the best medicine for all kinds of illnesses - sores, for instance; whereas we experience the contrary day by day.
6. That king and bishop in one person, prelate and judge in temporal causes, curate and officer in secular office, puts any kingdom beyond good rule. This conclusion is clearly proved because the temporal and spiritual are two halves of the entire Holy Church. And so he who has applied himself to one should not meddle with the other, for no one can serve two masters. It seems that hermaphrodites or ambidextrous would be good names for such men of double estate. A corollary is that we, the procurators of God in this behalf, do petition before Parliament that all curates, as well superior as inferior, be fully excused and should occupy themselves with their own charge and no other.
Friday, 10 May 2013
The Coldest Of All Cold Monsters
From Thus Spake Zarathustra:
'Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brethren: here there are states.
A state? What is that? Well! open now your ears unto me, for now will I say unto you my word concerning the death of peoples.
A state is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: "I, the state, am the people."
It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
Destroyers are they who lay snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.
Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against law and customs.
This sign I give unto you: every people speaketh its language of good and evil: this its neighbour understandeth not. Its language hath it devised for itself in laws and customs.
But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath it hath stolen.
False is everything in it: with stolen teeth it biteth, the biting one. False are even its bowels.
Confusion of language of good and evil; this sign I gave unto you as the sign of the state. Verily the will to death indicateth this sign!
Verily it beckoneth unto the preachers of death.'
'Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brethren: here there are states.
A state? What is that? Well! open now your ears unto me, for now will I say unto you my word concerning the death of peoples.
A state is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: "I, the state, am the people."
It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
Destroyers are they who lay snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.
Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against law and customs.
This sign I give unto you: every people speaketh its language of good and evil: this its neighbour understandeth not. Its language hath it devised for itself in laws and customs.
But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath it hath stolen.
False is everything in it: with stolen teeth it biteth, the biting one. False are even its bowels.
Confusion of language of good and evil; this sign I gave unto you as the sign of the state. Verily the will to death indicateth this sign!
Verily it beckoneth unto the preachers of death.'
Thursday, 9 May 2013
So Unnecessary
Mary Malone writes:
Boys go to the gym because they think about their body image. They want to look attractive to us girls in the consumer market. They sell themselves on street corners as much as any East End tart ever did.
So what does it mean to be a man these days?
It means to be unnecessary.
Fifty years ago, at a time when divorce was difficult and rare, a man was a husband, a father, a worker.
After he left school and began work a young man might be a bit of a rascal for a few years, but once he married, and became a father, he became a real man.
A real man took care of his wife and his children. He was a worker. He worked for his family.
A sorry, despised man, wasted his earnings on drink and gambling, on himself.
A real man didn't take drugs, he didn't sleep around. A real man was a provider.
The life of a man was a life of service; not that it was without its recompense.
He could be fairly sure that he would not end up divorced and lonely in some dingy bedsit, that it would be he, and not some other man who would be living with his beloved children.
He would be a father, not a sperm donor.
He would probably work Saturday mornings, and overtime too when available, but his wife would cook him a tasty meal. She would wash and clean for him. She would look after his children, their children.
And if he were lucky, his wife might put on a nice dress, a splash of perfume, some red lipstick, to welcome her man when he returned home tired and aching form a day of toil.
Boys go to the gym because they think about their body image. They want to look attractive to us girls in the consumer market. They sell themselves on street corners as much as any East End tart ever did.
So what does it mean to be a man these days?
It means to be unnecessary.
Fifty years ago, at a time when divorce was difficult and rare, a man was a husband, a father, a worker.
After he left school and began work a young man might be a bit of a rascal for a few years, but once he married, and became a father, he became a real man.
A real man took care of his wife and his children. He was a worker. He worked for his family.
A sorry, despised man, wasted his earnings on drink and gambling, on himself.
A real man didn't take drugs, he didn't sleep around. A real man was a provider.
The life of a man was a life of service; not that it was without its recompense.
He could be fairly sure that he would not end up divorced and lonely in some dingy bedsit, that it would be he, and not some other man who would be living with his beloved children.
He would be a father, not a sperm donor.
He would probably work Saturday mornings, and overtime too when available, but his wife would cook him a tasty meal. She would wash and clean for him. She would look after his children, their children.
And if he were lucky, his wife might put on a nice dress, a splash of perfume, some red lipstick, to welcome her man when he returned home tired and aching form a day of toil.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Chess is a competitive game and a war game and a great game.
To play is to be human, but does competition show that war too is a natural part of the human condition? After all, if I win a game of chess, my opponent loses, and suffers damage, if only to his ego.
In these equal days the triumph of the strong and the skilful and the lucky is deemed unfair.
So, is chess a depraved game? Does it lead our Youth to sin against Fairness?
Is it a boy thing? In other words, is it criminal?
Does it offend Big Mother?
If competition is wicked then surely chess is wicked too.
But all sports start with a theoretical equality, and that is where the pleasure lies.
It is nice to lie on my back, watching the clouds roll by, and it's nice to play my whistle and I enjoy the feeling that I might be improving as a whistle player, but it doesn't get the adrenalin running like a good game of chess with Dick.
Games are a sociable activity too. It is a way to get together, particularly for us guys.
Indeed, war probably originated as something like a Sunday afternoon game, like a rugby match between two neighbouring villages, an excuse for some fun and raucous laughter.
Perhaps one day somebody stopped playing, and took it all too seriously.
Perhaps one day somebody gave themselves over to the Lie.
Perhaps somebody lost faith and cheated.
To play is to be human, but does competition show that war too is a natural part of the human condition? After all, if I win a game of chess, my opponent loses, and suffers damage, if only to his ego.
In these equal days the triumph of the strong and the skilful and the lucky is deemed unfair.
So, is chess a depraved game? Does it lead our Youth to sin against Fairness?
Is it a boy thing? In other words, is it criminal?
Does it offend Big Mother?
If competition is wicked then surely chess is wicked too.
But all sports start with a theoretical equality, and that is where the pleasure lies.
It is nice to lie on my back, watching the clouds roll by, and it's nice to play my whistle and I enjoy the feeling that I might be improving as a whistle player, but it doesn't get the adrenalin running like a good game of chess with Dick.
Games are a sociable activity too. It is a way to get together, particularly for us guys.
Indeed, war probably originated as something like a Sunday afternoon game, like a rugby match between two neighbouring villages, an excuse for some fun and raucous laughter.
Perhaps one day somebody stopped playing, and took it all too seriously.
Perhaps one day somebody gave themselves over to the Lie.
Perhaps somebody lost faith and cheated.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
One of the striking differences between the fourteenth century, when a man was free to roam, and these drab days of regimentation is the difference in the concept of love.
In those far off days, a young man in Spring time might obsess about a girl. My friend, Dick, spent his whole life struck with awesome wonder at the loveliness of the fair sex.
Back then love and lust and desire were all part of one parcel for us common folk. Desire did not seem to preclude tenderness.
The overseer classes, the clerks and the knights, and the rulers at court, had their troubadours, and they created Romance.
In those days Dualist religion was all the rage; The spiritual was good; the physical was bad. For the hierarchs, Dualism meant that women were hated. Women embodied temptation, attachment to the physical world. They were only loved when they became disembodied, when the sexual instinct was taken out of love. Instead of being honoured, as we peasants honoured women, the hierarchs divided women into 'good' girls and 'bad' girls.
This they called Romance.
Romance really came into its own about two hundred years ago, with the triumph of Property throughout Europe. As capital accumulated and violence was centralized in the hierarchy, the countryside began to be viewed as a spectacle, something detached from the self. Likewise, other people began to be viewed as things, to be viewed and consumed from the perspective of the self.
We all became tourists, visitors, here for the sensation.
Again, women were disembodied, as people became more detached from reality.
Romance is essentially a collection of sensations from the point of view of the self, and when the self tires of the object of its ‘love’ it moves onto something, or somebody, else.
But back in the fourteenth century, for all the faults of the Roman Church, we saw Love less as Romance, and more as Charity.
Charity meant giving and supporting the loved one, not exploiting her. Physical love was not simply an exchange of experiences. We did not mine our beloved for fresh experiences.
But now, in a world of exchange, how are the children to learn how to cherish?
In those far off days, a young man in Spring time might obsess about a girl. My friend, Dick, spent his whole life struck with awesome wonder at the loveliness of the fair sex.
Back then love and lust and desire were all part of one parcel for us common folk. Desire did not seem to preclude tenderness.
The overseer classes, the clerks and the knights, and the rulers at court, had their troubadours, and they created Romance.
In those days Dualist religion was all the rage; The spiritual was good; the physical was bad. For the hierarchs, Dualism meant that women were hated. Women embodied temptation, attachment to the physical world. They were only loved when they became disembodied, when the sexual instinct was taken out of love. Instead of being honoured, as we peasants honoured women, the hierarchs divided women into 'good' girls and 'bad' girls.
This they called Romance.
Romance really came into its own about two hundred years ago, with the triumph of Property throughout Europe. As capital accumulated and violence was centralized in the hierarchy, the countryside began to be viewed as a spectacle, something detached from the self. Likewise, other people began to be viewed as things, to be viewed and consumed from the perspective of the self.
We all became tourists, visitors, here for the sensation.
Again, women were disembodied, as people became more detached from reality.
Romance is essentially a collection of sensations from the point of view of the self, and when the self tires of the object of its ‘love’ it moves onto something, or somebody, else.
But back in the fourteenth century, for all the faults of the Roman Church, we saw Love less as Romance, and more as Charity.
Charity meant giving and supporting the loved one, not exploiting her. Physical love was not simply an exchange of experiences. We did not mine our beloved for fresh experiences.
But now, in a world of exchange, how are the children to learn how to cherish?
Monday, 6 May 2013
Warning: Economic Growth May Lead To Poverty
If you make a chair and you sell it outside the economy of your nation state, the economy of your nation state becomes richer. If you sell the chair within your nation state the economy of your nation state will become richer too. There will be more chairs.
If you sell a service beyond the boundaries of your nation state then the economy of your nation state becomes richer, just as if you sold something more tangible.
However, if you sell a service within the boundaries of your nation state the economy will grow, and people may be richer, or they may not.
If the service is cooking meals for the elderly, then clearly the elderly benefit and they are ‘richer’.
However, if the service is a form that the elderly have to fill in, stating their racial characteristics and their sexual orientation there will be no benefit to the elderly person. Their productive time and their ink has been wasted. Someone has been paid to produce the useless forms and to process them.
Power has been centralised, but the elderly and the rest of us are poorer.
Money has been exchanged, economic activity has increased, but our time and energy has been wasted.
And so, with the obvious exception of the arms trade, manufacturing increases prosperity, whereas services may increase prosperity, but likely as not will not.
An economy such as ours which is primarily a service economy grows through internal colonisation, through increased centralisation and regulation of power, by the monetarisation of all activity.
For example, these days there are many sports activities organised for young children, such as football, where they have all the equipment and adults are present to supervise them. The adults are paid to supervise, and have been vetted by other adults who have been paid to check on them.
Yet fewer little boys are to be found playing football than fifty years ago, when they would play out, and make a couple of goalposts with their jumpers. This free activity is largely prohibited. Unsupervised, children are 'nuisances'. They are kept indoors because of the danger of cars, the perceived danger from paedophiles, and primary school homework (which did not exist fifty years ago)
There is vastly more economic activity, but less human activity.
Paying the Gatekeeper increases economic activity but decreases prosperity.
If you sell a service beyond the boundaries of your nation state then the economy of your nation state becomes richer, just as if you sold something more tangible.
However, if you sell a service within the boundaries of your nation state the economy will grow, and people may be richer, or they may not.
If the service is cooking meals for the elderly, then clearly the elderly benefit and they are ‘richer’.
However, if the service is a form that the elderly have to fill in, stating their racial characteristics and their sexual orientation there will be no benefit to the elderly person. Their productive time and their ink has been wasted. Someone has been paid to produce the useless forms and to process them.
Power has been centralised, but the elderly and the rest of us are poorer.
Money has been exchanged, economic activity has increased, but our time and energy has been wasted.
And so, with the obvious exception of the arms trade, manufacturing increases prosperity, whereas services may increase prosperity, but likely as not will not.
An economy such as ours which is primarily a service economy grows through internal colonisation, through increased centralisation and regulation of power, by the monetarisation of all activity.
For example, these days there are many sports activities organised for young children, such as football, where they have all the equipment and adults are present to supervise them. The adults are paid to supervise, and have been vetted by other adults who have been paid to check on them.
Yet fewer little boys are to be found playing football than fifty years ago, when they would play out, and make a couple of goalposts with their jumpers. This free activity is largely prohibited. Unsupervised, children are 'nuisances'. They are kept indoors because of the danger of cars, the perceived danger from paedophiles, and primary school homework (which did not exist fifty years ago)
There is vastly more economic activity, but less human activity.
Paying the Gatekeeper increases economic activity but decreases prosperity.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Widows Of The Living And The Dead
Some years ago my good lady, Revoltina, visited a friend in Andalusia. There was a distinct shortage of men in town. There are many places in this world where the men folk have left to find work.
In this poem Rosalia de Castro describes a similar situation in nineteenth century Galicia. Like Galicia herself, the Peasant Woman is left without a man to work for her, without a man to serve her.
Este vaise y aquel vaise
E todos, todos se van,
Galicia, sin homes quedas
Que te poidan traballar.
Tés en cambio orfos e orfas
E campos de soledad.
E nais que non teñen fillos
E fillos que non tén pais
E tés corazóns que sufren
Longas ausencias mortás
Viudas de vivos e mortos
Que ninguén consolará.
This one goes and that one goes,
All of them, all of them go.
Galicia, you are left without men
Who can work you.
Instead you are left with
Orphans and lonely fields.
And mothers without sons,
And sons without fathers
And hearts that suffer
The long dead absences,
Widows of the living and the dead
That no one can console.
In this poem Rosalia de Castro describes a similar situation in nineteenth century Galicia. Like Galicia herself, the Peasant Woman is left without a man to work for her, without a man to serve her.
Este vaise y aquel vaise
E todos, todos se van,
Galicia, sin homes quedas
Que te poidan traballar.
Tés en cambio orfos e orfas
E campos de soledad.
E nais que non teñen fillos
E fillos que non tén pais
E tés corazóns que sufren
Longas ausencias mortás
Viudas de vivos e mortos
Que ninguén consolará.
This one goes and that one goes,
All of them, all of them go.
Galicia, you are left without men
Who can work you.
Instead you are left with
Orphans and lonely fields.
And mothers without sons,
And sons without fathers
And hearts that suffer
The long dead absences,
Widows of the living and the dead
That no one can console.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
The Conclusions Of The Lollards
John Ball writes: It is many years since the Lord took the blindness from my eyes and let me see His Truth. For that I was expelled, beaten, imprisoned. For years I existed, a wandering preacher, living off the charity of poor peasants, sympathetic merchants, and even the occasional godly knight. Women, in particular, were glad to hear my message, for they feel a particular revulsion for the violence of men, the endless war in France, the self serving priests, the taxes that steal the strength of their youth.
Several years after my death, some fellow Lollards presented the Twelve Conclusions to King Richard and Parliament.
Here are the first three Conclusions:
1. That when the Church of England began to go mad after temporalities, like its great step-mother the Roman Church, and churches were authorized by appropriation in divers places, faith, hope and charity began to flee from our Church, because pride, with its doleful progeny of mortal sins, claimed this under title of truth. This conclusion is general, and proved by experience, custom and manner or fashion, as you shall afterwards hear.
2.That our usual priesthood which began in Rome, pretended to be of power more lofty than the angels, is not that priesthood which Christ ordained for His apostles. This conclusion is proved because the Roman priesthood is bestowed with signs, rites, and pontifical blessings, of small virtue, nowhere exemplified in Holy Scripture, because the bishop's ordinal and the New Testament scarcely agree, and we cannot see that the Holy Spirit, by the reason of any such signs, confers the gift, for He and all His excellent gifts cannot consist in any one with mortal sin. A corollary of this is that it is a grievous play for wise men to see bishops trifle with the Holy Spirit in the bestowal of orders, because they give the tonsure in outward appearance in place of pure hearts: and this is the unrestrained introduction of antichrist into the Church to give colour to idleness.
3. That the law of celibacy enjoined to priests, which was first ordained to the prejudice of women, brings sodomy into all the Holy Church, but we excuse ourselves by the Bible because the decree says that we should not mention it, though suspected. Reason and experience prove this conclusion: reason, because the good living of ecclesiastics must have a natural outlet or worse; experience, because the secret proof of such men is that they find delight in women, and when thou hast proved such a man, mark him well, because he is one of them. A corollary to this is that private religions and the originators or beginning of this sin would be specially worthy of being checked, but God of His power with regard to secret sin sends open vengeance in His Church.
Several years after my death, some fellow Lollards presented the Twelve Conclusions to King Richard and Parliament.
Here are the first three Conclusions:
1. That when the Church of England began to go mad after temporalities, like its great step-mother the Roman Church, and churches were authorized by appropriation in divers places, faith, hope and charity began to flee from our Church, because pride, with its doleful progeny of mortal sins, claimed this under title of truth. This conclusion is general, and proved by experience, custom and manner or fashion, as you shall afterwards hear.
2.That our usual priesthood which began in Rome, pretended to be of power more lofty than the angels, is not that priesthood which Christ ordained for His apostles. This conclusion is proved because the Roman priesthood is bestowed with signs, rites, and pontifical blessings, of small virtue, nowhere exemplified in Holy Scripture, because the bishop's ordinal and the New Testament scarcely agree, and we cannot see that the Holy Spirit, by the reason of any such signs, confers the gift, for He and all His excellent gifts cannot consist in any one with mortal sin. A corollary of this is that it is a grievous play for wise men to see bishops trifle with the Holy Spirit in the bestowal of orders, because they give the tonsure in outward appearance in place of pure hearts: and this is the unrestrained introduction of antichrist into the Church to give colour to idleness.
3. That the law of celibacy enjoined to priests, which was first ordained to the prejudice of women, brings sodomy into all the Holy Church, but we excuse ourselves by the Bible because the decree says that we should not mention it, though suspected. Reason and experience prove this conclusion: reason, because the good living of ecclesiastics must have a natural outlet or worse; experience, because the secret proof of such men is that they find delight in women, and when thou hast proved such a man, mark him well, because he is one of them. A corollary to this is that private religions and the originators or beginning of this sin would be specially worthy of being checked, but God of His power with regard to secret sin sends open vengeance in His Church.
Friday, 3 May 2013
A Compact Mass
From the conclusion of Brooks Adams' book published in 1895 The Law of Civilization and Decay:
'As the pressure of economic competition intensifies with social consolidation, the family regularly disintegrates, the children rejecting the parental authority at a steadily decreasing age: until finally the population fuses into a compact mass, in which all individuals are equal before the law, and all are forced to compete with each other for the means of subsistence. When at length wealth has accumulated sufficiently to find vent through capitalistic methods of farming and manufacture, children lose all value, for then hiring labour is always cheaper than breeding. Thenceforward, among the more extravagant races, the family dwindles, as in ancient Rome or modern France, and marriage, having become a luxury, decreases. Moreover the economic instinct impels parents to reduce the possible number of inheritors of their property, that its bulk might not shrink.
Upon women the effect of these changes is prodigious. Their whole relation to society is altered. From a religious sacrament marriage is metamorphosed into a civil contract, by mutual consent; and, as the obligations of maternity diminish, the relation of husband and wife resolves itself into a sort of business partnership, tending always to become more ephemeral. Frequent as divorce now is, it was even more so under the Antonines.'
'As the pressure of economic competition intensifies with social consolidation, the family regularly disintegrates, the children rejecting the parental authority at a steadily decreasing age: until finally the population fuses into a compact mass, in which all individuals are equal before the law, and all are forced to compete with each other for the means of subsistence. When at length wealth has accumulated sufficiently to find vent through capitalistic methods of farming and manufacture, children lose all value, for then hiring labour is always cheaper than breeding. Thenceforward, among the more extravagant races, the family dwindles, as in ancient Rome or modern France, and marriage, having become a luxury, decreases. Moreover the economic instinct impels parents to reduce the possible number of inheritors of their property, that its bulk might not shrink.
Upon women the effect of these changes is prodigious. Their whole relation to society is altered. From a religious sacrament marriage is metamorphosed into a civil contract, by mutual consent; and, as the obligations of maternity diminish, the relation of husband and wife resolves itself into a sort of business partnership, tending always to become more ephemeral. Frequent as divorce now is, it was even more so under the Antonines.'
Thursday, 2 May 2013
A False Equality
From her book The Denial Of Woman, Mary Malone writes;
'The religion of Equality, whose superstitions are the orthodoxy these days, seeks to reduce Woman to the level of Man.
To their credit, our ancestors knew that Woman was not like Man, and not simply because she has different genitalia. They were perfectly aware that gender is an integral part of a person's identity.
They knew that you are who you are, not who you want to be. They did not fantasize about what ought to be, and use their 'free will' to re-create themselves. They did not hate themselves as modern women do. They did not deny Woman.
When the Narrative tells us that all women should be Warriors and that all Men should be Carers, when the courage and resilience and the self denial of the male is denigrated, when the tenderness and love and practicality of the female is derided, when our children are taught that romance is gender neutral, that there is no difference between Woman and Man apart from our reproductive organs, we are staring into the abyss, we are on the edge of the destruction of Woman.
There is so much more to a man than his unseemly parts. He is strong, impulsive, energetic, loyal, irrational, childish, creative, everything a dog should be, and more.
Yet he lacks our adult purpose, our tenderness, our rationality. A man needs a woman for much more than her own unseemly parts. Without a woman a man is lost, as abandoned as a stray dog.
When a woman has a man and children she is complete. She has accomplished her will to power. She is the Mistress.
But a woman naked and alone, doing the work of men, has been stripped of her power.
For the Equal Woman, reduced to the level of the male, whose femininity has been ground down to the level of her sexual organs, there can be no romance, no love, no service, only mutual masturbation and genital imperialism.'
'The religion of Equality, whose superstitions are the orthodoxy these days, seeks to reduce Woman to the level of Man.
To their credit, our ancestors knew that Woman was not like Man, and not simply because she has different genitalia. They were perfectly aware that gender is an integral part of a person's identity.
They knew that you are who you are, not who you want to be. They did not fantasize about what ought to be, and use their 'free will' to re-create themselves. They did not hate themselves as modern women do. They did not deny Woman.
When the Narrative tells us that all women should be Warriors and that all Men should be Carers, when the courage and resilience and the self denial of the male is denigrated, when the tenderness and love and practicality of the female is derided, when our children are taught that romance is gender neutral, that there is no difference between Woman and Man apart from our reproductive organs, we are staring into the abyss, we are on the edge of the destruction of Woman.
There is so much more to a man than his unseemly parts. He is strong, impulsive, energetic, loyal, irrational, childish, creative, everything a dog should be, and more.
Yet he lacks our adult purpose, our tenderness, our rationality. A man needs a woman for much more than her own unseemly parts. Without a woman a man is lost, as abandoned as a stray dog.
When a woman has a man and children she is complete. She has accomplished her will to power. She is the Mistress.
But a woman naked and alone, doing the work of men, has been stripped of her power.
For the Equal Woman, reduced to the level of the male, whose femininity has been ground down to the level of her sexual organs, there can be no romance, no love, no service, only mutual masturbation and genital imperialism.'
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
There Are A Lot Of Foreigners Abroad
My friend Dick has been nagging me again. He wants to have his say on the burning issues of the day. He says I think too much, lying on my back out in the forest, chewing hemp all day long. He says my readers need to know the opinion of the Man on the Clapham Omnibus, or in Dick's case, the piss artist down the pub.
Here is Dick's take on immigration.
'I was down in London the other day. Foreigners everywhere. I mean foreigners everywhere from everywhere. It's supposed to be the capital of England, but where are the English? Southend, I suppose, if they're lucky - Scunthorpe if they're not.
I mean, I'm not being racist. I like West Indians. They play cricket, speak English, go to Protestant churches, and most of them have a drop or two of English blood in their veins.
And the Irish aren't too bad, either. They're from the British Isles like the English, though I'm not too keen on the Pope myself. I reckon he looks a bit shifty.
But who are these people from God forsaken places like Latvia and Zimbabwe and Kazakhstan?
Blimey, they'll be letting the French in next.
Me, I'm thinking of emigrating, there are so many foreigners here.
The only trouble is, when you go abroad, there are even more foreigners there than here.'
Here is Dick's take on immigration.
'I was down in London the other day. Foreigners everywhere. I mean foreigners everywhere from everywhere. It's supposed to be the capital of England, but where are the English? Southend, I suppose, if they're lucky - Scunthorpe if they're not.
I mean, I'm not being racist. I like West Indians. They play cricket, speak English, go to Protestant churches, and most of them have a drop or two of English blood in their veins.
And the Irish aren't too bad, either. They're from the British Isles like the English, though I'm not too keen on the Pope myself. I reckon he looks a bit shifty.
But who are these people from God forsaken places like Latvia and Zimbabwe and Kazakhstan?
Blimey, they'll be letting the French in next.
Me, I'm thinking of emigrating, there are so many foreigners here.
The only trouble is, when you go abroad, there are even more foreigners there than here.'
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